Kansas Wrestling

racism in wrestling.

Posted By: havid deidrick

racism in wrestling. - 04/29/03 06:49 PM

i have no idea if there is any such thing as racism in the wrestling community and i am anything but racist, but if there is i would like to hear your thoughts on it. its for a research paper as well.
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: racism in wrestling. - 04/29/03 07:49 PM

I am far from racist too, so before people start jumping on my back let me state: I think some people may confuse racism with plain old ribbing...wrestlers are known for their humor, but sometimes, people get easily offended, when no harm was meant...I think racism has come about onto certain teams from the state of Kansas itself or upon minority wrestlers due to actions of athletes of certain programs....Individuals don't need to be named, but when you do a "slash throat" or "crotch chop dX style" then some people think of you as a cocky jerk and when they see someone trying to be tough and thug like then racism starts to fly....I grew up military and never really knew racism till I came to Kansas...I heard the "N" word used quite often granted I'm from a small town, but It offends me and I'm white!!! The "N" word has become almost synonymous with the term Ignorant....if you try to act like a normal human being and not something you aren't then you are fine...I find it really offensive that the "N" word is used by blacks to each other (for the most part) and it's supposed to be a derogatory statement...on the counter punch....black men are very strong in religious beliefs and loyalty to thier mothers...if you say something about their mom...you better put up a fight, same thing about mocking their GOD, whomever they choose to praise....racism is not hard to find, but hard to overcome...hope this helps....
Posted By: havid deidrick

Re: racism in wrestling. - 04/30/03 03:03 AM

thanks for the reply. anything is helpful. thanks again.
Posted By: Mike Furches

Re: racism in wrestling. - 04/30/03 11:27 AM

Racism in Wrestling? The short answer is yes, Not because of wrestling but because of the fact that there is racism in life. I have come across this in various walks, probably more than others. While my skin appears white, my nationality is actually Native American, while my son's skin is light chocolate he is actually African American. The truth is that I hear all kinds of comments regarding ones ethnic, racial, or educational background from people who don't know mine or my sons race. You ought to see their expressions when I tell them of mine or my sons race when they start telling ethnic jokes. I guess this is one of the reasons that I am comfortable pastoring a true multi racial church.

Racism is not limited to the color of one’s skin. I still hear jokes about "Hillbilly's" even though many of America's most complicated technologies were created by people from the South. Or what about derogatory comments between people who live in the city and those who live in the country? The truth is, is that racism is ignorance or stupidity, and that we all need to recognize our equality in the eyes of God.

Frankly, that is one of the good things about wrestling, each person gets to prove their worth, or lack thereof by the way they wrestle and act, whether they win or loose. Unfortunately, many are ignorant as to the customs, traditions, and cultures of various groups of people. I firmly believe that for that reason, not necessarily racism or prejudice, that many are critical of teams like Hard Knox in Kansas, or Pin Kings in Oklahoma. If making the effort to get to know the coaches and wrestlers I think many will find a different type of person than they expect. I grew up in the projects around African American's more than around whites, I have found myself able to "rib" and kid around with many coaches and wrestlers from teams mentioned above. I have personally come to enjoy my relationship with many of these coaches and wrestlers I see people become critical of them, sometimes for justified reasons maybe, but many times, just because those teams may have black coaches or wrestlers. If people were honest about it they would recognize that they come down on these teams more than others and that is evident by their lack of criticism of wrestlers or coaches who are White and behave the same way.

The big question is, what do you do about racism? I have concluded that you have to live your life to the fullest and recognize that those who choose to remain ignorant are the ones who are loosing out. I believe one must also be willing to confront racism when they see it, hear it, or experience it, no matter who it is that is making the comments, red yellow, black, white or any mixture thereof. This for me, includes the need to quit playing race cards when a persons race has nothing to do with their behavior, again I have heard it from all sides. I firmly believe that if more people did these things that those who are racist would learn to at least be silent.
Posted By: Nigel Isom

Re: racism in wrestling. - 05/01/03 12:29 AM

In all honesty I don't think I've ever heard anything racist going on in the wrestling ranks for as long as I can remember but that doens't mean it doens't happen. The only think I could think of is peoples perception of TOHK when they associate them with bad behavior. But I've never heard someone say something like "Oh that black kid just kicked my child butt!" or anything like that
Posted By: havid deidrick

Re: racism in wrestling. - 05/01/03 03:24 PM

yeah, thats the stuff i was talkin bout. ive never seen it either and that is good. i think nearly all wrestlers and parents respect each other enough to keep racist comments away from the sport and that is a good thing. racism isnt a problem in the sport but it seems alot of people have a perceptoin of this sport being "gay". we discussed this in another topic. the "gay" issue gives the sport a black eye and that could be our biggest enemy.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: racism in wrestling. - 05/09/03 04:07 PM

