Kansas Wrestling

Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions

Posted By: Takedown145

Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 03:19 AM

I watched and listened closely during introductions of finals participants Sunday afternon and was very dissappointed in what I seen to be very poor taste and dissrespectful towards their opponant,,,,, Is it just me or is acting like your talking on a cell phone at the middle of the mat dissrespectful,or while your opponant is waiting at the middle of the mat for a handshake/high five you have to do several back flips to reach him,or flat out just walking and or struting to meet him,I know we used that to our little guys on not how to act when the spotlight is on you...... Hear your name,run to middle,slap hands and exit the mat,it is awesome accomplishment to reach that level,dont tarnish it by acting out of line!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 04:05 AM

i thought it was pretty funny when one of the little guys only walked a quarter of the way and made the other kid walk the rest of the way to him. A lot of people may think it's showboating and it's disrespectful but I disagree. I think the sport needs more people like this. It's entertaining, and a lot of times wrestling can be far from entertaining. For example I think Ben Askren and Johnny Hendricks and their antics have been great for the sport. It's given the people in the sport something to talk about, as well as given the people around the sport a reason to watch it.
Posted By: 24/7

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 01:08 PM

It's rediculous to wear shades, act like Terrell Owens with the cell phone, etc. Be respectful, then kick their tail on the mat.

Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 02:03 PM

 Originally Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth
i thought it was pretty funny when one of the little guys only walked a quarter of the way and made the other kid walk the rest of the way to him. A lot of people may think it's showboating and it's disrespectful but I disagree. I think the sport needs more people like this. It's entertaining, and a lot of times wrestling can be far from entertaining. For example I think Ben Askren and Johnny Hendricks and their antics have been great for the sport. It's given the people in the sport something to talk about, as well as given the people around the sport a reason to watch it.

I have to disagree with you on this one Curtis. If the other kid stopped right in the middle where they should, would they ever shake hands? I don't mind the shades or a back flip AFTER they shake hands, but I think the cell phone or not extending your hand is a sign of weak character to disrespect a kid that got to that final the same way you did.
Posted By: Jim Gaither

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 02:21 PM

Curtis, I will chalk up your comment to still being young and a little full of yourself. ;\) I have to agree with Chief. There is a difference between showing confidence and being disrespectful. You can still do some showboating and also show respect for your opponent and the sport. The antics mentioned above are disrespectful in my opinion.
Posted By: windjammer

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 02:33 PM

I think it's completely unacceptable. Even the NFL doesn't allow it, and USAW kids shouldn't allow it either. Do you think it's funny to the nervous young kid in front of thousands of people that he has to go 3/4 of the way to meet his opponent? I think that anything other than meeting your opponent in the middle, shaking hands and leaving the floor should result in an unsportsmanlike conduct and forfeiture of your championship match.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 04:37 PM

Just curious. Did the kid who went halfway and the cell phone kid lose in the final? If they did, did they show up for the picture?
Posted By: VanFam7

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 05:44 PM

I have always taken pride in the fact that this sport had an outstanding show of good sportmanship and respect. We teach the wrestlers to shake hands before they begin their matches and at the end of every match. They shake hands with the opposing coach and sometimes the officals. I think they gain character and self-discipline by participationg in this behavior. I was disgusted by the behaviors that I witnessed before the finals! I don't think there is anything entertaining about this type of behavior, whether it comes from USA kids, NCAA, or NFL. It show a deep lack of integrity and good sportsmanship. It also shows how shallow and disrepectful you are. Let your confidence show on the mat with great speed, strength and knowledge of the sport. That will speak louder than any other actions you have.
I was also an unfortunate bystander at the 16's championship mat when a wrestler lost a match and then refused to go to the podium for photos. I know he was disappointed in losing and there was also a dispute about the officiating. But, nevertheless, you are 16, not 6. Be happy you got 2nd. There many others who would give anything to place 2nd at a state tournament.
Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 06:04 PM

I agree with Curtis. I thought it added to the ceremony Sunday. It has definately added to this message board today. Look, this is not a cookie cutter sport like so many others. It doesn't matter where your from, what race you are,how tall or short you are. If your thin or over weight. There is room for everyone, including kids that are a little over the top. What happens when the whistle blows is what I'm there for. So, if a kid who is on the biggest stage he has ever been on does something silly, no big deal. If he refused to shake hands that's one thing, but emulating T.O. I thought was kind of funny. The back flip was sweet; the making you opponent go further then 1/2 way is a little questionable,little Alpha Male thing, but overall I enjoyed most of the antics. Hey, there was also some great wrestling that followed!
Posted By: LancerLou

