Kansas Wrestling

Are you getting burned out too?

Posted By: Alias

Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 02:25 AM

I’m getting burned out on sore losers.
I have a good question I would like everyone to weigh in on. If your kid is on top of the food chain, and getting 1st place 90% of the time, why do people think he will burn out before high school? All this talk about wrestling being fun and games until high school is malarkey. You can pretend that you don’t care if your kid wins or looses but your not fooling me or anyone else. Family values and hard work pay off! If you sit down and explain to your kids the value of life and making all the right choices he or she will grow into a champion. What I am trying to say is that you don’t have to threaten your kids and make them do things they don’t want to in order to see them achieve victory. I’m sick of all the excuses on why kids get beat. Its clear that one works harder then the other. To suggest that dad is way to hard is stupid. You are to easy on your kid! Take your kid to practice and get involved. Some of you know that you treat your kids like crap and you think it will toughen them up. It wont work! Just accept the fact that kids mature at different rates and jerking them off the mat in front of there friends wont make them wrestle any faster or stronger.
It is absolutely a waste of time to go to practice and watch your kid do half pushups and play around all night. For 2 hours a night my kid listens to his coach and maintains discipline. After that we screw off and tell jokes. (KID STUFF)

“Kids need to be kids”. How many times have you heard that? (only when he wins, right?) Boats, jet skis, sleepovers, campouts, bikes, cool friends…………my kids get to do lots of kid stuff.

Talk to your kids like they are one of your friends and you would be surprised at how well things will turn out.
The same people that talk all this stuff about kids burning out in high school don’t even have kids in high school. I think in some way they are trying to justify there kids loss.
Just because you wrestled in college or high school doesn't qualify your son as a star wrestler. And just because you never wrestled in college or high school doesn't mean your kid wont be a star wrestler. It all starts somewhere.
It's all up to the coach and our coach is obviously doing his job.

Posted By: Paratroop

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 02:57 AM

Um.......the wrestling movie thread was kinda fun. smile Usually the night before subs it's kinda fun on the forum.
Posted By: CWB

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 03:02 AM

I try to push all the kids I coach.Tell them why they need to do it right.Not just float though a move.If you want to do any thing in life,Try to do it the best you can.
Posted By: hotrodder54

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 03:04 AM

AWKWARD silence....the morning can't come fast enough. Got deep fast
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 03:19 AM

This guy has no idea what he is talking about. All over the place. Be hard and discipline them. Talk to them and be there friend. Combination of Jack and Stess. I don't know what kind of medications you take but you missed your last dose.
Posted By: Alias

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 03:44 AM

you know exactly what I am talking about. Are you saying that you have never seen some kid get punished for getting his butt handed to him at a tournament. And its always the dad or coach that THINKS his way is better than everyone elses. And your right! I did skip my last dose. The next time you see your mom can you get my pills off her dresser. The BLUE ones.
Posted By: hotrodder54

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 03:56 AM

If the kids on top maybe his way is better. Often second hand do we know why hes being punished? Was it losing or being a bad sport after a loss, disrespecting parents or coaches after losing. I don't know, And if your just walking past and see it going on do you!!!
Posted By: Paratroop

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 04:05 AM

Alias do you coach? I assume you do something with a club since you ask others to get involved. That's great. But at the same time your probably not helping your case with what ever club or coach you have an issue with. You should put your name and location, as the forum rules require, before calling someone, or I guess there mom, out.
Posted By: Alias

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 04:21 AM

every weekend there is a kid that gets pissed and throws his head gear down and has a tantrum. Lack of disapline!!!! That kid needs his butt kicked all the way home and then some. Im talking about the dads that have a hard time taking the loss (because they know it all and if they were 10 again it would be different) and have to be billy bad ass in front of everyone jerking thier kid off the mat. Your kid gets the better of someone but gets beat by the same kid later on down the road so dad goes balistic. Wrestling is skill, speed, guts, and a good work ethic. Some kids have more then the other kid and daddy cant stand it. Some of you are getting pissed off because you know that i am describing you to a tee. Every dog has his day.
Posted By: Alias

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 04:30 AM

He started it.

