Kansas Wrestling


Posted By: annonymous_statechamp

130 - 02/15/05 02:11 PM

who is good at 14&under 130
Posted By: mom4

Re: 130 - 02/15/05 03:22 PM

I haven't heard of either one of them. Where have they wrestled?
Posted By: luv2whoop

Re: 130 - 02/15/05 03:44 PM

Hard to say at this point. We'll all get a better picture at high school regionals and then at the Classic when we see these guys dropping weights to kids wrestling. As far as who has been doing good in kids currently, just check results from past tournaments. I'm eager to find out as well!!
Posted By: Scott Fausset

Re: 130 - 02/15/05 05:14 PM

Jury is still out, no one has won them all so far, but contenders include: Zach White, Collin Wittmeyer, Collin Busby, Quinton Ford ...

Best bet - any freshman who has done well against high school opponents.

12U will be interesting as well, some very good prospects.
Posted By: mom4

Re: 130 - 02/15/05 08:50 PM

First of all-I thought Zach White was from Oklahoma. Anyway, that is what he told us when we wrestled against him in Salina. Second, how can anyone predict this without knowing all of the kids from across Kansas? It could be wide open. A kid that no one has heard about might come down from high school or it may be a person who goes under the radar. Have you seen anyone other than people from Eastern Kansas?
Posted By: Scott Fausset

Re: 130 - 02/15/05 08:59 PM

Sorry, you're correct, Zack is out of state. And yes, I have seen several others...at national tournaments.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: 130 - 02/15/05 09:17 PM

Wittmeyer is Missouri and White is Oklahoma. Ford is 14/125...
Posted By: mom4

Re: 130 - 02/16/05 12:56 PM

Jess has not been all over the state. He and I both know that he has not seen the best in state and will not until sub-district, district and state. People in western Kansas with a HISTORY of great wrestling are not even in kids federation yet due to junior high wrestling starting later. And just look at how many stud wrestlers that are freshman in high school at this weight. Realistic, he has a good shot at placing but where is up to him. He beat Wittmeyer at Salina pretty easily (pin). White beat Jess pretty easily (points). Not all of the studs go to National tournaments due to cost and other obligations.
Posted By: parkwayred

Re: 130 - 02/16/05 01:53 PM

Watch out for the 119lbs. and 125lbs freshman that come in from Varsity high school programs. These will be the guys that make the waves at kids state. If you see one of these young "MEN" that place at these two weights at HS State beware. It is hard for a middle school "KID" to hang with these guys. Good luck to all and keep your eyes on the HS regional results.
Posted By: luv2whoop

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 12:44 AM

Rest assured that Dist. II will be stocked with
an excellent bunch at the 115, 120, 125, 130, &
135 lb. classes. That's makes more for a good
sub and district tournament to watch.

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 04:35 AM

The best in the State usually don't wrestle much in the State. Especially the middle school age. There's too many National level tournaments in driving distance to hook up with the best of the best. Check the national tournaments results for these level of wrestlers from Kansas.
Posted By: mom4

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 12:54 PM

I am sorry. I made a mistake. Jess did not easily win against Wittmeyer. I had him mistaken for another kid with a similiar name. Wittmeyer lost against Zach White at Salina. I am sorry for the confusion. With this age group, you never know until you show up who you are going to meet. And you never really know how you will do against them because chances are, you have not wrestled them before. Good luck to everyone.
Posted By: Scott Fausset

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 01:49 PM

So true, TAKE IT2 THEMAT. We were given the same advice...made sense...we traveled around...found it to be VERY true. That was my point earlier in the stream.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 02:49 PM

Mrs. Lemon,

You must be thinking of Andrew Whitmore from BCWC. Wittmeyer is from Park Hill, MO and Jess would have a rough time with him and Kellen Bounus who placed 1 and 2 at 14/125 in Salina.
Bounus and Wittmeyer would beat Zach White from Woodward, OK.

P.S. It was good to see Jess with a Sooner hat on. I knew I liked that kid.

Eric Johnson
Renegades Head Coach
Posted By: letswrsl

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 03:00 PM


What makes you so sure that Bounous and Wittmeyer would beat Zach White? Although they have never wrestled, there are some fairly recent common opponents that Bounous struggled with and White pinned or teched. Both Bounous and Wittmeyer are solid wrestlers with Kelly being the better one in my opinion. However most of Bounous points come from that hybrid peterson move( it is very good) but most likely would not have the same effectiveness against someone built like White or Dallas Bailey who wrestled a little better position on top than most of the competition at Salina.
Posted By: mom4

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 06:58 PM

Thanks for the compliment on Jess's hat. He and I though (unfortunately) do not see eye to eye when it comes to college teams. About Wittmeyer. He was very good and I am sure that he would have pounded on Jess. However, I was very impressed with Zach White and he did not seem to have any trouble at all in beating Wittmeyer at Salina. Zach was very quick and very strong. I don't remember seeing Bounous at Salina so I can't comment on his performance or ability.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 08:25 PM

Zach looked good in Salina and I know he's a tough kid, but he doesn't have the hardware that Dallas Bailey or Kellen Bounous have. I would say he and Wittmeyer would be very close. Being from Oklahoma he would win the tiebreaker.

Eric Johnson
OU Grad 1987
Posted By: mom4

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 08:35 PM

You know, Jess and I were talking after the Salina tournament and his whipping from Zach White. I told him that he just met up with someone who lives, eats and breathes wrestling. Jess looked at me and said "yeah but can he throw a baseball?". Give it to him to put me back into perspective that it is only one sport. Wrestling is a lot of fun and we enjoy it. Being worried about who will win state and who is the best in the nation just isn't his thing. For that, I'm glad. Now if only I can follow his lead.......
Posted By: letswrsl

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 08:50 PM

Hardware? You mean national wins, etc? Since when did that give someone an edge? Not knocking Bounous but has he ever wrestled Dallas Bailey? If so, how did he do? I would guess that he would not even be close to the same level as Dallas. As for White, he is a determined and mentally tough competitor that is a little slower maturing than others in the same age group but closely the gap quickly both physically and technique wise. He also is a serious football player and will have a hard time choosing between the two some day.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: 130 - 02/17/05 09:10 PM

Nottoday..... I never compared Dallas to Bounous in my previous post. I would say that Dallas is better. Since when did hardware give you an edge? Since the beginning of time. You actually have to "edge" out others to earn the hardware. This is not a slam on White. I'm sure he's a great athlete. Just not "as" great as those two wrestlers, for now. After all, they are still in 8th grade. A lot of wrestling in front of them.
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