Kansas Wrestling

Haysville mat slapping??

Posted By: crossface2

Haysville mat slapping?? - 03/28/05 05:48 PM

Did anyone else have a problem with Haysville team members mat slapping to earn a point for locked hands. (I don't know what else to call it.). When both wrestlers make it to their feet and the Haysville wrestler is trying to escape he will lower his level and smack the mat with both hands begging for locked hands over and over again. I did see them credited with points several times this weekend and during the season. Some refs go for it and some do not. No way are the supporting weight with the hands but I guess some refs consider the wrestler back in the down position when the hands make the quick slap on the mat. The coaches are sidelines BEGGING for locked hands and making the same gester with both hands to the mat.

At the 6 and under Championship in Ottawa they did the same thing and end up winning the finals match with the Haysville slap twice in the same match in the 3rd round to win the match against a Great kid from Pittsburgh.

Should this be allowed to be considered a point for locked hands if the hands are not bearing the weight of the body or is it a CHICKEN XXXX way to Coach the kids?
Posted By: Nigel Isom

Re: Haysville mat slapping?? - 03/28/05 06:05 PM

Dear Crossface, NFHS rule 5-28-2 specifically outlines a situation where a wrestler repeatedly drops to one KNEE to break lock hands as Unsportsmanlike Conduct and is to be penalized as such. The rule book does not however out line touching the mat as a way to break locked hands, however if in the opinion of the referee a contestant is "slapping" the mat to gain a locked hands call, the referee is not required to award a lock hands call. This is where it becomes tricky though. In order for the referee to not award the lock hands call he has to make the determination that the wrestler who is being controlled (the bottom guy) is not using his hands to support his weight. If this is the case then it would be locked hand. However if all he is doing is briefly slapping the mat in an effort to break the hands, then it will be a judgement call as to whether the official wants to award or not. Remembering the the object of the lock hands call is to keep a wrestler in control from gaining an extra advantage. If I were the official out on that mat and this happened I would recognize the fact that the wrestler was just trying to get this call awarded to him/her, and if they were not supporting weight on their hands I would not call it.
Posted By: averagejoe_2005

Re: Haysville mat slapping?? - 03/28/05 08:31 PM

I think I saw the match in Ottawa mentioned above, probably 49lbs finals. The short heavy set Haysville coach was so proud of the tatic of hands on the mat he tried to go to the opposing teams supporters and brag or explain why they won. We were not close enough to hear anything but I don't think Pittsburg team was impressed or interested.

Haysville, how much time do you spend at each practice on the MOVE? :rolleyes:
Posted By: Chase

Re: Haysville mat slapping?? - 03/28/05 08:35 PM

Yea I've had a similar situation like that when I was wrestling my old friend Knox at the Goddard Tourney. Except he just dropped to a knee and pointed to my hands and was awarded a point...not exactly my style but its free points....
Posted By: Chase

Re: Haysville mat slapping?? - 03/28/05 08:36 PM

Theres always loop-holes...
Posted By: XGHSWC

Re: Haysville mat slapping?? - 03/28/05 09:11 PM

My understanding is that it is unsportsmanlike conduct and should be called as such.
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