Kansas Wrestling

What makes a "Good Wrestler?"

Posted By: usawks1

What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 08/25/06 01:01 PM

As a followup to another thread ... what characteristics make a good wrestler?

There are several traits involving the physical, the mental, etc. but my thoughts are that determination is tough to beat!
Posted By: nurastler

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 08/25/06 01:48 PM

Having good technique, always helps.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 08/25/06 05:44 PM

It's all about heart. Skill and endurance are great to have, but not very much can beat heart. My example I watched good friend Nick Zahm win state our senior year off of pure heart in the last period.
Posted By: nurastler

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 08/25/06 05:46 PM

I think the funk has a good shot huh chenoweth.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 08/25/06 06:26 PM

Originally posted by nurastler:
I think the funk has a good shot huh chenoweth.
Most definitely, as well as the ability to hit a certain move out of any position.
Posted By: Chase

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 08/25/06 09:33 PM

Yea you gotta have a ace in the hole for sticky situations...and funk is definitly needed..any really good wrestler you watch has some kind of funk/cockiness/style to them which comes with experience in my opinion
Posted By: master blaster

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 08/25/06 10:14 PM

Humility! If your humble youll keep working hard to get better, and we all know what hard work can do.
Posted By: zachman140321a

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/03/06 11:04 PM

i think intensity can have a great effect on whether or not your a good wrestler i have better skill and technique than some of my teammates but they beat me with intensity and hitting it hard every time
Posted By: usawks1

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/04/06 03:05 PM

The intensity ... the battle ... of wrestling is a quality that I feel is hard to beat. I've seen wrestling at the novice kids level and at the elite senior level. Often, I've witnessed wrestlers with superior technique lose to pure brawlers!

Of course if your a brawler with superior technique, your a good wrestler!
Posted By: WOOD_WON

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/05/06 03:30 AM

Randy is on point on this one. What about goals? I have seen kids with goals and they don't stop until they are met. When they meet those they set new ones. How many wrestlers set goals as kids that involve high school outcomes? If you don't set the bar and keep raising it you don't improve as a wrestler or a person in whatever you do.
Posted By: Stormin

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/13/06 03:55 AM

you gotta bad a good loser as well as a humble winner.
Posted By: Stormin

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/13/06 03:57 AM

sorry bad ment to be " you gotta be a good loser"
Posted By: XGHSWC

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/21/06 04:02 PM

*Heart/Guts, whatever you call it. Mental Toughness, Perseverance.
*Desire, not just to win but to prepare to win.
*Intelligence or sense to make proper decisions and remain in control of stressful situations. We know that wrestling is not just for "dumb brutes".
*Intensity/Controlled Aggression.
*Speed is hard to beat, they say it kills.
*Proper position and motion. Used improperly will get you in big trouble especially in a "scramble"/"flurry" sport such as wrestling. This could be inate or developed through practice. Includes Balance.
*Flexibility. Natural or developed.
*Durability. Withstanding stress and impact of demanding practice and competition.
*Technique. Ok, I guess it helps to know some "Moves". Experience.
*Conditioning/Shape/Fitness. Includes diet and lifestyle. A well conditioned wrestler as you know can beat a better athlete or more experienced wrestler that is not well conditioned. You know that they say "fatigue makes cowards of us all". It is much harder to maintain proper position and motion when tired.
Can you go the distance? This and "heart" are usually the deal makers. Sometimes Heart and Desire can offset some fatigue. Can you keep going when you are tired and your body wants to shut down?
Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/25/06 05:24 PM

You have to be weird.
Posted By: Chase

Re: What makes a "Good Wrestler?" - 09/25/06 10:36 PM

yea you definitly have to be weird...wrestlers are like a different breed of people
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