Kansas Wrestling

Remembering Tyler Graebner

Posted By: Mike Furches

Remembering Tyler Graebner - 03/23/12 12:23 AM

I don't post here nearly as much as I used to for a lot of reasons, most not what people think, but this year, as you enter Kids State I want you to think about this article I wrote some years ago, almost 5 to the day. Realize, your children are a precious commodity that you have the honor to love and serve. There are many young wrestlers and families who never knew or heard of Tyler but he was a hero in my book, in the truest sense of the word. Read the article, google his name, and realize the contribution this little 8/9 year old little boy had on wrestling across not just Kansas, but the United States, and ultimately, the world - Tyler Graebner http://thevirtualpew.blogspot.com/2007/04/35-minutes-god-gave-me-with-little-boy.html
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Remembering Tyler Graebner - 03/23/12 01:16 AM

Here are a few memories from that day, I do not have the pictures of the shoes being retired for some reason. Edit I did find the picture and have attached it.

These are the "tag team" teams and pictures from that day.

Team 1
Andrew Gossett Buhler
Denis Fairleigh Pratt
Courtney Nightengale Cimarron
Coach Eric Akin

Team 2
Curtis Chenoweth Clearwater
Cole Caylor Clearwater
Alex Ryan Russell
Coach Aaron "The Swayz" Sweazy

Posted By: Mike Furches

Re: Remembering Tyler Graebner - 03/23/12 01:25 AM

I've often heard of 'the video' and honestly have never seen it, but would love to have a copy if it ever did exist. The look on the faces of the kids and the fun, yet great wrestling on the mat paid tribute to Tyler. Thanks for posting the photos Alex, it brings back great and touching memories.
Posted By: Diana

Re: Remembering Tyler Graebner - 03/26/12 02:26 PM

Thank you for sharing this. I had not seen it before being a new member to the forum talk. I write inspirationally and share my work, including wrestling poems encouraging a walk with God and good sportsmanship in wrestling win or lose. I work around the state with this as my own son wrestles. I see and hear much to inspire me to write and God gives me the words to share and the courage to stand in front of the crowd for him. I would have loved to know Tyler, what a inspiration! I'm glad God put you there for him. God Bless!
Diana Winters, author of The Wrestlers Prayer, The Wrestlers Guide, and most recently released The Battle, wrestling poems.
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