Kansas Wrestling

Motel manners

Posted By: Firewife93

Motel manners - 03/27/10 10:13 PM

This is our third year at state. But last night was BY FAR the worst example I have EVER seen of poor parenting and kids running wild.

Don't you think if your kid is wrestling their heart out the next day that you ought to GET THEM TO BED EARLY??? How about feeding them a good supper and getting to bed by 9:00? Makes sense to me as most of us had to get up around 5 or 6 am to make it to the opening ceremony on time.

In our motel last night there were kids running up and down the hall until very late. Parents were laying around out in the hallway, drinking beer and just yelling at their kids while they ran wild! I could not believe it. The poor motel staff was just astounded, you could tell by their faces.

Please parents: GROW UP. Be the parent. At the very least, corral them into your own motel room, so the rest of us can go to sleep!
Posted By: Firewife93

Re: Motel manners - 03/27/10 10:15 PM

I am really hoping that tonight will be different. My son is wrestling tomorrow and I'd really like him to get a decent night's sleep.
Posted By: CWB

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 01:09 AM

Lots of people now think they need to be the kids friends not there parents.To many people set on the side lines and let the kids pick at will.
Posted By: n7m13c99

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 02:14 AM

Amen sister out motel was the same. Now tonight parents in the hall drinking. Kids I know wrestle tomorrow still up running the halls!!!! WOW!!!!! What an example we are setting for our young wrestlers. Even at the Expo center it was rude behavior. I saw a man yell at an older woman she was about 70 or older. Because she sat in one of his seats. D$%* give me a break!!!!!
Posted By: CWB

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 03:04 AM

His seats mmmmm I was thinking they where the Expos seats.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 11:12 AM

It might help if you said which motel it was.
Posted By: Dean Welsh

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 12:30 PM

Complain to the hotel management. Doubt much will happen but it better than nothing.

This is my 21st year of teaching in public schools. And, like somebody wrote above, one big problem is parents trying to be buddies with their kids, rather than parents to their kids. Their kid gets a bad grade and they (the parent/parents) go on the offense and 'attack' the teacher rather than their own kid. . . In a lot of homes the kids run the show and they are not accountable to anyone, about anything. Sad deal. TV/X-BOX, Nitendo/Fast Food-Super-Size Me generation. . .

Yes, we still have some great parents and some great kids. But, not near as many as we used to.
Posted By: Firewife93

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 01:36 PM

Maybe it's all because of our general attitude that we are "entitled" to whatever we want to do. Our society seems to have no regard or concern for how our own behavior might affect others.

We are teaching our own children how to behave in a motel. Not that you can't have fun, but you can't run wild like an animal. You have to say "excuse me" when you get on the elevator instead of pushing your way through. You can't slam doors, jump on the bed, and act like you are in a fun house. You have to have some good judgment and try not to interfere with the stay of fellow travelers.

I'm not a perfect parent. I mess up. I'm just concerned that we are raising an entire generation that is so self-centered that they cannot see beyond their own self.

Another thought: when your child is well-fed and well-rested, they will wrestle better.
Posted By: Dean Welsh

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 03:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Firewife93
Maybe it's all because of our general attitude that we are "entitled" to whatever we want to do. Our society seems to have no regard or concern for how our own behavior might affect others.

We are teaching our own children how to behave in a motel. Not that you can't have fun, but you can't run wild like an animal. You have to say "excuse me" when you get on the elevator instead of pushing your way through. You can't slam doors, jump on the bed, and act like you are in a fun house. You have to have some good judgment and try not to interfere with the stay of fellow travelers.

I'm not a perfect parent. I mess up. I'm just concerned that we are raising an entire generation that is so self-centered that they cannot see beyond their own self.

Another thought: when your child is well-fed and well-rested, they will wrestle better.

Agreed. With a few tweaks.

They (kids) 'can and will' - we (adults) just have to give them consequences.

We can't control their choices or their behavior. But, we can sure as he-- control/give them consequences. Heaven help us if we don't/aren't.
Posted By: Allie

Re: Motel manners - 03/28/10 07:41 PM

We stayed at the Courtyard Marriott. I have to say that there was very little chaos in the halls. Upon check in I had to sign a piece of paper stating that I would be responsible for my (4) kids behavior while they were in the hotel. The agreement specifically stated what was expected from the kids AND parents.
Other than the kids who were playing hide and seek in the hallways - and that was early and you have to be very quiet playing hide and seek in the hallways!! - the kids and parents were very well mannered. So, I guess my friend totally scored when she made our reservations!
Posted By: Takealookatthat

