Would like to add Cathy Smith to Bracket-man's list of people who made this a great event .... also Mindy Suceda and Mikaeli ..... and Joey Gutierrez for the shirts and Greg Best for printing ..... lil sharpe for sending her tape of the national anthem ..... oh and good game to Tard from 98.9 The Rock for driving all night from Sturgis to round up the Death Car Karate Monkeys and get them to the tournament ....... there were a host of others who helped us set things up, distribute prizes, run concession and clean up ....... thanks to all for a great day ........ aside from that, the only problems were the blind referees (sorry about that) and the cheating by the eventual champion Shockers! ....... big suprises were the MonStars and Dirty Joes ...... for a while, looked like they might make it to the finals ...... the No Boys were a fun team to watch ...... I really thought they were going to take their second match when they went up 6-3 ..... Dirty Penguins had the best team uniforms until Andrew took of his fro and they all took out the teeth ...... Canadiansteve and Coach Petey did their usual good job of antagonizing, villifying, embarassing and occasionally being funny ....... they actually did a great job with their routine ...... they should, they work it every day at football practice ....... I told them they need to serious-up this year (like that'll work) ...... all in all, this was a really great event ..... and I guess we should give kudos to the champions of the 2005 Steveville Open Dodgeball Tournament, the Shockers ....... good game to the Head Bustas who fought back to take second ...... this is bad but U don't remember who was third ..... I think it was the Dirty Joes

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?"