Kansas Wrestling

Who's going where?

Posted By: Coachjt

Who's going where? - 04/11/02 03:25 PM

I would like to know where some of these guys are going to College? If at all?

Doug Hoover
Bryce Bahe
Luke Metzler
Emery McReynolds
Travis Martin
Devin Schwartz
Jarod Vogel
Josh Carroll
Blake Seiler
Andrew Ubben
T.J Stabb
Trevor Charbonneau
Kyle Breese
Nick Chrisman
Mark Dugan
Matt Dukes
Posted By: Coachjt

Re: Who's going where? - 04/11/02 03:31 PM

How about?

Gabe Conaghan
Brad Riemann
Posted By: Les Brown

Re: Who's going where? - 04/11/02 03:41 PM

Information obtained from a media survey at the the 3-2-1A state tourney indicated that Ubben was planning to attend FHSU on a football / wrestling scholarship and that Staab would be attending Garden City Juco on a football / track scholarship. Charboneau's information at high school nationals indicated he was attending Nebraska-Kearney.

Plans could have changed since, but was the last known intention for those three.

Re: Who's going where? - 04/11/02 04:03 PM

Reimann isn't planning on wrestling in college, and Gave Conahagen is going to attend MIssouri
Posted By: Static

Re: Who's going where? - 04/11/02 07:03 PM

I know dukes has had letters for both football and wrestling scholarships, but last I heard he was asked to sign with Iowa. on wrestling
Posted By: HHS_Wrestler

Re: Who's going where? - 04/12/02 01:53 AM

Thats not true hes not good enough to go to iowa
Posted By: skunkkiller

Re: Who's going where? - 04/12/02 02:28 AM

Hi this is Travis M, i have no preferences right now any any certan college, fhsu is interested and has made same offers, not good ones however, kinda offended, but also a couple of jucos in wymoing are calling, keeping my options open
Posted By: Static

Re: Who's going where? - 04/12/02 03:24 PM

Yeah okay , he is not going and he is not good enough, yeah maby you should join him when he goes for his visit on Wednesday 17. I know Kevin Pulliam will be joining him, oh and maby you should have been here when the coach came to his school to talk to him. And still who are you to say that he is not good enough for that college, do you know how many and what college in Iowa? There is more than one, and your abviously not a scout so how would you know who is good enough and who is not?
Posted By: Prant Garker

Re: Who's going where? - 04/13/02 12:27 AM

Static, if you were any dumber, you would have to wear a helmet. Dukes, a splendid wrestler he may be, is not going to attend Iowa University on a wrestling scholarship. Yes, there are many universities in Iowa, but you specified THE Iowa University. (Or is it U of I?) "Mayb" you should stop spending time on internet wrestling forums, because "abviously" you aren't spending enough time learning to put together basic sentences.
Posted By: Casual observer

Re: Who's going where? - 04/13/02 08:43 PM

There are two ways to handle almost anything that is said or done, the right way and the wrong way. I will let you decide which one of these areas the last comment falls under. Thanks.
Posted By: therat325

Re: Who's going where? - 04/13/02 08:52 PM

This is Jared Vogel, I do not know where Dugan or Seiler are going, but they have recieved offers to wrestle. I am actually going to the Seminary. Kenny Brown is going there too. Devon is going to FHSU.
Posted By: Static

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 01:39 PM

No actually I didn't say Iowa UNIVERSTIY I said Iowa, maby I should have been more specific when I posted, but maby people should haven't have been so eager to jump all over me. Dukes is going up to visit a college in IOWA FALLS IOWA.
Posted By: jerry mcreynolds

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 02:31 PM

As it stands, Emery is going to Labette. Spend a year or two there. Hopefully he will continue to do well and transfer out to a larger colledge. He did have William Penn out of Iowa try to recruit him. I would like to have seen him go directly into a Divsion 1 or 2 colledge, but for now, at least this will put him closer to home and I will be able to catch more of his time on the mat.
Posted By: kansas kid