Don't go around telling everyone that "yah, that kid is good now but he will burn out in a few years and then we'll get'm" that is just like slapping the face of every hard working state champ, That is all im trying to say. Not everyone that wins on saturday is going to retire at 15 bucause he gets tired of winning. the ones that have a better chance of getting burned out are the ones that loose.
Posted By: Alias

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 04:35 AM

I dont have issues with clubs or coaches, like i said our coach does his job. We prove it on the mat every sat. I have issues with sore losers.
Posted By: hotrodder54

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 04:45 AM

Well you certinly have issues... good luck to you and yours
Posted By: Alias

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 04:52 AM

some of us dads spend a lot of time and money doing everything by the book and when someone trys to say our kids only win because we push them to hard is crap.
Posted By: Alias

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 04:59 AM

.......Don't be a hater! It needed said.
Posted By: CBR's Dad

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 07:51 AM

Are you saying that dad or coach needs to be more of a hard a** or take it easy on his kid? I'm generally upset at a kid when they don;t wrestle what i consider "our match". We always have a game plan. When we divert from that plan and get beat it does get frustrating and i've been known to rip a kid from time to time. I also have a pet peave about kids who cry on the mat( it burns me up inside). With that being said my step dad was a hard a** but rarely got involved with my sports. But god forbid i forgot to feed the animals. He would come down on me with a vengence if I forgot to do a chore. My step dad grew up on a dairy farm and the animals were the income so he wanted to pass that knowlege unto me.I DIDN'T CARE I WAS A SMART A** KID. When I got older I wished that he would have cared about wrestling as much as I did and rode my but a little more often.HE DIDN'T CARE HE NEVER WRESTLED. So now as an adult and a coach I don't sugar coat the facts when it comes to loosing matches. I tell the kid how it is and why it happened the way it did. Some time I question wether I'm handling a situation the correct way but every year of experience gets me closer to the answer.What i'm trying to say is the way a coach or parent deals with a situation is from past experience and we all lead different lives,grew up differently,and had different experiences in life. It's not for me to say how a kid should be handled beacuse i'm not involved in that kids life. We as coaches and parents know our kids the best. For me you better stick to the game plan (or try to)and walk off the mat with pride and an attitude that I will get that kid next time, or your likely to see me, "come down with a vevgence." This tactic has nothing to do with how good the other kid was beacuse we don't worry about other kids. We only have concern for ourselves when it comes to "our match." So in the future if you see a coach ripping on a kid for something it may not be beacuse he lost to a lesser kid or a better kid. It may be entirely the opposite. Hope this helps you gain some perspective about dealing with youth athletics.
Posted By: CBR's Dad

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 08:03 AM

By the way, burn out is generally caused by children involved in multiple sports on a year round basis or constant year round activity in the same sport. There is no down time between activities so sports seem never ending. Some can handle it, some can't. Quitting, is often confused for burnout. Or in my opinion used as an excuse for getting out of a sport. Burnout is a heated issue among coaches and you can find alot of good facts about both sides of the issue. I myself am still trying to find out how to keep the practice room exciting and new to avoid the dreaded "BURNOUT". By the way I have kids in high school and coach girls at that level.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 10:18 AM

Strange thread.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 10:33 AM

Reminds me of a drunk guy standing in a corner arguing with himself.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 10:45 AM

You crack me up Beeson. Good luck today.
Posted By: bockman

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 09:28 PM

All I can say is wow. Someone needs some anger management classes. Why do you feel you have to talk about someones mom by the way. What a cheap shot and uncalled for. I guess you can do that when you dont give out your name to the person you were talking to. I dont think I would be talking to that person like that by the way. Your probably lucky he is a laid back person and you probably shouldnt give your name to him. I agree on the sore loser thing but I will tell you this if the kids are winning on headlocks and snakes and cow catchers now good luck using those moves in highschool because they are not a high percentage move. Just look at those clubs using those now and look at the highschool that club feeds into. 9 out of 10 schools dont have much of a highschool program.
Posted By: ictdad

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/13/10 09:59 PM

I'm trying find out if I'm a good dad or not!
Posted By: doug747

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 01:56 AM

When I first read the post, I had typed out a response thanking him/her for the scolding, or was it a pat on the back? I reread it again, but couldn't figure out where he/she was coming from, so I didn't post it. Medication is definitely in order, or possibly laying off the hooch...........
Posted By: Owlbacker

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 02:07 AM

I am thinking adults mature at different rates, sometimes slower than the kids
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 02:28 AM

This is way off the subject but what do blue pills do?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 02:28 AM

never mind.......my wife told me. LOL
Posted By: EudoraJrCards

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 02:59 AM

This post was so awkward, I had to post myself.