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 07:21 PM

I did not like the showboating. I remember the advice of one of my son's earlier coaches who would sit you out for this sort of antic. He told the guys they should have class and act like they'd been there before.
Posted By: S McFee

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 07:33 PM

 Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
[quote=Curtis Chenoweth]i thought it was pretty funny when one of the little guys only walked a quarter of the way and made the other kid walk the rest of the way to him. A lot of people may think it's showboating and it's disrespectful but I disagree. I think the sport needs more people like this. It's entertaining, and a lot of times wrestling can be far from entertaining. For example I think Ben Askren and Johnny Hendricks and their antics have been great for the sport. It's given the people in the sport something to talk about, as well as given the people around the sport a reason to watch it.

I have watched Askren and Hendricks for the last 4 years. Never have I seen them fail to go to the middle for a handshake, or act anything but respectful to an opponent in the period immediately before or after a match (during is another story!) The celebrating, and "showboating" is done off the mat, not in someones face. To me that is the difference between class and a "wannabe" who thinks its cool to make a fool out of themselves. A shame that someone would teach a kid to act like this, either overtly suggesting it or failure to discipline the small things that happened before.
Posted By: TheTiger

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 08:51 PM

I think the antics during the introductions are uncalled for. That is a time to show respect for your opponent, not a time to showboat yourself.

In contrast to that, I quite enjoy some of the things that happen AFTER a wrestler wins the finals match. Be it a back flip or a skip. That is the time for celebration, not before the match. I wouldn't allow my kids to do it.
Posted By: ltrain

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 08:59 PM

I agree with disqualifying these kids for acting like they did and disrespecting a great sport. My proudest moment as a parent came last Summer at the AAU national track meet. My daughter had finished fifth in her race, the girl who finished second was also from Kansas, she was the two time defending national champion and had never lost a race at nationals, she was very upset and sat alone crying at the finish line. My daughter went over, helped her to her feet, put her arm around her, and walked to the awards stand with her. She showed true championship charecter that day. For the most part I have seen kids that can be proud of their actions during the introductions, it is a moment to be proud of, it's ashame that a few spoil it for many.
Posted By: kotahsmom

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 09:07 PM

I understand that we are tlaking about poor sportsmanship with the wrestler's but what about coach's and presidents of clubs?

I was under the impression that there was a President of a club whom is also a coach that caused a scene cause his club didn't get enough coachs passes and he couldn't get one from another coach in time to coach his child. So therefore he inturrupted a coach while coaching a match and demanded his pass while they were on the floor! Now that is really showing our wrestler's sprtsmanship! It shows them how to act if we don't get our way. LOL...and we wonder why our children act the way they do sometimes!
Posted By: cptkegman

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/27/07 09:46 PM

How do you know the kid on the cell phone was not talking to sick relative. the last time i checked the only way wrestler becomes rich and famous is the WWE. So better know how strut with style just ask Bobby Lashley. Why does the state ignore the most famous wrestling celebrate from Ks
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 01:14 AM

 Originally Posted By: cptkegman
How do you know the kid on the cell phone was not talking to sick relative. the last time i checked the only way wrestler becomes rich and famous is the WWE. So better know how strut with style just ask Bobby Lashley. Why does the state ignore the most famous wrestling celebrate from Ks

Captain Keg Man,

Posted By: wanwan21

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 01:51 AM

Some of you need to lighten up....after 4-5 months of training, 4-5 days a week of training--while at the same time going to school, doing homework--these kids needed to have a little fun! I don't think that the intent was to "disrespect" anyone--like another person stated--they were in the spotlight and enjoyed their few seconds of fame.
Posted By: tbau

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 02:10 AM

I think these kids just made themselves look like idiots. They looked like a bunch of little street thugs. It's disrepectful to the sport, their opponent, their familes and it needs to be stopped.
Posted By: gwrestling

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 02:24 AM

I have to clear the air about the child who walked only halfway out. If it was the wrestler, in the 8 and under weight class, he was a novice wrestler who worked hard to get to get to state,and reach the finals. He was a very nervous and didn't realize what he did and for sure didn't mean to disrespect anyone. I spoke with him right after the intros and he said the glare from the light hitting the mat made it hard to see and he was scared he might fall or something. He is a great kid, and does not display that type of behavior and would never disrespect any wrestler like that. No, I am not his father, but one of his coaches.