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 03:22 PM

Maybe it is me or something, but there is a lot I do not understand when people are talking on here about kids going D-1 or 2. Especially when I here kids talking about going on to the next level. I also love it when recruits come in and think that they are going to jump right in take varsity and be an all american. Most of the kids going D-1 or D-2 will ride the bench in most cases. For example and not trying to make anyone mad, but look at these examples. Bo Maynes, and Dusty Spaulding. They both went on to what I consider some of the best colleges for wrestling in the country and they have had some success, and struggles in there career. They in my opinion r some of best that kansas has had to offer. Where do u people come off thinking that they r something special. Most of the kansas wrestlers r a dime a dozen. (including me) As for Dukes I think that he would have a better chance playing football. My friend beat him and wrestles with me at labette (a juco) and back and forth in the starting lineup. Not a d-1 or d-2. Most wrestlers will get burned out being a practice dummy at that level. Alos more kids experience winning at the juco level with a better chance of money and success after a juco into D-1 or D-2.
Posted By: jerry mcreynolds

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 03:29 PM

That's true. But I also want my son to get a good colledge education.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 04:08 PM

You have such a low opinion of yourself and other Kansas wrestlers. I am sorry to see that. Kansas wrestlers are not a dime a dozen. The truth of it is that it is just tough for everyone at the DI level. There are three timers from Iowa and Oklahoma that sometimes do poorly and there have been a lot of Kansas guys do well at major schools. Bo isnt struggling at Oklahoma he is doing very well there. He was just nip and tuck with the fifth ranked guy in the country all year. He beat four ranked wrestlers this year so I think he is having a very successful career. None of you are "a dime a dozen" unless that is how you pigeon hole yourself. Sometimes kids from Kansas give Division I too much credit. They have two legs and two arms and they are doing the same moves that everyone else is doing. There is no imperitive that says a kid from some other state is inheritantly superior to Kansas wrestlers. Utah is not wrestling at the level as a state that Kansas is, but the Sanderson's have done fairly nicely. Good thing they didn't listen to the hype, huh.... You really ought to think better of yourself and your comrades.
Posted By: bobphillips

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 04:15 PM

I think Labette is a place for a good Kansas wrestler to start. If a wrestler is good enough he will get recruited by a major college when he finishes his years at a juco. Allot of people thing that just because you go to a Juco you are not a very good wrestler. Labette goes to many tough open tournaments during the year. You will find out real quickly if you are a division 1 or two wrestler. College wrestling at the juco or D1 is tough and very demanding. I think that my son is getting a very good education at Labette and I would encourage more Kansas wrestlers to take a look at what our Kansas Jucos have to offer.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 04:23 PM

Bob I think you are exactly right. Jody Thompson (is he still down there?) has been a friend of mine for a long time. The best part about Jody is that he is really honest with his wrestlers and does a great job at placing them where they should be in reality rather than an unrealistic destination. He is a great guy and a great coach and that is truly a great place for wrestlers to go. Very tough though make no mistake, but if it is going to be productive it has to be. I agree with you totally.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 04:26 PM

By the way, as an old (very old) Broncbuster, I am still mad at Garden for dropping their program and I don't care how many silly excuses they make for it. My hat is off to Colby, Labette, and Neosho for filling that void a bit. There is no excuse for a western kansas school to drop wrestling and it still chaffes me.
Posted By: jerry mcreynolds

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 04:37 PM

I met and talked with Coach reinfrow. I don't know if I spelt that right. If I didn't I appoligize. But I was very pleased with this coach. I met him at Cleveland and been on the phone with him and he won me over. He's looking forward to my son wrestling for them and I'm looking forward to it also.
Posted By: Static

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 07:21 PM

Kansas Kid, just because Dukes was beat by your wrestling friend from Laybette doesn't mean he would be better off playing football. I know Dukes has also gotten letters from Labyette for wrestling, but isn't really considering them. If you are talking about Ryan Phillips 2 loses doesn't determine anything atleast not in whole nother year maby last year but not this year. Dukes may be better off playing football but who knows? I am not trying to critisize you. I have been to some Laybette wrestling events, and they are very competetive and the wrestling team is very talented! So keep up the good work.
Posted By: WrestlingFan3645

Re: Who's going where? - 04/15/02 09:50 PM

What positions did Dukes play in football? How did he do?
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/16/02 03:20 AM


I am assuming you are Emory McReynolds father. I was the announcer at the Basehor Linwood Tourney the last two years and I very much enjoyed watching Emory wrestle. He is a talented young man and more than that I enjoyed watching him scramble. He has a great imagination out there and it shows. As a former coach, I think that is what seperates wrestlers is that instant imagination to make big movements at big moments and Emory certainly shows that trait. Congratulations, I know you are very proud of him and you sure have every right to be. Tell him I said so, I sure got a kick out of watching him go.
Posted By: jerry mcreynolds

