Kansas Wrestling

Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!!

Posted By: Packerholic492

Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/18/11 03:04 AM

I thought all the Districts were supposed to be all on the same page! Districts 1,2,and 3 have weigh-ins on Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. on Sat. But, District 4 is starting weigh-ins on Friday from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. and Sat. from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. Not trying to start anything here. But, I would like to have a 6 hour window to weigh-in so your not rushed to get there. Then stand in line to weigh-in for 30-45min. or longer, then stand in line again to eat to get a decent meal instead of fast food. Pratt has the right idea!!! This is how it should be done. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE AT STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're helping parents out with travel time. Hats off to the Pratt wrestling club.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/18/11 10:25 AM

My guess would be the difference is because District 4 has such a much larger geographical area from which people are traveling. This is but one example of why not all districts should have to do things exactly alike when it comes to qualifiers.
Posted By: PACKY

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/18/11 11:10 AM

plus if you look on page 2 at its says until 8.00pm I like PRATT already
D4 Weigh-ins Friday night
by Pelland
Posted By: Pelland

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/18/11 12:08 PM

When we determined weigh-in times, I didn't realize we were all supposed to be on the same page....sorry about that.

Originally we decided to go from 1-7 because we didn't want 500 kids weighing in a 2 hour window, and we are having that Senior dual tonight that starts at 7:30 and wanted to be done prior so we could all go watch. We have some clubs so far away, that ending at 7 instead of 8 was a real burdon for them, so we decided it would be better to end at 8 and miss some of the dual.

The reason we started at 1 was not to be accomodating to the clubs, it was to make life easier on us volunteers.... wink

The reason we are ending at 8 is to accomodate the D4 families.... cool

Greg Pelland
Posted By: Namwen

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/18/11 11:57 PM

Just a question/situation.... Say little johnny were to be heavy for his weight class and had a 7 hour window to drop the weight in D4. But little jimmy is a little over in D1 and has a 2 hour window to lose it. How is that fair to everyone else? And how or WHY was it allowed to have such a weigh in window of 7 hours?
Posted By: jule

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 12:46 AM

In reality Johnny and Jimmy have the same amount of time. They both have till 7 am tomorrow morning. Only difference is jimmy's parents have only driven 30 minutes while Johnnies parents have driven 6 hours to get to weigh in. As most of D1 D2 and D3 don't realize how far it is from the end of D4 to the beginning. Some of the folks even change time zones.
Posted By: tmchenry4

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 12:53 AM

any wrestler can get on set of scales any where all day to see if they will make weight does not have to be at weigh in. Scales may vary a little but not that much.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 12:54 AM

Originally Posted By: Namwen
Just a question/situation.... Say little johnny were to be heavy for his weight class and had a 7 hour window to drop the weight in D4. But little jimmy is a little over in D1 and has a 2 hour window to lose it. How is that fair to everyone else? And how or WHY was it allowed to have such a weigh in window of 7 hours?

I think we rename little johnny big johnny. We won't have to worry about little jimmy because six hours in a sauna suit on the drive down should do the trick.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 01:16 AM

I am Dist 2 and drove over two hours to weigh my kid in. So the driving issue is basically BS, everyone drives or stays in hotels or with family. Namwens point is a fact. The other Districts did not have this option available to them. This is another example of Dist 4 doing what they want and everyone else is powerless to do anything about it. Topeka is a lot farther away from Liberal and Goodland than Pratt. Are they going to let Dist 4 weigh in 5 hours earlier than everyone else at Topeka? No, because everyone is supposed to be equal.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 01:17 AM

Namwen and Jule,

No offense to either one of you, I am just trying to keep things in perspective tonight. When I joined the forum I was deployed and hadn't seen my family in about four months. I found the wrestling forum a great venue to release any stress that I was feeling. For the most part, I always tried to add humor to the forum because it made me feel better, and I hoped that it made others feel the same.

Just today, in Pratt, my parents lost everything they owned due to a fire. Just like when I was deployed and my oldest sister passed away before I could make it home, I felt like I couldn't do anything to change what happened. I can only be here to console my parents from many miles away. My son will wrestle tomorrow because that is what my parents want him to do. If they need me, I am only 260 miles away and not 4600, so I will be able to be there for them.

Back to my reason to make this post, we have to keep everything in perspective. There are a lot worse things that can happen to any one of us. Enough sad stuff, time to move on to adding more humor to the forums if I can find something to add humor to.
Posted By: jule

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 01:29 AM

Ok Lee lets add some humor next year lets really make district even. D4 can go to D3 to weigh in D1 can go to D2 and D3 can go to D4. The only thing is we have to all drive in a line and wave at the other wrestlers as we drive by them. We all have to have pink and green bows on our cars. So we know who each other is.

Lee if there is anything we can do for your folks let us know if it is in our power we will do so. Thoughts go to you.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 01:50 AM

Originally Posted By: jule
The only thing is we have to all drive in a line and wave at the other wrestlers as we drive by them. We all have to have pink and green bows on our cars. So we know who each other is.

Lee if there is anything we can do for your folks let us know if it is in our power we will do so. Thoughts go to you.

Pink won't do, it makes me weak. Green is fine since I was formerly a Greenback and it is my third son's favorite color. Purple is out of the question because I don't want all those Power Cat backers thinking that I am rooting them on.

In all honesty, I grew up a PC backer but turned JH when I came to college. I remember my boys getting dad a "house divided" license plate for Christmas since he is a K-State fan and had three boys attend KU (one of my brothers did get his undergraduate degree at K-State but came to KU for post graduate). Thanks for the offer of support. My parents would appreciate it.
Posted By: Namwen

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 02:36 AM

Add humor all you want but am tired of using size of district as excuses for not following suit with the rest of the state. It would have been a shorter drive for us to go weigh in at Pratt then our own district but you do not hear me whining about driving 3 hours to weigh in. EVERYONE drives for tourneys to make the usual set Friday and Saturday weigh ins, so why is it that all of a sudden ONE district decides to make it EASIER on its volunteers and clubs and the rest still have to make the drive? When it was found out that they were all supposed to follow suit why did the times not get changed to follow suit. And yes I understand it would have been a nightmare but it SHOULD HAVE been done!
Posted By: L.Geyer

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 05:57 AM

Well i am not sure if your profile is correct but if you are from Attica as it says and it took you over 2 hrs to drive 76 miles traffic must have been pretty bad in district 2 and since goodland had over 250 miles to drive i would say yes travel is an issue and not bs.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 07:04 AM

The scales don't know what time it is!
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 10:22 AM

Just a quick look at today's world news:

1) Millions without food, water, power in Japan
2) Gadhafi calls UN action 'invalid,' hits rebels
3) Village vanishes after tsunami
4) Bahrain to pursue talks, receive more Gulf troops
5) Heavy security after Yemen declares emergency
6) Prince William tours disaster hit Australia
7) Japan cites radiation in milk, spinach near plant
8) Pee-wee Herman, icon of kid’s TV takes his act to Broadway
9) IOUs don’t boost Social Security solvency
10) Climber survives for 6 days stranded in remote canyon
11) More smoke rises from crippled nuke plant in Japan
12) U.N. shocked by Ivory Coast bloodshed
13) Death toll climbs to nearly 7,000 in Japan
14) Pakistani leaders condemn suspected U.S. drone strike
15) New study charts psychological toll of long-term joblessness

Oops, almost forgot this one.