I do agree with others in that the cell phone antics and such were over the top and very disrespectful and should not be tolerated.
Posted By: wanwan21

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 02:28 AM

Talk about disrespectful---why would you say that they looked like "little street thugs"? Don't you have better words in your vocabulary? Are you saying that the kid that did the flips looked like a thug? He looked like an athletic young man to me. Or are you saying that by wearing sunglasses that puts you in the category of a thug? I am sure that you own a pair or two. You could have said that it was inappropriate, or something in that vain----instead of going for the jugular. If you are trying to make a point, try constructive criticism--it goes alot further than negative criticism.
Posted By: tbau

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 02:35 AM

I just call it as I see it.I was talking about the kids coming out with sunglasses talking on cell phones. I don't understand why their parents allowed them to do it.
Posted By: TheTiger

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 02:44 AM

I don't subscribe to the arguement that these kids have done this work and that work. The truth is every other kid out there participating put in the exact same work so to speak. And surprisingly enough you don't see a lot of them acting in that manner. I don't believe you can use excuses to justify poor behavior.

I'm not saying some of these things that were done where awful and terrible. Why not act in the spirit of the sport. Showboating is showboating.

From Websters

1. (informal) a person who behaves flamboyantly to gain attention; show-off.

Would talking on a cell phone not be an attempt to draw attention to one's self? Backflips to the center?

Hey I'm not saying don't have fun out there, because thats what we are all here for. But there is a time and place for that, and I personally believe that time is after you have won the finals match, and even then it shouldn't be something to degrade your opponent. To do this stuff before that match in an introduction meant to show mutual respect is disgraceful. Go out there shake the opponents hand and then go back and get yourself ready for the match (mentally/physically).

I can't say I'd have a major problem with this type of stuff continuing to go on from a standpoint of needed action by the state board. I think the lack of respect from those that understand sportsmanship is probably punishment enough. I cite as and example, that large amount of booing that happens to wrestlers who draw attention to themselves for whatever reason ( Not that I agree that booing is sportsmanlike either)
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 04:12 AM

Ok, to clear some things up. I was talking about the 8 and under kid, and I assumed everyone knew who I was talking about and I got a chuckle out of it b/c it was an innocent thing. Also, I'm not saying that every kid in the finals should do something ridiculous and dumb for attention. I've never acted that way and won't ever encourage a kid to act that way. I do think that some showboating is good for the sport. It draws attention not only to them, but to the sport. I'm not for the extreme showboating, but I'm all for watching some of the smaller stuff. There's nothing wrong with a kid doing a backflip after he's introduced. It's all in fun in my opinion.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 04:12 AM

And Mr. Gaither, I think we should blame it more on the fact that I know nothing about the sport...;\)
Posted By: luvmyson

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 04:13 AM

These kids are getting exactly what they wanted "Attention" from all of us....I agree right place and time for everything...
I guess we can be thankful that it wasnt our daughter or son out there making fools of themselves......

Wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to all wrestlers, who placed at state and even to the ones who didnt....its a great honor to even be there......Be proud of yourselves.......
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 07:54 AM

Who was the cell phone culprit?
Posted By: wanwan21

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 10:41 AM

You call it as it you see it? No, you get on the internet under a psuedo name and attack people, that is what you are doing. What is your motive in refering to them as street thugs? If it was to stop showboating, then speak on that issue without using such negative,demeaning terms to describe those that participated. My point was and still is, how dare you refer to them as street thugs. Do you get some sort of pleasure in degrading 14/16 year olds. IF your topic is "showboating should not be allowed", then stick to your point without name calling, if you are mature enough to do that.
Posted By: John Leupold

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 11:53 AM

My son felt totally ashamed after reading this post last night. I told him not to worry about it because in my opinion he has nothing to be ashamed about. Call him a thug, unsportsmanlike, or any thing else you want but let me say this. None of you know my son so until you get to know him don’t pass judgment. He was in no way trying to be disrespectful to anyone. We have been going to the state tournament for years now and one of our favorite parts are the introductions. I can’t remember a year when at least one kid didn’t do a back flip. Why is this the first time that anyone has said anything about it being disrespectful? For those of you who do know my son you know that he is very shy and will hardly talk to you until he gets to know you. He would have never dreamed that he was being disrespectful when he did the back flip during introductions. He didn’t even want to do it. He had several people (mostly adults) trying to talk him into it. I know that there rules about unsportsmanlike conduct. If this is so terrible why have they allowed it for years?