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 02:46 AM

Yes your friend did!! My friend got us rooms at the Holidome on Fairlawn..we've always enjoyed this motel! Didn't realize we would be woke up 3am Sat morning to a very loud/disruptive confrontation between Topeka Police Dept and people rooming a couple rooms down from us...the confrontation became so intense that my whole family, including my young kids, was woke up and witnessed 2 young men (assuming they were wrestlers)being tazzed and placed in handcuffs by the police!! There were 5 police when we looked out our door and a very distraut dad!!OMG!! I don't know what the situation was, really don't care..In the last 8 yrs of coming to state have never witnessed anything of this magnitude..However I do have one question, were these outta control kids allowed to wrestle the weekend??

Goes back to the statement made above, parents wanting to be "buddies" and not parents! Kids have way too much leadway and not enuff consiquences!

As we all know, kids don't forget a thing...as we were arriving home tonight, my son said, "mom do you remember the cop sitting on top of that kid tazzing him!" Don't think this will be an unforgotten trip to state!
Posted By: plumgang5

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 11:10 AM

Kids running up and down the hall until after midnight, and parents in the gathering spot downstairs being way too loud...so loud we could hear entire conversations in our second floor room. How frustrating! At first, I thought, "Surely these can't be wrestling families?" until I heard a man ask one of the kids running down the hall, "Are you in the finals tomorrow?" (and didn't need to be at the Expo until late morning?). South Topeka Blvd Super 8. Really nice inside, BTW.
Posted By: A. Steele

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 12:00 PM

We stayed at the Hyatt and it was quiet and very nice. Almost fell asleep on the couch Saturday night at about 9:00. The staff was even helped work through a problem with the clubs account. Would stay at this hotel again next year. Wrestlers and parents all were great.

A. Steele
Posted By: AppFan

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 12:54 PM

We staryed at the Ramada and did not have any issues. I only heard about 1 or two kids after 10:00 pm slept like a baby both nights. The parents were fairly quite in the atrium area. Drinking yes but not rowdy.
I would have liked to seen someone get tasered and let me son watch just to show him how that probalby hurts like heck. Any volunteers,???
Posted By: AppFan

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 12:55 PM

Spell check police not necessary..
Posted By: Owlbacker

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 01:05 PM

You must have been in a different part of the hotel. We were in room 159 downstairs and at 2:00 Sunday morning we got to hear a guy kicking in his hotel room while screaming at his wife...then hear him break everything in his room for 20 minutes before the cops got there. It was after 4 before it got silent. It really didnt bother me, it sure beat what was on TV.
Posted By: AppFan

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 01:15 PM

Please tell me I did not miss a tasering.
Hate to see his bill the next day.
And we were on the 8th floor so I did not hear a thing,
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 01:24 PM

Did anyone say "don't tase me bro"?
Posted By: Owlbacker

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 01:30 PM

There was a very entertaining couple of minutes in there. Apparantly he has having trouble breaking some object and it took more than one try. He got a little louder each try and a bit more animated with his language. It reminded me of that movie "christmas story" when the old man would argue with the furnace. Just another memory from state. I hope there are better ones to come.
Posted By: ctpmama

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 01:56 PM

We were also at the Holidome. My kids were in bed by 9- asleep. Luckily, they are heavy sleepers and the chaos outside didnt wake them. I, however, couldnt sleep due to the noise and the kids running down the halls. I think it was around 1am sunday when someone was running up and down the halls knocking on doors. It was extremely frustrating. I manage to control my children, it would be nice if other people could do the same! Aside from the parents and the kids- the hotel staff was useless. Dont know that we will be back in that hotel next year if my son earns his way back to state.
Posted By: Bad MaamaJamma

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 02:18 PM

I like to see everyone joking about someone getting tased that is not really something to joke about espically if the person getting this type of treatmentis your family and there was no reason that it needed to resort to that so you all just need to keep your comments to yourselves
Posted By: Deucesmom

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 02:24 PM

We stayed at the Super 8 on SW Topeka Blvd. We were in the lobby with our kids for a meeting around 8:30 on Friday night. Our coaches told them to be in their rooms by 9:30 or 10. We left the lobby at 11. I personally went to the 2nd floor to see who was running and it was NO ONE from our club. I did however tell the kids who were up there to stop the running and didn't care whose club they were from. Trust me, if you know our coaches, they aren't going to tolerate that type of behavior from any kid on our team.
Posted By: Elvis

