Kansas Wrestling

Ref with guts at Maize

Posted By: win by pin

Ref with guts at Maize - 02/07/11 03:35 AM

Was at Maize and saw a great match in the finals at 10 & under 67. The match ended 1 to 0 with the one point being a penilty point. It is about time a ref awarded a point for this kind of dirty wrestling. Don't know the refs name but we need more like you.
Posted By: Teamroper

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/07/11 12:26 PM

I thought he did well in that match and also in several other mathces.

There were alot of quality officials at that tournament.
Posted By: eyeworks4u

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/07/11 12:34 PM

The reffs name is Justin Crabbs ! I was at that match as well and even though Im a little partial to Justin I have to say great job , and awesome call as well !!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: eyeworks4u

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/07/11 12:40 PM

I heard alot of great comments and good things about the reffs at Maize ! I will extend gratitude , thanks , and apreciation from all of them to all of you ! THANKS GUYS !!!!!
Posted By: Crucifix

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/08/11 05:48 PM

I also was at matside when this unsportsman like conduct was going on. To the dad who was taping this match, take the tape and teach your son how not to beat himself. It will just get worse the older he gets. Don't give your new club a bad name like you did your old one
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 01:55 PM

What did the wrestler do that was so dirty?
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 02:18 PM

The wrestler in question wasn't dirty at his old club. What did he do that was so dirty? I didn't see the match.
Posted By: Crucifix

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 02:54 PM

He pushed the kid he was wrestling under the scores table after the whistle. He elbowed the other wrestled in the back of the neck after the whistle. The other wrestlers fingers were bleeding after the match fron him clawing with his finger nails. In the past i have watched the wrestler in question poke fingers in the eyes of who he was wrestling. Hell he even bit Boo Dryden a couple years ago at state and got Dis qualified.So haskins6 I dont know what you think dirty wrestling is but one of these days he is going to do it to the WRONG KID and the wrestling will be over and the ASS WHIP will start.
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 05:02 PM

My name is Aaron haskins not haskins6 and I've watched him wrestle for years. And you are wrong he's not dirty. Yes he's lost it a few times but 99 percent of the time he's been a clean wrestler. Not to mention if he were that dirty why would coach drydon let them on his team. Funny thing is you don't condone what he did but you would condone someone beating him up that makes you a hypocrite my man.
Posted By: Dboyzz4sho!

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 05:43 PM

cruifux'you r a joke,we come to wrestle!its not a track meet,its WRESTLING! SEE U AT THE NEXT LEVEL------MAYBE
Posted By: Crucifix

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 06:11 PM

dboyzz4sho you are the joke this next level you talk about how you going to get there when you cant even win Maize. 3 years trying = no belt. ha ha the joke is on you PUNK
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 06:41 PM

That's funny how many national championships does that kid have. I'd say yes we will see him at the next level.
Posted By: Dboyzz4sho!

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 06:55 PM

We r talking Maize right! Let's see 4 belts n three years,maize right-nothing against Maize great tournament.but like i said ur a JOKE! STEP Yo GAME UP!nationally known good or bad! Mostly Good! Joker Holla At Me Next time ur mat side watching my son wrestling! Lol
Posted By: Deucesmom

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 07:26 PM

First off let me say that the wrestler in question, DID pass skin and nail check. Would I be mad if my wrestler came off the mat from wrestling and his hands (which I didn't see) were cut up from his opponent?, sure I would be but I wouldn't go to the opponents coaches about it. Go complain to the people who checked him in. Second, lets put ourselves in these 2 boys shoes. The pressure these boys feel to WIN is enormous no doubt. I watched the match along with everyone else. Did I think both kids were stalling? Without a doubt. Did I think the wrestler in question was frustrated for being the only one called for stalling, sure do, heck so was I. No matter who you are (and I do partially believe that the kid in question was called for stalling solely on name recognition only) you should not have to beat the ref as well. Another ref came over after the match and asked one of our coaches what happened. He explained up to and including the undeserved elbow. The ref asked if the penalty point decided the match, which it did. The ref then said this: "Well, you shouldn't leave it up to the ref to decide the match for you." I agree whole heartedly and have used that line time and again. But at some point if I'm this kid, I have to wonder every time I get on the mat if I am going to get screwed by the ref. His demeanor has changed dramatically since wresling for Boos' School. Yes he may get mad and throw his leg band after a loss but his coaches are always quick to remedy the situation and he does what he is told/asked to do. For those that know him only by what he does on the mat are missing a GREAT kid off the mat. He is a sweet, kind, very well mannered, soft spoken kid. On the mat he is a warrior.

Crucifix: Let me just say this, my son is a GREAT wrestler, (beep beep) Guess what, we haven't won Maize the last 2 years. Do you honestly think that people are going to be talking about who won Maize in 2011? My guess is they will be talking about who won State? It's a belt for god sake, NOT a state title of which, we have won 4. (beep beep again)
Posted By: win by pin

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 07:38 PM

I dont think crucifix is talking about his brothers acomplishments just his. keshawn has no belts from Maize that i can recall. but correct me if i am wrong. Beason beat him for the belt in 09,after the match keshawn pushed him in the face and knocked him down. 2010 Mason Turner beat him, no fit after the match. and this year 2011 Beason won by penilty point for elbow to the back of the head. And any Nat. titles in 6 and under is well just 6 and under
Posted By: Deucesmom

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 07:53 PM

So just when do your accolades start counting? (that means accomplishments) And by the way, I didn't ask for KeSean's Maize wrestling history. I will say that I'm pretty sure no colleges look at what you did when you wrestled in kids club. BUT this is where you LEARN. Give the kid a chance to grow up and learn some technique. He is very young and will no doubt grow up to be a great athlete like others in his family. I truly don't think when he steps on the mat, he intends to be a "dirty" wrestler. (as some of you have called him) He gets upset and lets that get the best of him and in turn does something to beat himself. He was talked to about it. Let's see if his new coaches can reign him in and bring out the best this little guy has to offer.
Posted By: Dboyzz4sho!

