Kansas Wrestling

funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament

Posted By: Chewbac

funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/08/10 03:25 AM

i was just wondering what are some thing your heard at wrestling tournament... like this past weekend in hays tournament. A kid that coach his coaching Alex. well he wuz wrestling some kid from hays well alex took him down to his back and pinned the kid. but that kid was laying down on his back hurting. and Alex turns around and ask me and the other coach "are they gonna press charges on me" but yea i just hope the kid is ok.
Posted By: NColtrane

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/08/10 03:03 PM

Emporia Novice, two kids were fighting for control, both prone facing each other and spinning to control legs. This went on for 20-30 secs. A stalemate was called and the kids came to their feet. One kids stood still for awhile and when asked if he was okay by the ref (Coach Charbonneau, Emporia HS HC) he begain rolling his head around and said "give me a minute, I'm dizzy". Coaches, kids, parents and ref began laughing, it was so funny.
Posted By: smokeycabin

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/08/10 05:47 PM

1st year kid 7 or 8 years old comes staggering off the mat holding his belly like Fred Sanford (Sanford and Son TV series) held his heart and one hand in the air like a bull rider (Elizabeth I am coming to see you - she is in heaven). I ask the wrestler what is the problem. He said Coach he was choking my tummy (tight waist). I said go back out there and get on top of him and choke his tummy and then put the half on him and pin him. I looked at the coach beside me and we both busted a gut.

Another good one I had a few years back - our novice guy was pinning a wrestler chest to chest and out to the side , but he was on his knees. I told him to get on his toes. He got off the guy and stood up and started dancing around on his toes. - 1 escape for the other guy. He did what I asked - it was a little tough to coach the rest that match also - again, I was laughing so hard as he danced around.
Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/08/10 06:05 PM

My 8 year old came off the mat crying in Hays this weekend after taking a pretty good beating. I asked him why he was crying & he replied that the other kid popped his blood pressure out of place. After I popped it back in he was good for the next match.
Posted By: 68Miller

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/08/10 08:08 PM

A couple years ago I was standing with my son and we had bout 3 or 4 matches to wait. We were standing next to his opponent. Trying to teach some good sportmanship I told my son to tell the kid good luck. He replied to me "This aint church dad.....it's wrestling, and why do you want him to have good luck anyway?"
Posted By: DingusKahn

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/08/10 11:23 PM

This was many years ago but I will never forget it...two very little 6/u kids from the same team were just smiling and giggling during their whole match...neither one of them coulda been over 4...well one gets a takedown and the other kid bellies down...the boy on top looks over at the ref and says "cmon ref I got him on the mat pin him already"...the ref says "he has to be on his back to be pinned son"...so the boy on top stands up and says "hey buddy...why don't you roll over on your back so I can pin you already" the whole place erupted in laughter...especially when the boy on bottom said "sure no problem" and proceeded to get pinned!!

I will never forget that and everytime I get frustrated or I see my sons getting frustrated I remind them of that story and about how much fun those boys were having!!
Posted By: Jason Halling

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/08/10 11:41 PM

While coaching my nephew and one of my good friend's son, as novice wrestlers, we went to the Derby Tournament (pre-novice championship). We'd been there all day and starting to feel a little punch drunk anyway. The young 5 year only my nephew was wrestling toed the line quickly and readied himself for battle. My nephew attacked the kid in a whirl wind and his foe didn't respond at all. The foe simply went to his back and wiggled for several seconds. The boys jumped up with smiles and laughed to the line. As the young opponent proceded to our corner, and with the biggest crap-eatin' grin high fived us and said, "Now I'm goin' to the circus."

I didn't even have a chance to ask my nephew what he was smiling for. I assumed it was for the victory he'd just earned.

Nope - He asked "Can I go to the circus with that kid too." Needles to say we had a great time at the circus.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/09/10 02:40 AM

When my son was nine, we were at an early season tournament in Chanute. Shortly before his first match, he told me he had to use the restroom. I told him to hurry up and get it done so he would be ready to wrestle. He came back a few minutes later with his team t-shirt soaking wet. I asked why his shirt was wet and he looked up at me and said, "I dropped it in the toilet". After his match was over, I went and bought him a Chanute tournament t-shirt so he would have something dry to wear. I have purchased another fifteen or so tournament t-shirts over the years for him, and I am happy to report that it wasn't because he dropped his club shirt in the crapper.
Posted By: FishFood

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/09/10 06:56 PM

This year, we had 2 four year olds in our 6U group. They both had older brothers on our team and they were wrestling because it was better than sitting with Mom in the bleachers. They would practice for 20 minutes, go hang out with Mom, go to the snack bar...

We always end our 6U practice with a game. The Wednesday before our clubs tournament, we played the "Steal the Other Kids Legband" game. Mistake.