16) ONE district decides to make it EASIER on its volunteers and clubs
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 11:41 AM

Either way it is still a fact that it is not fair to the other Districts who only had a two hour window. I am even closer to Pratt than Namwen. 50 minutes to Pratt Vs 1 hour & 20 min to Andover and we don't even have a match today. So we will end up with 6 hours of driving just to weigh in and pick up a medal. So don't give me a song and dance about driving and making it easier on some people. You do what you gotta do to stay in line with the system in place not change it to suit your way. I go through a lot less hassle going to a National Tournament than the State Series with better people to wrestle, go figure?

I work in western KS a lot, so I know quite a bit about the driving issue. Pratt is about 2-3 hrs from just about everywhere in western KS though or they wouldn't have chosen that site to host this event. I am not even mad about Pelland setting this up for you as it was prob not a bad thing in general. I am just ticked off that Dist Reps allowed it to happen. Where is the oversite and continuity between Districts as was discussed before Subs in other posts? I know if Dist 2 was doing this there would have been people complaining just the same and rightly so. The difference is that Dist 4 gets away with it and nobody is supposed to say anything.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 11:55 AM

You have given us no reason how or why it is unfair to the other districts! If you want to weigh-in in D4 then move to D4. Please quit whining about something that is of no consequence and is not an advantage or disadvantage to anyone. It is this type of nonsense that caused these silly rules that all districts had to do everything exactly the same in the first place.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 12:03 PM

I don't have to give a reason. Follow the rules as they have been set forth and quit trying to dodge the issue by putting it back on me or others. Rule breakers are all the same, it's always someone else's fault or doesn't apply to them. Great thoughts there Sportsfan02, just keep on thinking your special.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 06:21 PM

does everyone still have the same amount of time to lose weight?

you have up until 8 aclock on friday. i don't know how haveing an early weigh in gives any kid an advantage.

now if they extended weigh ins until 10pm then i can see you saying they have 2 more hours to lose the weight.

at noon on friday if jonny from d4 is over weight and jack from d2 is over weight and they have until 8 pm to weigh in it would seem to me that they both have 8 hours to make weight.or up till 7am the next morning. giving both kids the same amount of time.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 06:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Namwen
Just a question/situation.... Say little johnny were to be heavy for his weight class and had a 7 hour window to drop the weight in D4. But little jimmy is a little over in D1 and has a 2 hour window to lose it. How is that fair to everyone else? And how or WHY was it allowed to have such a weigh in window of 7 hours?

little jimmy has all day to drop the weight just like johnny, is there more hours in the day in d4 than there is in d1, THEY BOTH HAVE UNTIL 8 ACLOCK THAT NITE!!

now if d4 would have extended ther weigh ins until 3am saturday morning then i could see that d4 gave the kids an extra 7 hours to make the weight as it is every kid in d1, d2, d3 and d4 had the same amount of time to lose the weight. WHERE DID D4 KIDS GET ALL THIS EXTRA TIME TO LOOSE THE WEIGHT?

let's do a simple math problem here we go.

little jimmy from d4 has until 8 aclock to weigh in and make weight, little johnny from d1 has untill 8 aclock to weigh in and make weight, how many more hour's did jimmy have over johnny to make weight??? a.2 b.4 c.6 d.they both have the same amount of time.

and lets not complain and say it's not fair that d4 has better math teachers either.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 08:23 PM

i have looked everywhere for the rule that states all districts must weigh in the same time, is there a rule stating this. if so can someone point me in the right direction to read it. thanks

i asked my 9 and 10 year old if life is fair and they both said no. but i do remember when they was 4 and 5 how they always said it aint fair, it aint fair.

my understanding of the rules is you are not allowed to weigh in more than 24 hours before you wrestle richard or randy can you clarify if that is right.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/19/11 10:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Hossus
I am Dist 2 and drove over two hours to weigh my kid in. So the driving issue is basically BS, everyone drives or stays in hotels or with family. Namwens point is a fact. The other Districts did not have this option available to them. This is another example of Dist 4 doing what they want and everyone else is powerless to do anything about it. Topeka is a lot farther away from Liberal and Goodland than Pratt. Are they going to let Dist 4 weigh in 5 hours earlier than everyone else at Topeka? No, because everyone is supposed to be equal.

i notice that district 1,3,4 posted the pin time on trackwrestling but d2 did not. this is another good example of d2 doing what they want, and everyone else is powerless to do anything about it. (sound familiar)

nothing against you guys in d2 that ran the tounament and i am not complaining either. i think you know why i made this silly statement
Posted By: Tyson Schreiner

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 01:54 AM

Everyone has the same amout of time to lose weight, but if we could have weighed in at 1:00 pm, then we could of actually had lunch and several more hours to pack in carbohydrates and protein in preparation for the next days events.It is an advantage in that respect.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 02:10 AM

there's 24 hours in a day, you can't stretch it, you can't shorten it.
Posted By: Tyson Schreiner

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 02:33 AM

Exactly! Reread my post.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 02:34 AM

ok i get what your saying there is so much weight and water being sucked off of some of these kids that they need the extra 5 hours to replinish, guess it makes sense
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 02:41 AM

really tyson? here's the problem with your theory. all d4 wrestlers had the same weigh in time, right? since no d1,d2,d3 wrestlers are competing in d4 it doesn't matter who got to rehydrate more. name one wrestler in d1 that used the d4 weigh in times to gain and advantage over you.

friday night weigh ins are a good thing for this sport. let's not get sucked in by that green grass. there are no excuses in wrestling, i don't understand why some people can't figure that out.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 02:47 AM

very good point headup, i did not think of that, that would be right d4 weigh ins only affected d4 would not have an advantage over d1 d2 or d3 so what would it realy matter to you guys what d4 did it did not affect you guys one bit. nice point headup
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 02:53 AM

i wonder why someone would complain about what another district did as long as it was in the rules and did not affect any of there wrestlers in there district.

headup you are 100% correct even if d4 would have weigh ins from 11 am til 5am the next morning it would not affect any of the other districts at all.

hossus how did d4 weigh ins affect d2 and tyson how did our kids in d4 have an advantage over your kids.

now if it was state where everyone is wrestling everyone i might see your point but really how did d4 weigh ins affect you guys at all
Posted By: my3sons

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 02:54 AM

Exactly headup the state tournament is next weekend. I was a little puzzled by the weigh in time my self, but it worked just fine. I traveled 3 hours to get Pratt and it was nice not to stand in line. Not everybody trying to get in the eating place at the same time and checking into motels. (not alot of options in Pratt). It was the same for all d4. We have been traveling to Topeka for years leaving first thing to get there for a 3:00 weigh in, not much complaining we just do it.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:16 AM

As I said before, I didn't think it was a bad idea. I just said it wasn't fair to the other Districts who followed the 6-8 weigh-ins. Tyson touched on a small part of that.

