Kansas Wrestling

Results at Maize


Results at Maize - 02/06/11 03:32 AM

Why haven't the results for Maize been posted? it is 1030pm
Posted By: Eagle One

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 03:53 AM

Because I haven't slept in 48 hours....

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 03:59 AM

Understand that it it is grueling, would it be easier to use trackwrestling?
Posted By: bubbasmom77

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 04:55 AM

Well I can tell you that it was a great tournament and well ran, great competition and if you wanted to know the results that bad....... Go to the tournament. Thanks Maize had a great time.

Mike Pirl

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 05:18 AM

Would have loved too, had to work. When will the results be posted? For such a big tourney results should have been posted by now, and I know this is a great tourney, so post the results.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 05:52 AM

Maize, Great Tournament...Great Competition...Lots of Fun...Thanks.

ALLSPORTS, sorry didn't catch your name. Did you forget to post it or are you just a punk?
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 10:33 AM

Originally Posted By: ALLSPORTS
Understand that it it is grueling, would it be easier to use trackwrestling?
Perhaps if you volunteer to PAY the fee for using Trackwrestling, Maize will consider utilizing this program next year. I prefer to keep Kansas dollars in Kansas and not line the pockets of Wisconsin residents.
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 10:40 AM

Originally Posted By: ALLSPORTS
Would have loved too, had to work. When will the results be posted? For such a big tourney results should have been posted by now, and I know this is a great tourney, so post the results.
For your convenience I have copied the forum rules below.

"Board Rules
This is a free forum, created for the purpose of promoting Kansas wrestling, and those who wrestle, through the exchange of thoughts and suggestions, and for the recognition of the accomplishments of those involved in our sport.

There are just two basic rules that are necessary to keep in mind. First, remember that this is a family oriented forum, and is regularly viewed by young wrestlers. Second, "cheap shots" will not be tolerated. If you are going to post a message critical of an individual, group or idea, you must give your true name and/or email address. Be willing to stand behind your comments, or keep them to yourself."

If you are going to be critical of the Maize Club sign your name to your post.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 01:49 PM

just last week i told my wife that the forums were staying more positive this year. then..............some jerk posts that the toc refs were the worst ever, and this punk gets upset because the results aren't delivered in a timely manner.

to all you complainers........please stay in line at the wal-mart service desk and OFF the forums. the VOLUNTEERS running these tournaments ARE NOT OBLIGATED to service your every need.
Posted By: wrestle4fun

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 02:25 PM

Well ran tournament. I must say that I would never, no matter what size of tournament, expect or ask that the results be posted the same day. Give them a couple days to recuperate and get back to their lives. They already spent many hours preparing and hosting so that are kids have a place to wrestle. Thanks to the Maize team!!
Posted By: Schrater

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 03:31 PM

Well ran tourney for the number of kids. Thanks for the local event!! Saw many great matches!!

As a relatively newcomer to kids wrestling (about 5 years) and one who is very comfortable with computers, I would like to list a few items:

1. Track wrestling is a great addition - a needed option.
2. I love satellite weigh-ins & Friday weigh-ins
3. Its programing as a data base is dated.
4. It is not the end all be all.
5. I enjoy reviewing the results as well as anyone.
6. I can call someone if I want the results.
7. I can show up and watch some matches --- I saw some serious banging going on in Maize. For example: In 10 64lbs, placers in Maize did not place in TOC (i believe). Tells you how tough that bracket was!!!
8. Only 48 hours without rest?? Sounds like Bryce had it easy!!!!
9. All clubs are getting their resources stretched to put on a tournament..YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO IDEA!!. These are not "paid productions". Goal - kids entered, kids wrestled, good matches, on time, no injuries..enough said.
10. Next complaint about track wrestling - offer to step up and pay for the track fee, rent computers, printers, pay for ink, copiers, training on running the program or pay for someone to run it, etc.... Enough already!!
11. I suggest you thank each club, each week that puts on a tournament. It has gotten MUCH MORE DIFFICULT in the last few years with getting facilities, paying facility fees, working with the school and their insane scheduling system. You obviously have no idea how much time & energy it takes a club. Be careful, it may soon be easier to charge an extra $30-$50 for each club member and NO TOURNAMENT.

Done with my rant....

See you all in Hutch & Derby novice next week - both are well ran tournaments.

Cory Schrater
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 03:40 PM

A couple more points.

1. The officials for this tournament were the best I have seen all year. Including USJOC, Kickoff, Tulsa, and Amarillo. Great Job to Wilms, Herman, Taylor, Little and the rest of the crew. This Crew should work the State Tournament and then fill in the remaining officials with others.

2. USJOC, Tulsa, and the Other BIG TOURNAMENTS do not post results for about a week.

3. Maize did a Great Job!
Posted By: eyeworks4u

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 06:44 PM

I agree ! Maize, my hat is off to your entire staff ! A tournament the size of yours can only be as good as the staff behind it . It is a ton of work and even harder work for those who have set the bar so high in the passed . Congrats Maize ,another successful year and tournament for you ! Thanks guys .
Posted By: eyeworks4u

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 06:51 PM

Cory you hit the bulls butt with a shovel ! Glad you are doing the work ! If you ever need anything just ask ole friend !
Posted By: doug747

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 08:09 PM

I want to know how our lives will change for the worse, if the results aren't posted same day, same week, same year, or ever.
Posted By: hotrodder54

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 08:22 PM

didn't get to go to tournament stupid job! Jonny had a great time and had some great matches. Well ran, seeded well from what I heard and all aroud good tournament.

And the only results I care about I saw this morning when he showed me the awesome belt! Good job MAIZE!
Posted By: bockman

Re: Results at Maize - 02/06/11 11:33 PM

most tournaments take a few days after the tournament is over to post results so not sure what the hurry is. this tournament is one of the best year after year. this is the first year we missed but will be back in the future. dont remember all the fuss about any other tournament not posting results a few days afterward. let them have there time to take to do it and make it right. hell if they posted something wrong someone would be bitching about that to. maybe they want to sit down and relax and have a damn beer for the superbowl or something.
Posted By: John Johnson

Re: Results at Maize - 02/07/11 01:43 AM

Don't you guys think you are overacting, I thought his comment was kind of 'toung-in-cheek', like he understood, but just wanted to know. Slow down w/ the punk comments. No wonder he did nto post his name. He did not complain about how it was ran, just asked for trackwrestling. At only .25 per kid, will not break a tourny Richard.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Results at Maize - 02/07/11 02:52 AM

Why does everybody think Trackwrestling is the answer. We used it this year, and I wasnt anymore impressed with it then with pencil and paper. That being said, Steven Foster did a great job running it for us. I personally did not think it was worth the extra .25 per kid.
Posted By: RodeoRef

Re: Results at Maize - 02/07/11 03:10 PM

Well ran tournament. We will definitely be back next year. Love the split format too. I have one kudo to send out to the workers that were in the wrestling room filling out brackets. I had a couple of questions that I needed answered and instead of blowing me off and giving me a generic answer, they found out right away and I found out what I needed to know. I was impressed with their attitudes. Thanks for being patient with me.
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