What do the blue pills do ? lol
Posted By: DamonParker

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 04:49 AM

Come on, people. Don't bite on this one. Look at the post count. This looks/sounds like the work of Ricky Bobby trying to get some panties in a twist.
Posted By: John Moses

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 05:25 AM

Who is your coach? I would like to commend him or her for doing a great job with our future wrestlers!!!!
Posted By: O.C. Boys!!!

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/14/10 06:38 PM

And still no name and location from alias...
Posted By: nix

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/15/10 03:54 AM

well if he's taking those blue pills we will just assume his name is LIMPY.
Posted By: CoachMiller

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/15/10 04:34 AM

WOW! First of all sore losers are the worst thnig to have. The real question to "Alias" is are you even a bronze coach or just a dad? If you are a coach you were taught that you are to keep wrestling fun and you will learn that it is a responsibility to keep these wrestlers safe. I have had several incidents that I have seen parents yelling at there kids and gotten involved. I don't just jump in but pull the parent aside and talk to them and explain better approaches. At the same time I have discussed the issues I have seen with wrestlers throwing there attitudes to the wrestler and explained how that effects them and represents there team. As for the burnt out subject, it happens to those that lose and win. I have seen several wrestlers "quit" that are excellent wrestlers and even one that was a two time high school champion get "burnt out his senior year". Give your kids some breaks and be sure they are having fun!!
Posted By: mowildcat

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/15/10 07:35 PM

No one likes losing
Show me somebody that is a good loser and I will show you someone that loses a lot!!
Posted By: J.Butcher

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/15/10 09:26 PM

I get where this guy is coming from. As a mom I hate seeing some poor kid getting pulled off the mat by some medal-hungry dad. I am glad someone is standing up and saying this is wrong. Maybe it is the ramblings of a mad-man, who knows, but it needed to be said.
Posted By: Svo69

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/17/10 09:54 PM

I'm a big believer that the "attitude" of parents and coaches, plays an immeasurable role in the willingness of a wrestler to "stay the course", and "stay at it".

We all know that "winning" offers its own rewards. It's how a coach and/or a parent handles the "losses" that can definitely affect the willingness of a young athlete to endure the arduous practices and forfeiture of relaxing week-ends, such that the "winds in their wrestling sails", remain in-tact, throughout high-school.

We all "hit walls", and some of us do not find immediate success - but these impediments can be detoured by positive feedback and encouragement.

For what it's worth... I find it very distasteful when a very successful athlete experiences a rare loss and throws a "temper tantrum".

Very recently a very successful Bishop Carroll high school wrestler (an eventual state champion) experienced a devastating loss at a regional tournament. His reaction to this loss was less than exemplary. He threw his headgear in disgust, and otherwise engaged in some mild histrionics, which triggered an immediate reaction from his father. who descended from the stands and instantly demanded that his son retrieve his headgear and put an immediate stop to this behavior!

Junior "straitened up", and regained his composure. Dad simply wasn't going to tolerate that type of behavior and/or conduct from his son! Junior knew it! Junior did as his father asked. (I doubt he much liked it)

I instantly became a big fan of this kid, and rooted for him at the state tournament - which, by the way, he won.
Posted By: Svo69

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/17/10 09:56 PM

Correction: the aforereferenced "behavior" may have taken place at the Greater Wichita Area Wrestling Tournament.
Posted By: Svo69

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/17/10 10:10 PM

Oh,and as an aside, Alias....taking off on some poster's mother - no matter how obnoxious or objectionable their comments appear to be - strikes me as more than a little, "out-of-bounds", despite the fact that they may have been somewhat less than diplomatic in their response to your original post.

Posted By: Beeson

Re: Are you getting burned out too? - 03/17/10 10:22 PM

I am a "little" more diplomatic when responding to a poster who has the stones to sign their name. I also tend to be a little more tactful when a nameless person is not ranting.
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