My kids are on Spring Break as were many others across the state. I wasn't worried about his weight at all. It would have been nice to drop in around 1:30 weigh in and go home. Here is the bonuses to that.

Plenty of parking. We got there early and the lots were already filling up before 6 PM.

Smaller lines. Dist 2 was basically herded through like cattle in large groups. We got there before 6 still took about an hour and 10 min to get through. Can't speak for Dist 1-3 but imagine it was about the same. This would have been especially beneficial to people who lived locally to get in early and be out of the way before the not so local showed up.

Home at a decent hour. We didn't get home till 9:30 PM, if we could have went at say 1:30 PM. We could have been home by 4 or 5 PM easy. I can't imagine what parents who were having to deal with weight issues then trying to feed their kids at 8:30-9:00PM and trying to get them home and in bed for a long day on Sat would have been thinking.

I also suspect that starting earlier would have been a lot easier on the host club. Instead of trying to rush through 600+ wrestlers in 2 hours they would have had 7 hours to do the job. This in turn would have made scratches, bracket changes, and other details a lot more managable for Sat. Likely would have been less stressfull as well. But I am just going out on a limb on this, since three other Districts managed to do this from 6-8 PM.

Prob other reasons that I can't think of on this issue. But only Dist 4 had these advantages. Everyone else followed the standard 6-8 PM weigh-ins as a unified body.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:21 AM

the other districts could have done the same thing for there district if they wanted they had that choice.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:32 AM

Originally Posted By: Mark J Stanley
A goal of the State tournament committee this year is to run all of the subdistrict and district qualifiers consistently. This means consistent rules and consistent enforcement of the rules. We are making efforts to insure that registrations, seeding criteria, seeding meetings, weigh in times & procedures, tournament operations, and athlete advancement through the series is managed and enforced the same no matter where you are wrestling and in accordance with our established bylaws. The short answer is to your question is....YES.


In case you missed this in another thread.
Posted By: Pelland

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:35 AM

I probably shouldn't be posting right now, as I only got about three hours of sleep last night....

Pratt and District IV didn't do anything wrong or unethical. Originally I wanted to cut off weigh-ins at 7 friday night because we were hosting a Senior Dual. I had put quite a bit of time into this, and really wanted to go watch it. Only after several D4 clubs expressed their concerns about the 7oclock cut off, I had an email forwarded to me Sunday March 13th that was originally sent to executive board members Monday February 14th. My flyer had already been posted for a week. Here is what the e-mail said regarding weigh-in times......(((((Sub District and District weigh in on Friday night will be 6-8. Sat 6-7. Remember the board indicated we need to be flexible!))))) Note...the board indicated we need to be F L E X I B L E.........Isn't starting at 1 being flexible? Isn't changing the cut-off time Friday night from 7-8 being flexible? No where in this e-mail does it say that weigh-ins are mandatory Friday 6-8, and Saturday 6-7.

All this whining about D4 kids having more time to weigh in is ignorant to say the least. Every kid in every district had until 8 to make weight. Actually, my flyer reads 1-7 which would have given the other three districts an extra hour to make weight. Hossus, would you have complained about that.... I highly doubt it????

I guess I don't understand why some of you are so upset. Would you have rather weighed in at 1 as well....one would assume! None of the D4 kids had an unfair advantage over your kids this weekend. If getting to eat earlier than your kid is your motiviation for stirring the pot, then start another thread complaining about the State Weigh-ins. I still don't know how they are going to work, but it sounds like some kids get to weigh in earlier than others......just sayin!!!!

Would someone from the Executive board shed some light on this please? Were any of the other tournament directors told that weigh-ins were manditory 6-8 friday, 6-7 saturday? If an e-mail was sent to me, I didn't get it. If a letter was mailed, I didn't get it. If it was posted on this site, I didn't read it. I've been a little consumed with Track Wrestling, and getting ready for the tournament. I haven't been paying much attention to the talk forum.

God Bless and Good Night!!!!!
Greg Pelland
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:39 AM

hossus it says in accordance with our bylaws, is there a bylaw stating what time weigh ins may start.

like i said does the bylaws state you cannot weigh in ore than 24 hours before the start of wrestling the next day or somthing like that
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:46 AM


I don't have a clue if there is or not. But it does seem odd that 3 other districts weighed in from 6-8. But the message I get from this statement is unified operations across the state.
Posted By: Pelland

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:49 AM

Hossus...I'm not trying to be a Tool. If I came across that way I'm sorry. If I'm understanding you correctly, what's made you mad is the B.S. you had to go through to get your boy weighed in Friday night. No parking, long wait, didn't get home til late. on and on and on.... Rather than hate on Pratt and D4, try and make a positive change. If you keep complaining about Pratt not following the rules, maybe the State will change the by-laws and we'll all be mandated to Weigh in at those inconvenient hours, rather than having the flexability of making it more convenient for all............just a thought.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:49 AM

regardless, of how either one of us take the statement, or if there is or is not a bylaw it did not affect any other districts at all, no one gained an advantage either way.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:56 AM

hossus i i am just having a little fun with this no hard feeling's
Posted By: my3sons

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 03:57 AM

Not sure who is right or wrong on this subject, but if wrong or not consistant with the state it seemed to work. Its done and cannot be changed. Maybe the state should visit with D4 and get some feedback with the weigh in time. If it was well percieved the other districts could go to this format. Just a idea, not all things are set in concrete.
Posted By: jule

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 04:02 AM

ok Hossus after reading your last post I see an advantage you had that alot of D4 folks didn't have your boys got to sleep in their own beds. Let me see Colby, Goodland, Hoxie, St. Francis, Hays, Oakley, Lakin Ulysses, Scott City and many others didn't get that advantage. I guess we could have but that would mean getting up at 3 or earlier to make it in time. So we get a few extra hours to weigh in it still boils down to the fact that EVERYONE IN EVERY DISTRICT had to be weigh in by 7 am on Saturday. We all have advantages in our districts you get to sleep in at home we get to weigh in before 6. I think that it evens out. Pratt did a good job good tournament Thanks Greg and crew you did awesome!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 04:05 AM

Originally Posted By: Hossus
As I said before, I didn't think it was a bad idea. I just said it wasn't fair to the other Districts who followed the 6-8 weigh-ins. Tyson touched on a small part of that.

