You guys are funny ........ but, at times, entertaining ....... so I'll play along (though I'd be careful if I were you ..... contributing to a "cult" thread) ......... I believe you would know, had you read my earlier post, that RAOS is not a club ...... it is an organization formed to promote excellence in wrestling ....... but you may call it anything you like ....... I'm not certain what MAW is talking about regarding his NRAOS name ....... as far as we're concerned, call yourself whatever you want, and support whomever you wish ....... we all have friends on wrestling teams throughout the state and we support them and their programs ...... our main interest is in advancing the level of Kansas Wrestling and we attemp to do that by working to build a strong program in Steveville ........ we know others are doing the same in their communities ........ are we an "exclusive" organization ....... if by that you are asking whether or not it is our intent to exclude people from RAOS, the answer is no .......... if you are asking whether or not people wanting to be RAOS members have dues to pay ..... you bet! .......... and I can only think of a few thousand other organizations which require the same .........

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?"