Captain, good thing your mom was one of the four! .... Aliensteve has a first round bye and I'll keep you updated as soon as I hear from Tracey ...... Matt text messaged me and I'm sittin here at lunch trying to figure out how to reply ..... i know most 9 year olds can do it, but I'm a bit of a dinosaur with technology ..... before I forget, we sure want to thank everyone who supports our program and our quest to get our 8th grade program back! .....including the Cpatain's mom ... and our AD, Paul Colwell who presented the proposal to the BOE ...... the decision sure put smiles on our faces ..... Good Game!

Oh yeah ..... also heard from Hajisteve ..... he's doing well over there in Iraq and is going to send dome pictures .....

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?"