Kansas Wrestling

Team KS Senior Trip for 2013!

Posted By: usawks1

Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/26/12 06:37 PM

After two months of discussion, USAW-Kansas has made a decision to switch their support to USAW Nationals instead of the NHSCA!

For over 25 years, the organization has supported the NHSCA event known as the SR Nationals! For the past few years this event has been held in Virginia Beach, VA.

The thought has always been the NHSCA event was the premier competition and the ultimate test of one's wrestling metal!!

For the past few years, USAW has included the HS aged wrestlers to compete in an event that started in Topeka, KS!! That event is the USAW Folkstyle Nationals!

This decision was not made lightly and discussions about the "trip" were held in 3 separate board meetings! Yesterday, the Corporate Board had their meeting and made the decision to change!

We know that a few of you may have been dreaming of making the trip to VA Beach. Of course there will be those of you that will decide to wrestle in the NHSCA event. However, you will not receive the bit of subsidy the USAW-Kansas offers!

We are making every effort to make the USAW Folkstyle Nationals a very successful trip for all of you!!
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/26/12 09:20 PM

This does NOT mean that anyone who wants to wrestle in the NHSCA National Tournament held in Virginia Beach, VA cannot go. It simply means that USAWKS will financially support a trip to Cedar Falls, IA to the USA Folkstyle Nationals. This tournament has been growing in popularity and the competition has been getting tougher every year! The finalist will receive VALUABLE seperation criteria for Fargo and the champion is usually awarded a stay at the OTC in Colorado Springs. If ANYONE wants information to the VA Beach event, I will make sure it is readily available. I strongly encourage Juniors who desire a D1 scholarship look to make the trip to Va Beach. If you plan early you can make it happen for around $500 total for a wrestler.
Posted By: James Stout

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/27/12 12:57 AM

I would suggest that those wishing to attend and those fortunate enough to pre-qualify for the Senior Nationals get together and make the trip happen even if it is not subsidized. Like Will said, it can be done in advance for much less. We (Kansas) have been traveling to this event since its inception and the Elvins are to thank for all those memories they helped create (along with support of USA Wrestling and all their faithful assistants.)
If anyone has a pre-qualified senior that wants to attend. I would urge you to try to put together a "Team Kansas" for this year and those in the future.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/27/12 04:45 AM

Originally Posted By: Cokeley
I strongly encourage Juniors who desire a D1 scholarship look to make the trip to Va Beach.

If this is the true purpose of wrestling in such a large "national" tournament why are we supporting a "lesser" tournament for our Seniors?

If we want to continue to grow our national presence and recognition, why give up what he have for something lesser? I'd guess a NHSCA Senior National Champ carries more weight than a USAW Folkstyle champion.
Posted By: badbo

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/27/12 01:59 PM

Cost had to be an issue. Sr. Nationals is much bigger back east, USAW folkstyle in the midwest. I think more of the old school college coaches are at SR. Nationals, but USAW Folkstyle is gaining steam.
Posted By: usawks1

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/27/12 03:08 PM

I will lay out a few reasons the USAW-KS made the change!

In the past few years, NHSCA has tarnished their luster of being the premier event. In the past NHSCA has had a very strict set of criteria used to qualify. Recently those have been relaxed and almost anyone that wants in ... can get in!

Another factor is the weight class entrants are allowed to enter. In the past, you could only wrestle a class that you had wrestled in State tournaments. Now, NHSCA allows whatever wt. class ones Alpha weight would allow ... regardless whether a wrestler made scratch weight at the class or not.

With NHSCA, USAW Nationals, Flo Nationals often on the same weekend ... the competition of "the premier" event may have been lessened!

Another factor that can't be ignored is the fact that Kansas ... is an USAW State!!
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/27/12 05:25 PM

Thanks for the explanation Randy, it makes a little more sense.
Posted By: Dylan Campbell

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/27/12 05:57 PM

What is the qualification criteria for the Cedar Falls nationals?
Posted By: lazyman_1

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/28/12 01:37 PM

This is dissapointing. Anything we can do to get Kansas kids less exposure to big time programs. As all the big time program coaches are still at the event. USA folkstyle nationals is not even close to the level of competition as NHSCA.