Re: Who's going where? - 04/16/02 10:45 AM


Yes I am Emery's father. And a very proud father at that. He has given me many years of enjoyment and hair pulling matches. I'm still in ah, that my son is getting ready to graduate. Seems like just yesterday that he enrolled in the 7th grade. Thank you for the complement. We enjoyed the Basehor Linwood touney the two years we wrestled at it. It was very well organized and ran very smoothly. I will miss it, and hopefully when my youngest reaches highschool, we will still be going to that tournament. Keep up the good work and hopefully see ya in a couple years. I will tell him and again thanks.
Posted By: Static

Re: Who's going where? - 04/16/02 03:26 PM

In football Dukes was a tailback and a running back I believe, He is an awesome football player I think he rushed for alittle under 1000 yards his junior year and was all metro team for a few years( not sure how many), But he is a good football player. Most of his senior year he was out on a hamstring tear.
Posted By: mat monster

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 01:20 AM

Kansas has many talented athletes...you have identified a few. Maybe the earlier comment that questioned the D1, D2 issue was just trying to put perspective on the issue. Lots of kids and their parents think that going big-time is readily attainable for the above average wrestler. But you have to be WAY above average to compete and succeed at the D1 level(not only in wrestling but in academics also). Many kids don't make it for one reason or another at ALL levels...it's a big step up to go to the college mat. I, too, hate to see kids overlook the junior colleges and small schools because they have unrealistic expectations about big schools. Lofty goals are important--you never know how far you can go unless you push the envelope--But reality can hurt.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 02:56 AM

You know a little story relating to all this. I recruited a football player once when I was coaching at Bethel College. He played at Fort Lauderdale High and nobody but me was talking to him. I signed him later on and he subsequently called me and asked me if I would hold it against him if he decided to walkon at Florida State. I told him heck no I would if I could have. Now in my mind I thought he was nuts but I didnt say that. Two years later he started against Oklahoma in the national championship game as a free safety. Now he is a division one coach his name was Millikan. The point to the story is sometimes you just never know about those dreamers, heck they can always get realistic later i guess.
Posted By: VS Vike coach

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 01:26 PM

When you talk about D-I or D-II wrestling you always have to keep a couple of things in mind.
First, when you talk about programs like OSU, Oklahoma, Iowa, Iowa State or Minnesota, these schools won't even return your phone calls if you haven't won at least one or two state championships. And even then, a lot of times they're going to exhaust their possibilities in-state before looking elsewhere.
Second, always remember that the difference between D-I wrestling and a weekend in Wichita or Hays is like comparing apples and oranges. I've seen three-time Iowa state champs go to Iowa and Iowa State over the years that just flat-out got lost in the shuffle.

I've seen some good wrestling since I've been in Kansas, but last year I went to the NCAA tournament in Iowa City and saw the first college wrestling I'd seen in four years. Early on I thought to myself, "Oh yeah, THAT'S what it's supposed to look like."

I'd love to see more and more Kansas kids get the opportunity to wrestle at the highest levels. It's tragic that no Kansas school has D-I wrestling, because I think a place like K-State could put together a pretty good team just with in-state kids.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 01:53 PM

Having been a head wrestling coach for twenty five years and attending seven or eight national finals, I am well aware that it is very tough. I am also well aware that Kansas kids have done pretty well over the years in Division I. Oklahoma State has had a great many Kansas kids on their rosters over the years, the Duel brothers, Myron Rodrick, several kids from Ark City in the sixties whose names escape me now, Oklahoma had Melvin Douglas of Highland Park Topeka, Hernandez from Ark City, Bo Maines, Fisher from Manhatten, Iowa State had Lampe, several kids from Northwest Kansas in the seventies, Akin, Nebraska had Ware who was ranked fifth in the nation and was the Big Eight runner up his freshman year, Temore Terry who spent much of his senior year ranked number one in the nation, Missouri has had many Kansas wrestlers in the past ten years or so, Shawn Bunch is doing well at Edinboro right now and there are several I can't think of off the top of my head. Division II is repleat with former Kansas kids who have been national champions and placers. For our size and amount of kids compared with Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsyvania and others, we do pretty darn good. Hey kids from everywhere wash out. We don't have the corner on that market at all.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 01:55 PM