Having spent most of my coaching career coaching predominantly black teams, we saw and heard our share of "stuff". We went a lot of places where they put off duty cops behind our bench to "maintain security". I don't know if any of you were around when I was at Schlagle but our kids never ever were a problem anywhere we went and we went all over the state in those days. We nearly walked out of a duel one night over that armed security guard deal. There were some perceptions that because our kids were black that they were inherently stallers, ie; lazy. We had people in several gyms just sit and stare at our kids like they were looking at someone from another planet, referees make comments about "your type of kids", when we had some of the finest kids anywhere in the state. Anyone that doesn't think wrestling mirrors every other facet of society has their head up there hind end. It's everywhere. We never let it affect us in anyway, and truth be told it probably bothered me more than it did them, they were used to it. Now isn't that sad....
Posted By: Prant Garker

Re: racism in wrestling. - 05/09/03 09:45 PM

I agree with Westphal. I don't coach a predominantly black team, and Manhattan isn't exactly known for its high African American population, but I definitely think there is racism in the sport. We have to face it that Kansas isn't the most enlightened state in the US, and that that kind of stuff is going on.

By the same token I'm not saying that it's rampant by any means. I just know that when there are guys in the puff-puff-give circle from other teams (or even my own team), there is some racist stuff that goes on. I'm sure it's like that all over the country, but I think it definitely exists on a higher level than it should.
Posted By: Les Brown

Re: racism in wrestling. - 05/10/03 11:57 AM

Ask the state's three junior college coaches if they feel as though they have ever experienced a racially biased official at a national tournament.

Two of the state's teams were on the short end of match deciding calls - one of which was in the championship semifinals - and several other questionable calls. Each involved the same official.

The appearance of racial bias was such that the lead official actually agreed to adjust the officiating rotation in the championship finals to keep an individual from refereeing certain matches in the finals.

At least one of the coaches later received a letter from the lead official that expressed regret over the situation.

The perception of missed or questionable calls during an event is a given because the desired outcome of a missed call is subjective to the observer's interests.

But repeated instances involving one specific referee through out two days of wrestling seems much more than a that.

In my opinion, its unfortunate, but racial bias is out there.
Posted By: CoachEd

Re: racism in wrestling. - 05/12/03 01:38 AM

Mr. Westphal,

My name is coach Ed and I read your message. I try to stay off this forum as much as possible, but my wife pointed it out to me. First off I am black and Racism and Prejudice does very much so exist but not only white on black,red or yellow. One of the biggest problems i experience is black on black prejudice. I know it sounds funny but it has been a very prevalant problem since the beginning of slavery. I can handle white on black because you know its out of ignorance and insecurity. But black on black just baffles the mind. Picture this if you can, I've been told I'm not black enough. Anyone that knows me is probably rolling on the floor right now. I know that you said that you coached an all black team from KC. Well the only color I have on my team is from me and 4 half black boys,2 little half Asian boys, and 1 Indian child. This is a team of about 50 kids and to top it off I Run the state girls team. If you think you got alot of looks and stares you ought to try being a black coach of almost 50 mixtures of blonde,brown and red haired girls from the age of 6 to 19. People always try to stare me down and try to make me feel inadequate or out of place but my God is sufficient and his power is greater than any man. So it is all in how you view things and what you want to let bother you. And let me state that behaivor does create alot of the problem to quote my mother "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE POOR DOESN'T MEAN YOUR HAVE TO ACT LIKE YOU HAVE NO SENSE." This was a saying I heard constantly as a child. That is probably why I have no problem when an official makes a bad call. Its all in how you view it. My last statement is about the prejudice against girls in this sport, even though the rest of the world has had womens wrestling for years. People in this state and country think it is not a sport girls should participate in, even it is girls on girls. Of course America is still trying to catch up with everyone else.

Coach Ed
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: racism in wrestling. - 05/12/03 01:01 PM

Coach Ed; Some very nicely said points there. I really don't think racism affected our kids that much. They sort of let it roll off their back. They have experienced things that make them insulated from that junk in many ways. The girls in wrestling issue is a different kettle of fish I think. Some people have an aversion to girls in a predominately boys "contact" sport. I don't know how I feel about that, and I have given it some thought over the years. I think that has more to do with a basic difference in the sexes and what people think is proper in their minds in that regard. I don't think hate is involved with that one though the way it is in some instances in the racial arena. It is very complicated isn't it? That part of it will not change anytime soon though, it is always going to be a complex issue that kids and coaches as well as referees will have to settle in their own minds.
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