Kansas Wrestling

!!! RING WORM !!!

Posted By: Anonymous

!!! RING WORM !!! - 10/24/12 12:20 PM

It's your responsibility to make sure your kids are taking a shower and using soap every night after practice. My kids aren't allowed to sit around on the furniture or sit on their beds or do anything until they hit the shower. About once a month I'll even hit the seats in the car with Lysol.
When the kids are done wrestling they take their shoes off and throw them in their wrestling bag with everything else. It would be a good idea to spray your shoes and head gear down (lysol disinfectant) along with everything in your bag at least once a week.
And whatever you do don't hide your kids ringworm with tape, bandages, tattoos,....... and send him to practice. Some kids can get ringworm just by looking at it.
Don't be afraid to remind the coaches to have regular skin checks. With all that money they make (LOL) their not gonna mind spending a couple extra minutes of practice time checking the kids for worms. BE RESPONSIBLE AND HELP OUR KIDS "FIGHT THE WORMS".

If you would like to share some tips on combating worms please leave your suggestions


Posted By: jamesrenfro

Re: !!! RING WORM !!! - 10/24/12 07:29 PM

Wash work out gear-DAILY.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: !!! RING WORM !!! - 10/24/12 08:45 PM

Be on the lookout for early signs of impetigo too. When this skin disease takes off, it gets pretty darn ugly (swelling, blisters / sores, puss, etc. Staph infection is another one to be leery of.

In addition to making sure your wrestler hits the shower or bath as soon as they get home, it is a good idea to do skin check at home too and point out any concerns to coaches at the start of a practice (most of them should have a pretty good idea what looks suspect and what looks like a normal abrasion / pinch mark). If it looks suspect to you, don't wait for the next practice, get them in to see the doctor as soon as you can.
Posted By: meb

Re: !!! RING WORM !!! - 10/24/12 11:55 PM

Once wrestling starts, if we see any spot, red dot or anything, we instantly put medication on it. Keep putting the medication on for at least a week after it disappears. Also, don't try to cheat and use bleach! Get medication that works! Put it on for at least a week after the entire ringworm is gone.
Posted By: Spexy

Re: !!! RING WORM !!! - 10/26/12 11:31 PM

Ringworm sucks!!

Clean wrestling mats is key. Bleach or disinfect them nightly. It grows in high moisture levels, hence high heat rooms. If you do get it DO NOT USE AN ANTIFUNGAL CREAM. Call your Dr. And get a prescription cream. If in your scalp it takes a prescription pill.

Trust me I've done both. Skin 48hrs with prescription cream no contiguous. Scalp up too 1 to 2 weeks.

Be safe everyone.
Posted By: in it to win it

Re: !!! RING WORM !!! - 10/27/12 08:26 PM

Please keep in mind that griseofulvin (Antifungal) when taken by mouth can cause liver enzymes to be elevated and should be prescribed by a provider that has your best intetest at hand and should be used cautiously in the pediatric population. yes, ringworm is CONTAGIOUS in sweat therefore tinea capitus is best treated with oral antifungals.
As for athletes if you see something "suspicious, Say Something". I, like most everyone has seen so many cover-up attempts......take care of your skin! Promptly clean your skin with an antibacterial soap and of course there are many other OTC products available. and No tinea pedis not in the same realm as tinea corporis or tinea capitus.
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