John Leupold
Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 12:12 PM

John, please tell your son that I liked the back flip; I liked his finals match even more. Keep up the good work.
Posted By: GT Williams

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 12:59 PM

People I think we need to be careful here. A wrestler should respect his opponent and I would admonish anyone who in anyway fails to do that. The antics portion is not that big a deal. We are a diverse group with many backgrounds and these kids sometimes feel the need to express themselves and that is just the way kids are. I suggest we should allow that freedom of expression and not worry about it. Of course the parents and coaches should instruct and monitor the behavior. By the way, Camron Leupold is a great kid. My $.02.

Tom Williams
Posted By: cjws

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 01:03 PM

one of the many reasons im proud of my son is when a match is over you could not tell if he won or lost,never disrespecting his opponets or officals even on some questionable calls.he always would shake refs hand after a match and that comes from wrestling 8 yrs for matt collins and mayo tovar, it comes from the coaches and or clubs, on just how much they will allow and how they want their club to be represented.
Posted By: Zach F. Dad

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 01:05 PM

I left before the finals and didn't see any of this, but it's bad enough we have to endure all the premeditated endzone celebrations in the NFL. Thank God for college sports that still demand a little class. I don't mind some excitement, back flips for example, something spontaneous. But the premeditated showboating shows nothing but lack of class and arrogance that you may or may not be able to back up. Most people love nothing more than watching the guy that acts like that going down. I have a lot more respect for a kid that lets his wrestling ability do the talking for him.
Posted By: windjammer

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 01:12 PM


You are correct, kids have been doing backflips for years. Frankly, I haven't had a real problem with that and this topic would not probably be posted if backflips were the worst being done. I think the reason for the outcry this year is not because of the backflips. It has escalated to cell phones, sunglasses, poses and fake photographers following you onto the mat.
Posted By: John Leupold

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 01:32 PM

Thanks to all for the kind words....I agree it got a little out of control this year.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 01:32 PM

 Originally Posted By: gwrestling
I have to clear the air about the child who walked only halfway out. If it was the wrestler, in the 8 and under weight class, he was a novice wrestler who worked hard to get to get to state,and reach the finals. He was a very nervous and didn't realize what he did and for sure didn't mean to disrespect anyone. I spoke with him right after the intros and he said the glare from the light hitting the mat made it hard to see and he was scared he might fall or something. He is a great kid, and does not display that type of behavior and would never disrespect any wrestler like that. No, I am not his father, but one of his coaches.

I do agree with others in that the cell phone antics and such were over the top and very disrespectful and should not be tolerated.

I'm glad you cleared that up. On the surface it sounded like a motivated show of disrespect. Now I understand what you meant Curtis. I really have no problem with the backflips, as long as it's after the handshake. The cell phone however was a weak attempt to gain attention.
Posted By: tbau

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 05:36 PM

I was not talking about Camron there is nothing wrong with what he did. I am sorry if I offended anyone but when the kids come out with the sunglasses and cellphones I thought it was tacky at best. Maybe thug was too strong a word but when it happened thats what I thought. I think its important for kids to realize how they are percieved by other people, and that their actions directly reflect on that. again I am sorry if anyone was offended. wanwan21 who are you??

Tom Baughman
Posted By: cptkegman

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 08:53 PM

great sport yes but do your history the only reason the sport exist becuase gladator to proform infront of 87000 romans show off there abilties as a fighter but also entertianing the fans so they get payed and feed so there showing off is just tradtion
Posted By: Takedown145

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/28/07 10:21 PM

First of all Mr.Leuopold by no means was I bad mouthing your son,to be honest didn't even notice him doing one,met him at salina and was really impressed so my apology...I seen a little older kid doing back flips and that was all I seen do one,,My point is this,as these kids grow into young men and Im talking 12 and up they know when they are being disrespected,shown up,etc.... what would have happened if the other young man who was waiting for a hand shake felt shown up and carried that into his/her match and it escalated into something major then that young man would be hung on this forum probally by the same people who are condoning the back flips,cell phone etc.... I agree with CHIEF if your gonna do that wait until after you shake hands,my son who is 13 fought same actions in football and frankly said if that would have happened to him he would have turned around and not shook his oppanents hand,him and his teamates all looked at it as disrespectful,would you give him or whoever the same understanding for not shaking a hand or having words during/after there matchup???? I thought I might have over reacted and kept my mouth shut but more I think about it dont think so,it's not the circus where acts like that would be gladly seen,not calling anyone out,that's not my intention but if my son did that I would expect to read the same on some post
Posted By: TheTiger

