Kansas Wrestling

Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers

Posted By: dconifer

Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 01:58 AM


We needed more stories about amateur wrestling, so I wrote and self-published one. My name is Dave Conifer and my story about high school wrestling is called THROWBACK. On Saturday I appeared on Takedown Radio, America's only radio show dedicated to Amateur Wrestling.

Here's a link to a review that appeared Friday in the NEWARK STAR LEDGER in Newark,
NJ. (scroll to the top of the page):


Excerpts from THROWBACK are appearing in WrestlingUSA Magazine all season long. It's "G"-rated but filled with realistic wrestling action. It's about high school life, too, so it's a good fit for young adults. The book is available at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com, and at just about any other online book-seller.

Get more information, buy a personalized copy, or read the whole thing for free at:


Finally, a book for wrestlers! Check it out! Help defray the publication cost LOL)!

...dave conifer
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 02:01 AM

If this is anything like Vision Quest, it will be a great book and perhaps a movie someday

Posted By: cblood

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 02:51 AM

Have you read vision quest? It's messed up. That Louden has some sick thoughts in his head. I own the movie and like it, but the book i just finished and it isn't what I expected.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 03:07 AM

The book is a different version than the movie, and the book has more adult content and such than the movie but it's still a great movie, the book is a little different, but still about wrestling....
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 03:11 AM

Still though the book is more about his love for his girlfriend, but has a lot of wrestling in it, and why are all movies based on the lateral drop? man
Posted By: Bobby Bovaird

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 12:49 PM

They're based on lateral drops so people like Michael Malay will watch them.

(how do you like that one, Farva?)
Posted By: NurseKs

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 03:44 PM

Read the book Throwback and share it
Posted By: mom4

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 04:08 PM

I am a library director. One of the best books for wrestling has to be Wrestling Sturbridge by Rich Wallace. My "boys" love this book and always ask for something similiar. I too am curious as to Throwback. Please let us know if anyone has read it.
Posted By: NurseKs

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 08:05 PM

I've read it and yes..it has merit.
Posted By: Bobby Bovaird

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 10:44 PM

If we're talking about literature with ties to wrestling, check out John Irving, the same fella who wrote _The Cider House Rules_, _The World According to Garp_, and _A Prayer for Owen Meany_ (the movie version was called "Simon Birch").

Irving taught for several years at the University of Iowa's Writer's Workshop MFA program. While he was up there, he rolled around with Gable and several other big names from the 70s. He ties a lot of wrestling in with his writing and it's good stuff.
Posted By: Michael Malay

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/09/05 10:54 PM

Coach Bobby ill have u know i havent thrown a lateral drop since jan. 15. i have an urge for one tho. lol. by the way the lateral drops in vision quest and the hip tosses were so fake
Posted By: RedStorm

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/10/05 04:01 AM

Yes, the wrestling in Vision Quest was a little fake, but thank goodness we had A.C. Slater on "Saved By the Bell" to show us some real wrestling!....(cough)....
Posted By: Travis Phippen

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/10/05 12:24 PM

Actually the actor that played AC Slater was a high school wrestler in California placing 4th at the state tournament. (Which is actually quite an accomplishment considering they don't break up into any classes). My buddy in college won the weight bracket that year.
Posted By: Prant Garker

Re: Finally, a New Story for Wrestlers - 02/10/05 01:25 PM

Phravis Tippen, you are a LIAR! No one would ever beat AC Slater in wrestling. Ever. After all, this is the man who sent Zack to impersonate him in a West Point interview so he could wrestle at the University of Iowa, also known as "The Land of Farmers' Daughters."

I refuse to accept your calumny, sir.
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