My kids are on Spring Break as were many others across the state. I wasn't worried about his weight at all. It would have been nice to drop in around 1:30 weigh in and go home. Here is the bonuses to that.

Plenty of parking. We got there early and the lots were already filling up before 6 PM.

Smaller lines. Dist 2 was basically herded through like cattle in large groups. We got there before 6 still took about an hour and 10 min to get through. Can't speak for Dist 1-3 but imagine it was about the same. This would have been especially beneficial to people who lived locally to get in early and be out of the way before the not so local showed up.

Home at a decent hour. We didn't get home till 9:30 PM, if we could have went at say 1:30 PM. We could have been home by 4 or 5 PM easy. I can't imagine what parents who were having to deal with weight issues then trying to feed their kids at 8:30-9:00PM and trying to get them home and in bed for a long day on Sat would have been thinking.

I also suspect that starting earlier would have been a lot easier on the host club. Instead of trying to rush through 600+ wrestlers in 2 hours they would have had 7 hours to do the job. This in turn would have made scratches, bracket changes, and other details a lot more managable for Sat. Likely would have been less stressfull as well. But I am just going out on a limb on this, since three other Districts managed to do this from 6-8 PM.

Prob other reasons that I can't think of on this issue. But only Dist 4 had these advantages. Everyone else followed the standard 6-8 PM weigh-ins as a unified body.
your wrestlers will be more successful if you spend more time looking for solutions rather than excuses. these are weak at best. d4 had no advatage over any other district. shorter lines? really? if that's you basis, then all the kids at d2 stood in the same long lines, no advantage. late to bed? sooooooo you're telling me that when your kid lost, you didn't blame him at all, he did nothing wrong, the other kid wasn't better, the other kid had more sleep??? look i'm not trying to be a jerk here. i see your point about being uniform and consistent, but the fact of the matter is start teaching your kids to adapt and overcome, quit teaching them to make excuses.

and please never bring parking into a conversation about wrestling again. this sport is demanding, and i think that if you aren't willing to walk a few 100 feet. you should quit asking your kid to put himself through such a tough sport. these kids have worked their tails off for months. they don't need adults causing stress over silly/petty things like parking. really? come on?
Posted By: Pelland

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 04:08 AM

Hey Packerholic.........thanks alot!! wink
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 04:14 AM


No, I think what you did was prob best for everyone in your Dist and you do fine work. I said as much above. We've been to two of your tournaments in the past and would go again if ya had someone for us to wrestle. We do fine, I am simply illustrating that others go through this as well by using us as an example.

Problem is that Dist 4 seems to go their own way sometimes and I am not the only one who thinks that. Every year actually since we've been wrestling. There have been several issues raised during this series alone that involve Dist 4 where they made changes and or ommissions. Mr. Stanleys statement above was made prior to series and was an assurance that compliance would be maintained. It is the failure of the state committee to back what has been said and maintain uniformity. I have very little to gain here except animosity. I just have a quirky sense of following the rules/guidelines that were put forth. Due mostly from having been slanted by the rules ourselves in the past and from others in similar situations. I don't hate on anyone, just dealing with the facts and informing the public of the inconsistantcies.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 04:30 AM


What's funny is my kids beg me to take them to a hotel, oh and it has to have a pool too. Can you say Priceline??? They wanted me to get a hotel for Andover? We spend plenty of money on that going to Tulsa, OKC, KC and others for wrestling. So we know all about that. We put on lots of miles as well. So we are no strangers to that. Topeka will be our second tournament this year in KS where we actually wrestle and one of the cheapest. The rest is out of state.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 05:06 AM


Until you walk a few miles in my ruby red slippers, you can keep your parenting advice to yourself.

Using your logic here????

You run a stop sign on a deserted country road and nobody gets hurt, that's OK. You adapted and overcame with that choice, you own it.

However, it's still breaking the law. You just didn't get caught doing it. Is that the message you teach your kids? Do whatever you want just as long as you don't get caught. I am no stranger to that parenting theory. 15 years working DOC I heard that a lot.

Nobody's making excuses, your too busy defending something that your not able to grasp even after I posted the remark from Mr. Stanley. I am not trying to be rude. I just want you to see that this came from the horses mouth. I am not to blame here, I didn't make this up out of thin air. I am not even the one who noticed it at first. I simply voiced what others are probably afraid too in fear of retribution. We wrestle so much out of state, that there is very little anyone could do to me, so I frankly don't care. If you have a beef with anyone it should be with those who have power not with me.

The only reason your ticked at me is that I am bringing this up and have presented facts that nobody wants aired. Don't kill the messenger.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 05:11 AM

Here is my argument, weigh in at noon is alot different then weighing in at 6 or 7....huge diffence. If we are going to make it the same across the state lets make it fair across the state. Weigh ins should be the same. six hours is alot of time to put on extra weight.
Posted By: Mark J Stanley

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 05:47 AM

We had a wonderful tournament in D1 today. After reviewing a few of the other districts TW sites it appears that all four districts have some very good kids moving into next week’s tournament. It will be a grand event as it is every year.

As Hossus pointed out, I made a statement on another thread about the goals to standardize many areas of the qualifying series that were previously left up to the individual districts to decide. If you refer to the minutes of the January 30th, 2011 Executive Committee meeting you will find that the Executive Committee did discuss these areas and voted on many of them. If you don't want to read the minutes in their entirty, you will find the discussion in Agenda Item 6. All four Districts were represented at this meeting. Tom Richard made a motion that each of the sub-district and districts follow the same format. This motion passed unanimously. There was quite a bit of discussion about what this statement actually meant and to provide clarity of purpose a series of motions were put forth on different aspects of tournament operations; each was voted on. Those included and which passed by unanimous vote were, one person being responsible for setting up registration information in trackwrestling, seeding criteria, minimum number of seeded wrestlers, how to treat non-seeded wrestlers, tournament start times, and filling of the district brackets with 5th/6th place qualifiers. A motion concerning sub-district and district weigh in times was made that it should be from 6-8pm on Friday night and 6-7am on Saturday morning. This motion passed by a 13-2 vote. A motion was proposed to allow satellite weigh in sites in order to make it easier on families and the tournament host sites. This motion failed by a vote of 11-4.

These minutes have been posted for some time and as previously stated each district was represented at the meeting. I am confident that the integrity of our qualifying series is not in jeopardy and that when things varied from what was voted on that reasonable people made decisions for the right reasons in mind. However as I was quoted as saying earlier in this thread, I believe that it was, is and should be the goal of the State Tournament Committee to standardize the State Series of tournaments. The only way I know to make this happen is to have a consistent set of rules that are followed by every tournament in the series. While this goal was not perfectly obtained this year, it does not minimize its importance in my eyes. On nearly every issue you can think about there will be disagreement. The way we run our State Series is no different in that regard. If we have any hope in making consistency happen it is the job of those in charge of setting the rules to provide clarity and for those running the individual tournaments to abide by what was agreed to. If you feel that an established rule is wrong...don't just ignore it; set out to change the rule. As I was once told by a county sheriff in western KS when I was stopped for going a little too fast, even "dumb" rules need to be followed and ignorance of law is no excuse. If I choose to get behind the wheel, then it my job to know the rules of the road.