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 02:36 PM

It's a little bit funny.
Posted By: lynseywebb

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 03:11 PM

What happen to "What Happens In Topeka Stays In Topeka...."
Posted By: tmchenry4

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 04:50 PM

We also stayed at the Ramada on the 2nd floor, also woke up to the guy screaming at his wife (i assume) and banging on things including our door, woke up my son who had to wrestle early the next morning, got up went down to the front desk to find the guy working a sleep at the desk, few hours later woke up to the Band from the bar packing up there instruments and singing and being very loud until I finally yelled out the window and asked them to quiet down. Saturday was the worse night I have ever had in a Hotel.
Posted By: Owlbacker

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 05:16 PM

Originally Posted By: tmchenry4
We also stayed at the Ramada on the 2nd floor, also woke up to the guy screaming at his wife (i assume) and banging on things including our door, woke up my son who had to wrestle early the next morning, got up went down to the front desk to find the guy working a sleep at the desk, few hours later woke up to the Band from the bar packing up there instruments and singing and being very loud until I finally yelled out the window and asked them to quiet down. Saturday was the worse night I have ever had in a Hotel.

Oh yes I forgot about the Band being loud and drunk!! Thanks for yelling at them to shut up!!
Posted By: Deucesmom

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 05:25 PM

"ELVIS" what's a little bit funny??
Posted By: Teamroper

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 05:26 PM

I am blaming all this on them low life team ropers...oh wait....lol
Posted By: sekwrestling

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 06:47 PM

Regarding the incident at the Holidome and the tasering...It was not kids, it was 4 grown (ages 22-32) siblings who were in there room sleeping when security and cops burst in their door. They were cussed at, verbally abused. Their 16 year old brother witnessed his sibings being beat, thrown to the ground, handcuffed and tasered. He was traumatized to see this behavior from the police. Anyone thinking this is funny or entertaining....shame on you. How would you behave if you were awakened in the middle of the night and saw your family members treated like animals!! The rest of the family, including a 5 month old grandchild (who were in another room) were thrown into the street at 3:30 in the morning. That is pretty funny, huh? And by the way, the 16 year old took out his frustration on his 4 opponents on his way to a state title
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 07:05 PM

Were these young men arrested and if so under what charges?
Posted By: soate

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 09:36 PM

WOW,taser tag at the Holidome.Who knew
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 10:22 PM

Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
Were these young men arrested and if so under what charges?

that's a question that should be asked and answered in person. don't you think?

i don't feel that it's anyones business, besides the family, hotel, police, and courts now.
Posted By: Takealookatthat

Re: Motel manners - 03/29/10 11:58 PM

sekwrestling- I don't believe anyone is laughing, joking maybe, but not laughing! Because, your right..unless you witnessed the incident you have NO IDEA!! I do empathize with the young man
Posted By: Bill Michaud

Re: Motel manners - 03/30/10 12:44 AM

Mr. / Ms McHenry

I am in management with the company that owns the Ramada and am very disappointed that you had this experience. We tried to maintain quiet for those that wanted to sleep and had to get up to wrestle on Sunday. We doubled our security staff for the evening, but the staff was kept very busy maintaining order and quiet throughout the property. There was someone who was overly intoxicated and our security officer found him banging on doors. As for the band, there's no excuse. My apologies about this experience. It's not typical of our normal guest experience or acceptable to us as operators to provide our guests with this type of experience. Our General Manager will contact you tomorrow if your phone number is on your room folio.

Bill Michaud
Director of Operations
Parrish Hotel Corportation
Posted By: Takealookatthat

Re: Motel manners - 03/30/10 01:11 AM

WOW! That's amazing Bill..The holidome didn't even apologize to us for all the noise and disruption outside our room at 3am!! Note to self: stay at Ramada next year!!
Posted By: RYLANT

Re: Motel manners - 03/30/10 01:25 AM

Wow what is really amazing Bill is that you are the exact same person who manages the Holidome!! Why aren't you bragging about your awesome security and all of your hospitality there!!Look it up!
Posted By: Coach Knox 61

Re: Motel manners - 03/30/10 03:11 AM

Next year if the weather is nice as it was this year,I am going to try get as many teams as possible to sleep in tents.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Motel manners - 03/30/10 03:20 AM

Originally Posted By: HEADUP
Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
Were these young men arrested and if so under what charges?

that's a question that should be asked and answered in person. don't you think?

i don't feel that it's anyones business, besides the family, hotel, police, and courts now.

Then they should have kept it private from the beginning.
Posted By: Takealookatthat

Re: Motel manners - 03/30/10 04:28 AM

Bill if you also manage the Holidome, I take my compliment back! New note to self: Pack my camping supplies and join Coach Knox next year!!
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