To say some participants have been allowed to wrestle without meeting certain criteria...who cares. The top level guys are still there. If you can't beat a kid that didn't meet certain criteria then you need to ? why you were at the tournament. The good guys are either going to Flo or NHSCA.

And NHSCA is not just a East coast tournament as I believe California won it last year.

Not true about dropping weight classes. Kansas has always had guys drop a weight class other than what they wrestled in high school. This has been going on atleast 10+ years.
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/28/12 04:29 PM

What everyone is missing is that this isn't an obstacle for anyone to go to Va Beach. You can plan your trip and do it for the same or less cost than if we went as a group. The group deal got you a picture and singlet. ANYONE can organize a trip to any tournament in the country. If you feel strongly about NHSCA then I would encourage and even assist you in planning the trip. If you have a state placer who wants to go to VA Beach (you do NOT have to be a state finalist, they are basically letting everyone in who wants to wrestle just like every other tournament Reno, Flo, USA, etc. You have to fill out an application for approval but they are not going to turn you away.)

USAWKS can help far more KS wrestlers by subsidizing the USA Folkstyle Nationals. It is THE growing event. Many, Many D1, D2, D3 and NAIA schools are represented by coaches there. I have sent my kids to both and I like them both but if we can send 60 to Cedar Falls vs 25 to Va Beach shouldn't we? It is about the greater good for USAW KS wrestlers.
Posted By: usawks1

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/28/12 06:27 PM

... and with that in mind, the funds that we use to support the NHSCA is earned by USAW card money!

I recall 20 years ago, having concerns about this!
Posted By: Mark J Stanley

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 11/28/12 06:58 PM

A lot of good points are being made here. Will has a point that you are all free to go to whatever tourney you wish and I agree with that statement. But I would stop short of encouraging it. I know that this decision is disappointing to many of you, but the decision was fairly debated and voted on by our corporate board. At this point I would like to see our elite senior wrestlers support this decision and travel as a group to USAWA Folkstyle Nationals in Ceder Falls. As a spectator, I can say that I enjoy following and rooting on “Team Kansas” in April. If we get behind this change, I believe other state organizations and college coaches will take notice of our overall TEAM strength.
Posted By: lazyman_1

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 12/13/12 01:07 PM

I am kind of interested to know who is on this corporate board?

I agree kids can take ownership for themselves and go to whatever tournament they wish.
Posted By: Mark J Stanley

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 12/13/12 01:23 PM

Corporate Board of Directors

State Chairman Mike Juby
(620) 663-1312

Secretary Jennifer Edison
(316) 721-5122

Membership Director Kathy Juby
(620) 663-1312

Coaches' Certification Randy Hinderliter
(913) 709-6897

Officials Director Mark Anderson
(913) 645-8438

Tournament Operations Director Scott Edwards

Kids Director Matt Treaster
(316) 706-8594

Junior/Cadet Director Russ Hermreck
(913) 226-8945

Grappling Director Chad Parks
(785) 379-5830

Women's Director Brooke Bogren
(785) 640-3784

KWCA Representative Gary Ulmer
(816) 820-9336

University Director Ryan Smith
(316) 617-9025

District I Director Joe Knecht
(913) 709-9875

District II Director Richard Salyer
(316) 258-1019

District III Director Lance Engel
(620) 241-5679

District IV Director Steve Woody
(785) 626-3309

Club Representative Mark Stanley
(785) 224-5161

Club Representative Will Cokeley
(708) 267-6615

At-Large Representative Chuck Elvin
(913) 888-8630
Posted By: John Johnson

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 12/14/12 12:18 AM

I think this was a great idea. In terms of cost, especially for any parents traveling up, this has to be a lot cheaper. Also, there should be less school time lost, which really is kind of important. Good job to the Board of Directors!!!!
Posted By: MDremel

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 12/15/12 12:02 AM

After traveling with Team Kansas last year to the Beach. I believe that any time Kansas can travel as a team to these type of events it is great! The wrestlers really become a tight group, and have a show of force for Kansas. Randy, Gary and all the board members involved really have it together.

Great trip and opportunity, where ever Kansas goes. Be part of it, you will enjoy yourself. And you will be PROUD that you are part of Kansas Wrestling.
Posted By: usawks1

Re: Team KS Senior Trip for 2013! - 12/15/12 12:29 AM

Thank you Gents!!
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