The Executive Committee is meeting on Friday night before State and I am sure we will be doing an after action review of how our qualifying tournaments were ran. If any of you have issues you would like to be discussed then get with your representatives and let them know you wish's.

Have a good week of practice! Anyone that would like to help set up for state is welcome to come to the Expocentre on Friday morning and help in the effort! We are getting started at 7am so we can be ready for the kids at 2pm when they open the doors. See you all next week.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 06:27 AM

ok this is my last post just have to give my opinion one last time.

i think each district should be allowed do decide what weigh in times work best for there district, what time d1 weighs in has no bearing on what time d4 weighs in. there is no way possible for one district to have an advantage over another district due to weigh in times.

so i really do not see why another district would even care what time another district weighs in it does not affect them one bit.

if you give a 6 hour window to weigh in, well every kid in that district has the same time table to weigh in so it's still an even playing field for all kids in that district.

i cannot see any good in making all districts weigh in at the same time unless someone can point out what advantage it would have over one district over another.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 06:41 AM

Thank you Mr. Stanley for the clarification.

Personal lesson learned: I need to start reading the minutes from the meetings. Apparently there is a ton of info in them.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 12:10 PM


first of all i am not ticked, would never get ticked over youth sports.

comparing traffic law to this is apples to oranges. please don't try to tell me that you have never broken any law, therefore you can sit and judge d4. that's about as sad as saying parking is an advantage.

soo in your logic..... you are a lawyer and want to ticket pelland, for breaking the law????

the facts you gave are facts. but the real fact is all kids are different. an advantage to one might well be a disadvantage to another.

i completely agree that consistency is key when enforcing rules, i'm just playing devil's advocate here. thanks for the offer on the shoes but red isn't my color. envy green really doesn't suit me either, i guess we have to differ there also. GOOD LUCK AT STATE.
Posted By: lylegeyer

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 12:14 PM

Originally Posted By: Beeson
Here is my argument, weigh in at noon is alot different then weighing in at 6 or 7....huge diffence. If we are going to make it the same across the state lets make it fair across the state. Weigh ins should be the same. six hours is alot of time to put on extra weight.
Beeson, you would have a point if the district 1, 2, or 3 had to wrestle district 4 yesterday, but they didn't. So its fair. Everyone in dist. 1 , 2, 3, and 4 all had to compete in their districts with the same opportunity as other kids in their own districts. Now if dist. 2 had to wrestle dist 4 yesterday, then yes unfair advantage to dist 4, but that's not the case. Just as in next week the state tourny will have the kids competing against each other going by the same times as well. Its pointless to argue dist. 4 has a weight advantage when all dist. 4 kids have the same advantage as the other dist. 4 kids. So dist. 1,2, and 3 pull your panties out, dist. 4 will weight in at the same time as you all next week when we are in the same tournament. And i'm sure all those extra pounds these little kids packed on in the extra 7 hrs in dist. 4 will be gone. One more thing. if it was such a huge advantage, then it will only be a disadvantage next week to dist. 4 so you can look at things many many different ways. Just quit crying and wrestle.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 01:07 PM

in following the logic of the "greener grass/fair police", i feel that the state needs start taking more control of youth wrestling.

- limit the number of practice hours per week. can't have some kid go for three days when others only get two. and omg what if some kid gets in four nights of practice!
- what about coaches, i mean some kids have four time state champions for coaches. that's got to be a disadvantage to someone.
- d4 already brings up the travel distance. the state board should make a rule that states all kids have to travel equally. be it near or far, it must be consistent and equal. no exceptions, consistency is key.
- all districts need a richard. some think it's a disadvantage to have such a HA running the show, while other districts get to slide
- how about shoes, i mean some of these shoes look they would perform better than others. let's make them all wear the same shoes.
- singlets.....some singlets wick the moisture away from the skin. all kids have to have those it is totally unfair for some to have them and others not to
- headgear- i know for a fact that some of these limit the ability to hear your coach. not fair.
- brackets.... some districts only have 3 kids, those kids didn't have to earn it as much as a district with 8. not fair. not consistent. not equal.
- excercising- it should be against the rules for any kid to do more sit-ups,pull-ups, and push-ups than another kids. the state really needs to look into this one. talk about a disadvantage.
- weigh ins seem to be a huge problem, as FORMER HA CLUB PRESIDENT BEESON POINTED OUT. let's make them ALL matside weigh-ins. that is truly the only way to go. fair enough for everyone.
- medals- why would we ever think that it's fair, consistent, or equal to give out medals of different color. i mean look at the prices of gold and silver, not even close to being EQUAL.
- come on usawks, can't you see the unfair advantages that some of these kids are getting. please step in now, before this gets really out of hand.
- when we get this straight we can head to washington, i mean communism is the only way for equality right? i worked out great for the ussr for everyone to have the same, right?
Posted By: Mark J Stanley

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 01:36 PM

lylegyer and nix,

Both of your recent arguments were presented by the dissenting vote during discussion before the vote on standardizing weigh in times. I personally wanted an earlier weigh in time in D1 as well, all though not all of the voting members of D1 agreed with me (which is OK because reasonable men can disagree). I have helped organize a Senior Classic for District One high school senior participants for 4 years now and could see the advantages to an earlier weigh-in in regards to splitting my time between two competing interests. Those opposed to it did not want to change to an earlier time for of a couple reasons. One, they did not want Mom/Dad to have to take off of work earlier in order to get little Johnny to weigh in. Second, not all school districts are on the same Spring Break schedule and if school is in session then having a 1pm weigh in is not possible if you cannot get into your facility until 3:30-4:00. Those in favor of standardizing the weigh in times wanted consistency. In the end, the school of thought which prevailed was consistency and by a vote 13-2 weigh in times were agreed to by representatives of all four districts at the Executive Council meeting. Anything that happened in variance to these agreed to times after that vote was for one of two reasons….either those who made the decision to deviate were ignorant to the vote or they chose to oppose the rule by doing their own thing anyway. Neither is a good thing and in my opinion both need to be addressed and fixed.
Posted By: Mark J Stanley

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 01:44 PM


I understand that most of your "greener grass" policies are satirical in nature. However, if you feel strongly about any of them either convince the representatives of your District to fight for them or run for a seat on the board and fight for them yourself. Not enforcing established rules is the issue here. This is not about D1 imposing its will on D4; the vote was 13-2 and D1 only has four votes on the Executive Committee.
Posted By: Tyson Schreiner