Oh yeah, I left out Aaron Hodges who was a four year varsity wrestler at Northwestern (Harmon) and Nate Lawrenz of Hoisington who wrestled very successfully at Northern Iowa as well as Ben Coleman who qualified for nationals in BYU's last year of wrestling.
Posted By: BreeserDog

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 02:05 PM

I most likely will be attending Lebette for two next two years. After that we'll just see how things go from there. And I think Nick Chrisman is going to Labette aswell.
Posted By: jerry mcreynolds

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 03:03 PM

What wieght you looking at for next year.
Posted By: Coachjt

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 03:13 PM

I have never heard a rumer, whisper or anything in four years on where Hoover or Metzler might go to College, if at all? Does anyone know anything? or have a guess?
just courious.
Posted By: mamasawn

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 04:15 PM

Nate Lawrenz had originally signed at Fort Hays. After he placed in both Greco and Freestyle at Fargo he decided to go to D-1. Bob Smith released him and then he ended up at Northern Iowa. Thought you might find that interesting.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 05:15 PM

That is interesting, I didn't realize that. I never saw him wrestle in high school we were always in different divisions. Did see him wrestle at the NCAA's a few times and he did a nice job. He had a very good career and UNI and it is a good thing Bob released him.
Posted By: buc

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 07:38 PM

Nate Lawrenz is from Herington
Posted By: Milt Palacio

Re: Who's going where? - 04/18/02 11:59 PM

I know that Matt Murray and Doug Hoover both visited the University of Nebraska this past weekend. I know Matt and he has narrowed his choices down to Nebraska and Stanford. As for Hoover im not for sure.
Posted By: Steve O

Re: Who's going where? - 04/19/02 10:25 PM

I have read most of the posts and find them intelligent and informative. With regards to college wrestling, I do think we miss the points at times, both as coaches and parents. For my athletes, and, I think, the majority of kids, we want them to go to college. My son included. I dream of him being in the NCAA final match one time. Can I know this (he is ten)? No. What I realize now is I want him to go beyond just high school in some capacity. This is the key here: go to college and get an education. Wrestling is an end to this means. Nothing makes me as a coach rouder than when my athletes earn their high school diploma. They have achieved something that some people can never say they have. I want our wrestlers to go on to college and earn those high degrees, such as doctor, judge, or, most imporantly, a teacher. Even though I wrestled for a small NAIA program such as Dana College, it was the sport of wrestling that brought me to school. Sure, we all dream of the "big show", the NCAA championships, but I know the college level is packed through all the levels. Andrew Lee, my recent signee, is at Missouri Valley. They compete all the time with DI schools and do very well. A lot of Kansas wrestlers come sign with the head coach at Missouri Valley--he is an active recruiter. I agree with Coach Westphal that sometimes Kansas is overlooked because of lack of programs. I cannot control that. What I can control is promoting my athletes in my program to college coaches so my wrestlers can earn their degrees and improve their opportunitiesin life.

Peter Sierant
Turner High School
Posted By: TAlley

Re: Who's going where? - 05/14/02 06:59 PM

Coach Sierant, I agree with your comments about getting your wrestlers on to college. While I would love to have a State Championship Team, I can't imagine feeling any better than having some of your former wrestlers call you up and let you know of their success in college. I've been blessed over the years to have wrestlers like the Hull brothers and the Drakes at Andover all who went on to wrestle in college. Since here at Augusta High School, I've had the two Saferites go on and wrestle and Shawn Silvis. This past year, Saferite and Silvis were both All-Americans for UCO in Edmond, Ok. Saferite was the runnerup at 125 and Silvis was Champion at 165 while the team won both the Dual and Tournament NCAA II Championships. I just noticed where Shawn Bunch of Leavenworth and Saferite were selected to the Amature Wrestling News All Rookie Team at 125. Kansas kids are good enough to compete at any level, its just too bad we don't have a D-I team they could all go to and showcase themselves as Kansans.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Who's going where? - 05/15/02 01:52 AM

I sat in the stands at Iowa State and watched Justin Ware go at it with a national champion in the finals of the big eight. All the Iowa people and Okies were guffawing about the Kansas kid who was about to get embarrassed. That was right before Justin got two takedowns in the first period and narrowly lost 7-5 in the best match of the day. I think a lot of people that bad mouth Kansas wrestling are people from surrounding states who move in here, dont have a clue about the history of some of the kids mentioned above and the long history of the state in wrestling. Most of them didnt wrestle here or anywhere else and don't really have a historical perspective on Kansas. You know what I think all of them can do.
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