On Saturday, they were in a two man round robin. They both went out and toed the line, two 35lb gladiators. Ref blows the whistle. Red reaches down, pulls off Green's legband and proceeds to jump up and down and run around like he's just won a state championship.
Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/09/10 07:14 PM

Sitting in my office by myself laughing. That is a good one.
Posted By: GarateKids

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/09/10 07:19 PM

i liked that one and the one with the kid telling his buddy to hurry up and roll over,,,, too funny
Posted By: Teamroper

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/09/10 08:41 PM

At 6U my boy came off the mat after getting it kind of handed to him and I asked him if he was ok. He said ya I am okay but can I can something from the concussion stand?
Posted By: usawks1

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/09/10 09:12 PM

In my high school practice room, we were working on defending the legs from the referee position. I suggested one counter was to "be a proper lady" ... close your legs and pinch your knees.

A couple of days later we were at a dual match and one of our guys was on bottom and his opponent started to throw the legs in. One of his team mates yells from the bench, loud enough the opposing bench and a few fans could hear ... "deny, deny, be a proper lady!"
Posted By: n7m13c99

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/09/10 10:36 PM

Kids are great we should write everything down and make a book this stuff is so funny.LOL
Posted By: Chewbac

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/10/10 04:48 AM

thats a good idea writing them down and make a book of it.
Posted By: Paratroop

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/10/10 10:04 PM

While coaching Novice, an opponent wrestler shot at our wrestler who did a perfect sprawl flattening out the opponent. We began yelling at our wrestler to "get behind him and get your two" and saw our wrestler looking confused. We began yelling, "Spin drill. Spin drill." Our wrestler, did not one, but two compelete circles back to where he started. smile In the end we had to congratulate him on a perfectly executed spin drill!
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/11/10 01:38 AM

it wasn't at a tournament, but my first or second year coaching, we had these two brothers. jacob and curtis, man they would push each other in practice. curtis was older, but they were the best partner for each other, i hated matching them against each other, but it happened. this day was especially bad i seperated them at least three times. then we get to live wrestling, i wasn't paying attention and another coach paired them up!!! about a minute into it, i hear jacob let out a terrifying scream, he starts punching curtis. they're swinging and yelling, when i get over there, they are both in tears, huffing and puffing. i said boys what is the matter, "jacob that headlock was legal, and you certainly weren't getting choked, you screamed too loud!" he says:
" i wasn't getting choked, i couldn't hear!!!"
"i couldn't hear, curtis, i couldn't hear!!!"
jacob takes another swing at curtis, "curtis i can't hear!!!"
to this day some of the other kids (adults now) will yell when the see a headlock thrown. "curtis i can't hear!!!"
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/11/10 03:20 AM

Here is mine... My youngest was wrestling and losing by one point going into the third period. He had his choice so I told motioned to him to take down. He was six at this time. He shook his head no as he looked at me. I emphatically motioned for him to take down. He shook his head no again. So I stood up and said "Sammy, get down in referee's position!" He looked at me and grabbed his throat and stuck his tongue out. He then collapsed and laid on the mat. Both arms out. He told the official, Denny Hensley, that his headgear just started choking him. So, be aware of the spontaneous headgear choking that may occur. When I went out on the mat he told me that the kid was too tough and strong so he didn't want to be on bottom. smile
Posted By: fireman95

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/11/10 07:57 PM

One of my kids was wrestling a little girl and when he had her on her back you could see her talking to him. Later we ask what she was saying and he said, "she said her brother was gonna beat me up later!" It was the funniest thing I had ever heard!
Posted By: RJSteele

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/12/10 03:06 AM

Last year a first year 6 and under kid, half way through the season and half through this practice said

" Coach....I think I done playing wrestling"

He went and sat by Mom and he was serious, he did not leave Mom the rest of the night.
Posted By: BLT

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/15/10 08:07 AM

This weekend at Wellington some smaller boys were wrestling and there was I assume a father yelling at his kid.
The was on his back and the dad goes...
then he turns back and asked each person very quickly
being on your back is bad right
that's right isn't it
back is bad
ok ok
Then he turns back and yells to the wrestler...
I just checked with your mom and being on your back IS BAD.
Posted By: back in the day

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/15/10 02:10 PM

6 under - little boy wrestling cute little girl. Boy had darling on her back. and suddenly he let her up. After the match when asked why he had let her up. "She asked me to" was his sincere reply.
Posted By: ctpmama

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/15/10 03:27 PM

At the Park City tournament a couple of weeks ago the cutest little guy was wrestling in the 37 lb bracket. Before he wrestled he got down on one knee closed his eyes and prayed right there on the mat! Cutest thing Ive ever seen! He did it again during the middle of the match when there was a question on a point. He won - (Think he placed 3rd)!!! Dont know who he was, but couldnt help but cheer for the little guy!
Posted By: Allie