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 05:41 PM

Friday we had a 65 mile drive to weigh in, and a two hour window to do it in, same as everyone else in D1. But if I would have been able to weigh in at 1:00pm, I sure would have taken advantage of it. My job allows me to take off when I need to at just about any time, not everyone has that ability. So for those in D4 that do not have that ability, some kids in their weight class may have had many hours more time to refuel, where it would have been an advantage in that district. So I feel that it should be the same across the state.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 05:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Tyson Schreiner
some kids in their weight class may have had many hours more time to refuel, where it would have been an advantage in that district.

whats any diffrent than kids not being able to weigh in of friday nite thus giving the ones who did weigh in on friday more time to refuel than a kid that has to weigh in on saturday.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 05:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Mark J Stanley
Those opposed to it did not want to change to an earlier time for of a couple reasons. One, they did not want Mom/Dad to have to take off of work earlier in order to get little Johnny to weigh in. Second, not all school districts are on the same Spring Break schedule and if school is in session then having a 1pm weigh in is not possible if you cannot get into your facility until 3:30-4:00.

mark i can understand the vote and rules i can not argue that point all i am saying if for the future. districts should be allowed to decide there own weigh in times, the point about parents needing to take off work would only matter if they cut of weigh ins really early, you cut weigh ins off at 8 pm you still might have some that have to take off work to make that.

Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 07:05 PM


I thought that you had checked out and were likely basking on the beaches of Maui. You aren't still in SC waiting for fall are you? I do like your addiction for the sport though.
Posted By: Pelland

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 07:48 PM

Were other District tournamnet directors given a list of proceedures to follow prior to setting up their tournament? I wasn't!!!!! The only thing the state sent me was from Mr. Lund regarding TW info..user id/password stuff.

With that said, I'm going to attach an e-mail sent to me from Scott Edwards. I received this e-mail 1 week prior to the District tournament only because I was trying to close weigh-ins at 7 because of the Senior Dual. Notice the wording in the sentence regarding weigh in times....it clearly tells directors to be flexible.

Sun, March 13, 2011 9:41:26 PMFw: Qualifying Tournament Guidelines for Review
From: Scott Edwards <scotte2987@yahoo.com> View Contact
To: Greg Pelland <prattwrestlingclub@yahoo.com>


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tom Richard <tomr@cbsmhk.com>
To: Tuff Hermreck <hermreck@skw-inc.com>; RichardDSalyer@sbcglobal.net; Lance Engel <lanceengel@gmail.com>; Steve Woody <stripes@ruraltel.net>
Cc: Leanna Buckley <LLB@woodsanddurham.com>; Jim Lund <jlund@kansas.net>; Mark Stanley <mstanley@haydentower.com>; Scott Edwards <scotte2987@yahoo.com>; "Treaster, Matt (USAKS)" <Matt.Treaster@usdoj.gov>
Sent: Mon, February 14, 2011 8:50:30 PM
Subject: Qualifying Tournament Guidelines for Review

District Directors,

Listed below are the guidelines discussed at the last meeting. Please review and let me know if I have missed anything or misstated something. I want to get the tournaments set up so let me know your thoughts soon.


Districts are required to seed top 4 wrestlers.

Byes are to be awarded to top seeded wrestlers.

Separation of wrestlers by club for kids not seeded is suggested!

In the event a seeded wrestler drops out the other wrestlers are not reseeded. It stays the same.

Sub District and District weigh in on Friday night will be 6-8. Sat 6-7. Remember the board indicated we need to be flexible!

Actual weights are required to be entered into Track Wrestling. Actual weights will be posted for all to see.

Rating system for all 8 Sub Districts will be A,B,C, or D.

Full 8 man brackets are desired at districts. Districts may take more than 4 for either of their Sub Districts.

mat side scoring is optional for the districts.

Sub District Entries by 3-2-11 at 10:00 pm.

Sub District Entries to be released 3-2-11 at midnight.

Sub District Brackets to be released 3-6-11 at 8:00 pm.

All release dates to be the same. Set up by Jim Lund.

All Sub District and District tournaments will begin at 9:00 am.


Again, I don't think Pratt did anything wrong regarding weigh-in times.....unless the definition of flexable has changed. If the state wanted all State Series tournaments to be identical, all tournament directors should have been notified, and quite frankly all the tournament flyers should have been done by the state.........
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 08:37 PM


The issue with flexibility has to deal with a wrestler who experiences a minor emergency on their way to weigh-in and telephones the tournament director in advance to advise of the circumstances.

Your situation was entirely different and had to do with convenience rather than flexibility.
Posted By: Spexy

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 08:41 PM

Wouldn't say WRONG..But..A 7 hr window is a little extreme..Kids are growing this time of year..having to wait to eat till 7:00pm is rough...D4 kids didn't have that problem. weigh in...go eat..the rest of us had to wait till 6:00....no matter what the argument is , kids are trying to make the weight they entered at..yes they ALL HAVE to hold it for state...but...4:00 is better than 7:00 if your close.
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 08:42 PM

Originally Posted By: Pelland
Again, I don't think Pratt did anything wrong regarding weigh-in times.....unless the definition of flexable has changed. If the state wanted all State Series tournaments to be identical, all tournament directors should have been notified, and quite frankly all the tournament flyers should have been done by the state.........
Did you consult with your District Director regarding the weigh-in time?

Posted By: jule

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 09:20 PM

Why don't you all just say it doesn't matter what D4 does for the kids and their parents it will be wrong. If D4 said the sky was blue I am sure someone would argue that point. Please it is done and over with move on to something else. Leave Pratt alone they did an awesome job. I am sure every district has things that they do that the rest of us may not like. So as the old saying goes people in glasses should not throw stones!!!!!!!
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 09:42 PM

Originally Posted By: nix
all i am saying if for the future. districts should be allowed to decide there own weigh in times,

You got that right! If the executive council wants to make all these rules requiring each district to do things exactly the same, then the state should take over the subs and district tournaments completely.
Frankly, I don't care if the other districts don't hold weigh-ins at all. But, I do care when we hit Topeka, because that impacts the wrestlers in D2.
Folks if it doesn't put your competition (see other districts) at a disadvantage then each district should be allowed to run their tournaments as they see fit!
Posted By: Schooler

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 10:10 PM

Greg, I would like to thank you and your crew for the great job you did this weekend.