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 08:22 PM

You r right I'm just talking maize belts that's all, but check ur facts before u text,partner! 6 and under twice 8 under once that's just Tulsa nationals,o I think last year he won kick off classic( 10year old) can' remember all of them either.Step Yo GAME Up!
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 09:16 PM

Tracy, you are right. Maize belts and local tournaments don't count and no one will remember or care in a couple of years. Kids State Championships don't really matter either. There are several kids who have won state championships and never did anything in High School.

Unfortunately, I do feel like I have to defend Jake after you and Sean's post. Your right, both of these kids feel alot of pressure to perform. Mostly from adults making such a big deal about the match. But with this added pressure, Jake has never thrown a punch, shoved the opposing wrestler into the table, thrown an elbow, poked him in the eye, shredded his fingers, or called him a B#$@C. Why should my child have to be subject to this type of behavior everytime they wrestle? I'm tired of it. The last two times they have wrestled, your wrestler has lost because he threw an elbow or was unsportsmanlike. I truly hope your wrestler can learn to control his emotions. He really is a great little wrestler, I just wish that is all he would do. As a parent I am going to do my best to make sure these two don't wrestle again this year. Even if that means wrestling up a weight class.

Just for the Record, I think Jake is a pretty good kid. I don't know of him ever disrespecting either one of you.

Posted By: Crucifix

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 09:49 PM

As far as nationals the only real one is tulsa. kickoff is not as tough. But as long as we are counting I didn't see him on the award stand this year what happend? You had better STEP YOUR GAME UP
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/09/11 11:05 PM

This is what I know.

I have known the Beeson, DeShazer, Dryden and Spangler families for years and I love you all.

That said, Chad do not get all teary eyed because I love Tracey more. It is that female thing you know.

Now, how about all the outsiders stop stirring the pot for these little warriors and just let them wrestle.
Posted By: Dboyzz4sho!

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/10/11 12:28 AM

Ok,crucifix' you got that right no podiums this year,but guess what joker' you gotta wrestle the best to b the best! What R U Doing ? This is boooooooring ! See u Matt side watching Cruifux!!
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/10/11 03:03 AM

I second that.
Posted By: Deucesmom

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/10/11 02:47 PM

Chad, I am in no way condoning said wrestlers actions, nor is his family or his team. No, I didn't say anything to defend Jake because he wasn't the one being bashed on here. These boys are 10/11 years old. They haven't even begun to mature. I imagine these boys will grow up to be great athletes and probably even friends.

Thanks Richard. Love you too!!! smile
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/10/11 09:13 PM

when do the coaches, parents, forum directors, step in here. i have heard the parents and coaches admit the pressure that they have put on these youngu, men. when do we set them down and explain to them that 6u,8u,0u,12u really don't mean spit. you all can say it to each other have any of you spoken to these young me about this??? i have seen these young men in this bracket for years, kansasd with out a doubt has the best wrestlers in the nation in and around this weight. NONE OF THIS means anything if they can't compete in HS/ COLLEGE. pull back some of the pressure let them compete tough, let them no that it's not worth, compromising who you are.

speaking of who you are....Dboyz/Duecesmom, don't let certain people drag you into the street.
Posted By: MMAFighter

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/12/11 03:53 AM

Post deleted.
Posted By: Jamie Davis

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/12/11 04:10 AM

My son wrestled a Hardknock's kid at Maize G.Lee 6u mat 2. Not ALL of TOHK wrestlers are dirty. This wrestler's is not a dirty wrestler. Before you go making blanket statement's about a whole club might need to step back for minute and decide if it is a fair statement. This is not the first time my son has wrestled this club. I am in No Way! defending anyone for unsportsmanlike conduct. If it is blantant eject them from the tournament. If you are going to call someone out on this forum at least put your name with your comment so everyone knows who is doing the talking!!

Jamie Davis
Andover, Kansas
Posted By: Chase

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/12/11 05:02 AM

MMMafighter's post needs to be removed .. that is plain ignorant
Posted By: nix

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/12/11 05:17 AM

i just want to know what MMMAfighter stands for, i know what MMAFIGHTER is just wondering what the extra M stands for? u might want to wash your mouth out with some soap little dirty there.
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/12/11 06:32 AM

Believe me l've been with hard Knox for 9 years. I don't condone dirty wrestling and if that's how they coach we wouldn't have stayed that long. I've had three boys wrestle for them and they have never been accused of being dirty. From my experience most people who say hard Knox teaches their kids to be dirty HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THE ROOM WITH THEM AND DONT HAVE A CLUE OF WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.
Posted By: wanwan21

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/12/11 03:04 PM

Beeson you might want to change your tag line, you are contradicting what you are saying "unnecessary roughness is sometimes necessary"

Lawanda D
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Ref with guts at Maize - 02/12/11 05:28 PM

Lawanda, if you knew what you were talking about it would be easier to respond to you. Since you don't, I will just keep quiet. I'm not the one that has been bringing it up or continuing to try and keep it an issue. If you want it to be an issue keep popping off, if not let it go.
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