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/15/10 03:47 PM

I'm pretty sure that kid is about to start WWIII on the thread... Getting the BIG GUY to intervene in a match!!! I'm pretty sure that's not legal! smile He should have started praying sooner - maybe he would've gotten 1st!!
That is cute though. Too bad you didn't have your video camera!
Posted By: andrewsmom

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/16/10 06:15 PM

Seen the little boy get down and pray....it was the cutest thing I seen all year.
Posted By: J.Butcher

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/16/10 07:22 PM

It was my sons first match of his novice year and he was so nervous. He went up agaisnt a tough kid and slammed him down at the end of the first period. The boy was crying and didn't want to go back out but after some pushing from the coach and his parents he got back out on the mat. They tied up and my son got on top, the other kid gave up went limp and layed there, my son didn't realize you have to stay on top to get a pin so he got up. My sons coaches, dad, me, his sister all we yelling lay back down on top of him hurry before he gets up. The cutiest and funniest match I have ever seen and by far my favorite and the one I will show all his girlfriends when I meet them.
Posted By: KMac

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/17/10 04:12 AM

My son was a 1st yr wrestler (a 5 yr old wrestling for Bryce Hughbanks @ Maize). He was wrestling in only his 4th career tournament, but was in the Open Division at Tulsa Nationals. He still didn't understand how the scoring worked, but knew what he had been taught at practice. Anyway, he's on the back side of the bracket wrestling a Nebraska kid and winning by a comfortable margin late in the 3rd period, but looking like he's not very interested. The kid gets a bloody nose and they run injury time. My son walks over to Bryce and I in the corner with both hands behind his head and looking around not listening to anything that Bryce is telling him. Suddenly he looks over and sees the ref cleaning blood off the mat. He gets excited and asks, "Did I make him bleed? How did I do that?" The match continues and my son assumes the top position. He puts both hands behind his back and runs the Spinner drill from the kids' left hip around to his right hip and then back around to control in the top position. Bryce jumps out of his chair (cracking up) and says that is the funniest thing I've ever seen and that if all the Maize kids didn't win another match, that made it worth the trip. When my son came to the corner after shaking hands, Bryce asked why he did the spinner drill and he answered, "I wanted to score 2 more points."
Posted By: luellen

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/17/10 12:25 PM

cant remember where i heard this but someone was standing by the brackets at a tourny & a person standing beside them says, there sure is alot of werstlers with the last name Bye at this tournament.
Posted By: 2boyzwrstl

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/18/10 08:24 PM

During a wrestling practice a 5 yr old is wrestling live for one of the first times. He is absolutely exhausted and demoralized from the beating he is receiving. I walk to his side to provide some encouragement and some "belly down" advice. Time is called he rolls to his belly head down in his hands. I ask if he is alright,,, he replies after turning his head ever so slightly "I sure could use some chocolate milk".
Posted By: hwcmom

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/18/10 08:55 PM

Our club was working a table at the subs this past weekend when we had to call for a coach on matside. When the coach arrived the first thing he asked us is "What is his name?" We at the table had to compose ourselves. You could tell the coach did not usually coach this particular wrestler.

Regardless of his name, the boy won!!
Posted By: up4wrestling

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/19/10 05:20 PM

The little guy that kneels and says a prayer is Jayden Fletcher for the JCWC's....we all get a kick out of him! He says he just asks to wrestle good! You should watch a little closer to see his face as he handshakes prior to the match! Too CUTE!
At the Salina Tournament his coaches told him to move off of his opponents hips...so he starts swinging back and forth, bach and forth...his coaches couldn't stop laughing...good thing it was the 3rd period! He placed 3rd at Salina also!
Posted By: hotrodder54

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/21/10 02:37 AM

Today after a really tough match while talking to the other wrestlers Dad from behind my son Yells "Hey Dad look Bryce knocked my tooth out" With tooth in hand we turn and look to see it. I look at the Dad and Say "I'll send you a bill" other Dad says "I don't even know a dentist, Well hope it was a baby tooth" It was thank god.

Only in wrestling can two competors Coach/Dads be so at ease with physical Harm.... Priceless
Posted By: 4kids

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/21/10 11:19 PM

Okay got one for the aunts that don't know a thing about wrestling! During the district 3 tournament my son was in the finals we found out that his opponent was going to scratch due to injury. So of course we called family and friends to tell them he got first because the kid he was supposed to wrestle scratched. My sister calls and here is the way the conversation went. "Are you nervous?" "No, why?" "because you have to wrestle the kid that scratched you?" My son had to explain to her that the kid forfeited due to injury he suffered from subs in the finals with my him, so he automatically got first.
Posted By: Paratroop

Re: funniest thing ever heard or happen @ tournament - 03/22/10 12:22 AM

I remember a local tournament about 4 or 5 years ago, when my son and I were standing matside during a match. We saw a kid on his back fighting not to get pinned. The coach for the wrestler on his back was screaming, "Save your energy for the backside!". We couldn't believe it! We still giggle about it and say it when we're wrestling each other!
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