Jeremy Schooler
Great Bend Wrestling.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/20/11 11:47 PM

Originally Posted By: jule
If D4 said the sky was blue I am sure someone would argue that point.

dang greener grass and blue skies, i would move to d4 if you all didn't tell me the drive sucks so bad.

yes mark, my posts here are meant to be satirical, and also to make people look at things a little differently.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 12:19 AM

I am astonished and find it interesting that even though it has now been made clear that there is and was a problem with the weigh-ins at Pratt. Nobody wants to take it upon themselves to hold blame. Instead, everyone is trying to blame someone else or support the wrong doing to validate it. This even though there will apparently be no consequences to anyone in Dist 4. I think it's that mentality which gets people in other Districts a little bent. The sheer audacity of people. Would it hurt to say "Oops, we goofed" but no right away everyone is "Oh that shouldn't apply to us, we are different" or "lets talk about something else". To me it appears that Dist 4 challenges the letter of the rule and the USAWKS body pretty frequently but never gets punished. They are not being held to the same standard as the other Districts. I don't know if they feel sorry for you or feel threatened? Either way you guys pull off a lot of stuff the rest of us don't get to.

It is a good thing the state committee is level headed and understanding and not HA's about this. It could be like in some other sports (kids or otherwise) where if you don't follow the rules to the letter you get DQ'd period, because that is the real world. Somebody earlier made the quote, "There are no excuses in wrestling". Many other sports have a zero tolerance towards groups/people who go their own way. I wouldn't agree with the DQ thing simply because the adults are at fault. However, it is likely within the State Committee power to do so. My question would be why push your luck?

Jule, the fact remains, this issue and several others during this series all originate primarily out of Dist 4 and it will all be basically swept away as "failure to communicate". Everything that is except the out of state issue which had to be resolved in court. You see a pattern here?
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 12:51 AM

hossus for someone so heck bent on following rules to a t, forum rules state that if you are going to call out a club you need to sign your name to your post so you would not be a rule breaker now would you.

maybe your last name is hossus then i guess i would be wrong again.

Posted By: John Johnson

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 01:32 AM

Isn't this a D4 issue, and really no one elses business??? I believe in local control. Who cares!!!
Posted By: S Biddle

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 01:51 AM

John, the only issue I have with it is that every District was suppose to do the same thing.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 01:57 AM


Still looking for a way to dodge the issue? It's easier to attack me than to look inward isn't it. Reread what I wrote above about taking responsibility. Nice try, if the moderators ask me to change my moniker I will or I'll change mine when Headup, Jule, Sportfan02 and others do since they have attacked me repeatedly and personally. Fair is fair. You want to know who I am show me a little respect first or PM me. Hard to believe everyone got worked up over little ol' me when there are larger issues at stake. Blatent mentality at it's best. If you don't like what your hearing find a way to shut them up. That worked real well in Europe 60 odd years ago. Burned books and everything to keep people quiet.

I never attacked a club? I brought up facts about an event held in Pratt. Slight difference there for the uninitiated or grammatically impaired. I got nothing but good things to say about the Club in Pratt as I said before. If they weren't an hour away one way we'd practice there once in awhile. 40 minutes driving 3 times a week is enough for us.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:06 AM

hossus, who you are is not the issue, the issue here is you pretty much did call out d4 for breaking the rules, and you yourself are breaking the rules on here by posting your name.

you think it is ok because others do not post there names, you really can't complain about others breaking rules when you yourself break rules as well. nevermind i guess you did.

and this is not personal either but when someone breaks the rules and complains about others breaking rules well just don't seem right

why should they ask you to change your moniker it states in black and white to post your name. rules are rules
Posted By: Teamroper

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:23 AM

My son made weight, that is all I cared about.

I understand the need for consistency.

One of these thing don't belong....
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:25 AM

So which is it a club or a District? Your reaching here. Like I said when others do I will. I haven't violated anything, but I might in the future. OK forum makes everyone sign up and you can't hide anymore. I like that, but until we are made to do that here, it isn't a violation to present facts. It's when you name someone specifically or call out a club specifically that you run that risk. I haven't been doing that, I've been say things like people, others or someone. If the moderators thought I was out of line they would have said so by now don't you think? I won't be bullied, just for your benefit.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Hossus
This is another example of Dist 4 doing what they want and everyone else is powerless to do anything about it.

this is pretty much talking trash on d4 is there any other way of taking it there is no reaching here it is a fact, make a comment about a district or club or person without posting your name is clear violation of forum rules, now you broke the rules now you want to complain about someone else not following rules. and then you justify breaking the rules because others broke the rules.

old saying here 2 wrongs don't make a right.

don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

if you believe in second chances then parachuting is not your sport.

and trust me i mean no disrespect to you at all, i respect your opinion's just don't aggree with them i am just pointing out some issues as well as you are doing.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:42 AM

Originally Posted By: Hossus
Rule breakers are all the same, it's always someone else's fault or doesn't apply to them.

your words, guess forum rules don't apply to you, or is it everyones else fault for not posting there names
Posted By: Cowbuff

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:45 AM

find something else to cry about
Posted By: Pelland

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:48 AM

Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer

The issue with flexibility has to deal with a wrestler who experiences a minor emergency on their way to weigh-in and telephones the tournament director in advance to advise of the circumstances.

Your situation was entirely different and had to do with convenience rather than flexibility.

I can't read between the lines. Why was I not given any details on anything regarding rules and regulations.
Posted By: jule

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:50 AM

Hossus wasn't aware that I called you out or personal attacked you. I responded to you after you responded to me. Wasn't attacking you sorry if you felt that way. Does seem like this year on the forum D4 is getting attacked quite a bit. Can you tell me why and what other things we have done that was breaking the rules. I have one question for anyone did no one from State look at the district flyers when they went out? If they did why was nothing done then? If they didn't why not? Ok i guess that is more then one question.

Headup I tried pink, I tried green, I tried blue what color do you like anyway????
Posted By: Cowbuff

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:52 AM

we are better looking in D4 they cant handle the truth
Posted By: Pelland

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 02:53 AM

Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer
Originally Posted By: Pelland
Again, I don't think Pratt did anything wrong regarding weigh-in times.....unless the definition of flexable has changed. If the state wanted all State Series tournaments to be identical, all tournament directors should have been notified, and quite frankly all the tournament flyers should have been done by the state.........
Did you consult with your District Director regarding the weigh-in time?

I had a couple of clubs asking about a flyer sometime around the 1st of March. I made a flyer, sent it to our District director. I asked him to look it over and let me know if I needed to change anything. I waited 3-4 days, didn't get a reply, so I sent it to Mike Juby to be posted.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 03:00 AM

man my last post was along time ago i truly am done after this one, hossus i do get what your saying, i really hate getting my self caught up in a debate, but time and time again i find myself in them.

i have said my peace. good luck to you all at state no hard feeling's kind of a fun debate. have a safe summer
Posted By: Cowbuff

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 03:04 AM

thought the weigh in was great it was nice weighing in and having time to relax my family enjoyed the extra time to relax and check out pratt and watch the seniors wrestle to those who are complaining u run it next year and we will find something you did to whine about
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 05:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Hossus
Nice try, if the moderators ask me to change my moniker I will or I'll change mine when Headup, Jule, Sportfan02 and others do since they have attacked me repeatedly and personally.