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/29/07 03:43 AM

I agree, backflips maybe done after the shake aren't that big of a deal, but if we continue to let this escalate like it did this year, it will only get much worse.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/29/07 04:07 AM

 Originally Posted By: cptkegman
great sport yes but do your history the only reason the sport exist becuase gladator to proform infront of 87000 romans show off there abilties as a fighter but also entertianing the fans so they get payed and feed so there showing off is just tradtion

The sport wouldn't have existed if not for gladiators entertaining the fans to get paid and fed? Now that is called reaching.
Posted By: TheTiger

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/29/07 06:24 AM

But where does it cross the line Cpt?

Perhaps a "crotch chop"? Of course there is always the ever popular "Cut throat" Perhaps next year one of the 10 year olds can have a girl dressed in a skimpy bikini escort him out to the middle?
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/29/07 12:33 PM

 Originally Posted By: cptkegman
great sport yes but do your history the only reason the sport exist becuase gladator to proform infront of 87000 romans show off there abilties as a fighter but also entertianing the fans so they get payed and feed so there showing off is just tradtion

The Greeks are actually the ones responsible for starting competitive wrestling. And if you wanna get real technical, it was probably Jacob wrestling with the angel in Genesis that's really responsible for the entire idea of wrestling. Then you can trace it all the way through time after that, which is many years before the Romans. So to say that the Romans is the only reason our sport exists is not just a bit of a stretch, but a completely false statement. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Posted By: AKnorr

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/30/07 01:51 AM

haha nice
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/30/07 10:07 AM

 Originally Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth
 Originally Posted By: cptkegman
great sport yes but do your history the only reason the sport exist becuase gladator to proform infront of 87000 romans show off there abilties as a fighter but also entertianing the fans so they get payed and feed so there showing off is just tradtion

The Greeks are actually the ones responsible for starting competitive wrestling. And if you wanna get real technical, it was probably Jacob wrestling with the angel in Genesis that's really responsible for the entire idea of wrestling. Then you can trace it all the way through time after that, which is many years before the Romans. So to say that the Romans is the only reason our sport exists is not just a bit of a stretch, but a completely false statement. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Jacob wrestling with the Angel should be enough for more private colleges in the state to add wrestling..."tell me mr. athletic director...where in the good book does it mention basketball?"
Posted By: dwatkins

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/30/07 12:42 PM

I think not meeting the other wrestlers in the middle was poor sportsmanship indeed, but as far as the other actions, they may feel they need the extra attention. When your athlete is a true athlete, he will be in the spotlight when walks on the mat, nothing special required. Some of the actions we wittnessed made ours go to the challenger and tell them what a good job they did. It only made him proud of what he is and how he handles his success.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 03/30/07 02:15 PM

 Originally Posted By: Aaron Sweazy
 Originally Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth
 Originally Posted By: cptkegman
great sport yes but do your history the only reason the sport exist becuase gladator to proform infront of 87000 romans show off there abilties as a fighter but also entertianing the fans so they get payed and feed so there showing off is just tradtion

The Greeks are actually the ones responsible for starting competitive wrestling. And if you wanna get real technical, it was probably Jacob wrestling with the angel in Genesis that's really responsible for the entire idea of wrestling. Then you can trace it all the way through time after that, which is many years before the Romans. So to say that the Romans is the only reason our sport exists is not just a bit of a stretch, but a completely false statement. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Jacob wrestling with the Angel should be enough for more private colleges in the state to add wrestling..."tell me mr. athletic director...where in the good book does it mention basketball?"

Sorry swayz, this may be a bit of a stretch but they played in David's court.:) Side note I wanted to name my boy Jacob Israel but momma overruled me to Jacob Daniel
Posted By: 2coach

Re: Poor taste/sportsmanship during introductions - 04/02/07 05:48 PM

showboating is showboating, it's a ugly thing to do. This sport dont need that. To be one of the top six in the state, Heck to be in the top sixteen that make it to state should be enough for people to know who the kids are. To do something that sticks out or disrespects the other wrestler is bad sportsmanship, and that needs to STOP !!!!
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