Uhh point of order, where have I attacked you? I simply have asked you repeatedly how the weigh-in times in D4 were a disadvantage to other districts. To date, you have been unable or unwilling to provide any reasons that would be the case! And I don't care what screename you use.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 10:20 AM

Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
Originally Posted By: Hossus
Nice try, if the moderators ask me to change my moniker I will or I'll change mine when Headup, Jule, Sportfan02 and others do since they have attacked me repeatedly and personally.

Uhh point of order, where have I attacked you? I simply have asked you repeatedly how the weigh-in times in D4 were a disadvantage to other districts. To date, you have been unable or unwilling to provide any reasons that would be the case! And I don't care what screename you use.

sorry you felt attacked, what i was trying to do was keep you on point. consistency is the only argument here. advantages, disadvantages, parking, you were ending up in nowhere.
Posted By: lylegeyer

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 11:38 AM

Originally Posted By: S Biddle
John, the only issue I have with it is that every District was suppose to do the same thing.
Every dist. did do the same thing. They held weigh in, seeded the top four, and had a tourny. If your actually talking about (time) again. Then here is another point about (time). Next week all state qualifiers need to sit in a car for the same amount amount of time. No running to lose weight, no relaxing in front of TV. just sitting in a car for seven or eight hours to make it fair because thats what Hugoton will have to do. Sounds retarded now don't it? Oh and Topeka kids will have to go get a room somewhere other then their own home. Its not fair they get to sleep in their own bed. Get over it already, you all sound like a bunch of Jr. high girls.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 10:55 PM

hossus a few more things here.

the board voted to have wrestling start at 9am looks like d2 started at 8:30am your own district did not follow the rules either but no one see you complaing that they did not follow suit as the other districts. why not complain about that.

second, d2 ran a split format while the other 3 districts did not but no one see's you complaining about that, looks to me like they did not follow suit as all the other districts. why not complain about that.

now i can care less about what d2 did or not do, the have people to make smart decisions, what i do care about is someone in d2 complaining about things that d4 done but does not want to do the same about there own district.

like i said d2 started wrestling early and ran a split format, d4 started weigh ins early, they both went outside of the boards vote, because they thought that would be best for there own district. like i said no one see's you pointing out what d2 did do they.

d2 i have all the respect in the world for you this is not a complaint about you, just pointing some things out to hossus about complaining
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 11:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Hossus

Problem is that Dist 4 seems to go their own way sometimes and I am not the only one who thinks that. Every year actually since we've been wrestling. There have been several issues raised during this series alone that involve Dist 4 where they made changes and or ommissions. Mr. Stanleys statement above was made prior to series and was an assurance that compliance would be maintained. It is the failure of the state committee to back what has been said and maintain uniformity. I have very little to gain here except animosity. I just have a quirky sense of following the rules/guidelines that were put forth. Due mostly from having been slanted by the rules ourselves in the past and from others in similar situations. I don't hate on anyone, just dealing with the facts and informing the public of the inconsistantcies.

are these your words why are you only informing the public of the inconsistantcies of d4 and not informing them of d2, oh because i forgot you are from d2 guess theres my answer.

don't take this as a personal attack, because i assure it is not, but if you are going to point out things to the public about d4 then maybe you should point out things in your own backyard as well.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/21/11 11:53 PM

uh oh, here comes a whole new list of advantages and disadvantages!
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/22/11 12:29 AM

someone brought up sleeping in your own bed....so i did some checking. turns out not all the motels in topeka are consistent!!!

the capitol plaza is right next to the expo centre. talk about advantages for proximity. i mean by the time i get up, eat breakfast, drive to the arena, i'll have to go to the bathroom about the time the opening ceremonies start. someone at the plaza can take their time, go number 2, then stroll over to the arena, no rush, no hurry. ADVANTAGE!!

the holiday inn has a curly slide. imagine all the energy those kids save standing in line rather than treading water. ADVANTAGE!!

can you believe that some motels don't have feather pillows? can you say DISADVANTAGE!! what about velux blankets??? where's the consistency??

i told my son when we bought our tennament on wheels, that he was the luckiest kid in the world. i mean who else can drive through McDonald's and never leave their house??? ADVANTAGE!!

look, all kidding aside, consistency is key, and there were some inconsistencies. looks like all districts, took care of themselves, in one way or another. but to sit back and point fingers, and try to claim that one district has an advantage over another is ridiculous,. it's making excuses, which is part of preparing the path, beeson. i'm sorry hossus if you felt attacked, by anyone, but i tried to warn you. there is no room for excuses in the wrestling world. please don't get caught up in petty things like this. your kids have worked too hard, they have enough pressure and stress already. they hear what you say, don't think they don't, it's called selective hearing. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/22/11 12:50 AM


Thanks for reminding me:

I have updated the advertisement since last year.

Try staying at the Hotel Girard, just twenty-five miles down beautiful I70 in cozy Lawrence Kansas (where the grass is greener when you go downtown). For just $42.95/night stay (last year $39.95 but the price of gas is killing me), you get the following amenities:

1) Lighted cul-de-sac parking (limited to the first ten arrivals), otherwise, neighborhood street parking (not lit);

2) Living room and basement sleeping areas that can accommodate up to fifty people comfortably, seventy-five people less comfortably (bring your own air mattress);

3) Zoo like atmosphere for the little ones (40-gallon fish tank loaded with all sorts of fish, two cockatiels that bite, four morning doves, two parakeets that bite, one chinchilla that bites, and one black lab that just lays there, newest addition - a 1-year old German Shepherd that is a spazzoid, and bites). For those with bird allergies, get here early to reserve a living room sleeping area;

4) Live entertainment - watch my wife yell at me for doing something stupid, watch my wife yell at our kids for doing something stupid, watch my wife yell for no reason at all (nothing has changed, still very entertaining);

5) Recreation available - basketball goal in cul-de-sac (no parking under the basket) and fully enclosed trampoline in the back yard (watch for (2 times) the dog feces when going to and from the trampoline);

6) Gourmet breakfast - there is an IHOP less that a mile from the house;

7) Jacuzzi Hot Tub on premise - not for public use, but it is on premise.

I doubt any hotel in Topeka can give you as much bang for your buck!

Garrett qualified, so we will see you all this weekend.
Posted By: Teamroper

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/22/11 01:13 AM

Let me know when you get to 73 in the basement I want to be #74 and #75 and I am in.
Posted By: nix

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/22/11 01:34 AM

lee you did not mention how many bathrooms we will have or are those not for public use either.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! - 03/22/11 02:03 AM

No problem there Nix. The back yard is for public use with a six foot privacy fence all the way around. One word of advice though, step lightly around the doggy glitch mines, and don't trip over the slumbering obese black lab because you might stir up the spazzoid German Shepherd pup who just might take a bite out of anything that moves.
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