Kansas Wrestling

Tag Team Tournament

Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 08:47 PM

There has been a mention of a Tag Team Tournament held at Circle High School in the very near future. You would either have to buy a USA wrestling card ($30) or a 1 day provisional ($10). The cost of the tournament would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $40-$50. The teams would be 3 people, such as the exhibition at the Kid's State Tournament. The two teams that competed at the State Tournament will be there as they are, #1 & #2 seeds respectfully (Depending on further review of the results). If you support this idea, or would like to enter, leave some feedback so we can get the ball rolling on this.


Ouscoring Oldschoolers #3
Posted By: Chase

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 09:34 PM

I'd get a team toghther to rue the day
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 09:53 PM

I do not believe USA Wrestling will grant an official "Sanction" to this type of event.

Without the insurance protection provided by the sanction, I highly doubt any school district will provide use of their facilities for this type of free for all activity.

The possible liability to the district from injury to any participant is too great to run the risk.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 10:07 PM

It's not really a free for all activity. In my opinion this is just as intense as one on one wrestling. It's just got a couple of different twists to it. And it's funner to watch.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 10:08 PM

And I think it would be a great idea if we had a clinic the same day. It would help draw a bigger crowd. And raise more money.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 10:26 PM

Originally posted by RichardDSalyer:
I do not believe USA Wrestling will grant an official "Sanction" to this type of event.

Without the insurance protection provided by the sanction, I highly doubt any school district will provide use of their facilities for this type of free for all activity.
I do believe they allowed us to do this at the Kid's State Tournament, although it was already happening and Sanctioned, I believe there is enough support to get this approved. Mr. Koranda had said Circle was more than gracious enough to host it barring it could get insurance, and I think that USA Wrestling Kansas will pull through and allow us to do this, but who knows after the struggle to get it at State.

This is a free for all? We put on a show at State on purpose, it's actually pretty intense but not quite as Folkstyle and Freestyle but not WWE. It was very civilized and I believe that in a tournament only the finals maybe like our match was, the rest would be regular matches, down to earth and all about wrestling not show, but the finals would be something else.

Mr. Salyer you may be correct, but the support shown for us at State may prove otherwise.

Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 11:16 PM

There was a crazy amount of support. I do believe this event, although absolutely hilarious and enlightening, was a very serious one and was well represented by the few that took part. The event as a whole well organized, thought out and gave a great outlook on the future of tag team wrestling.
Posted By: Shane Koranda

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/27/05 11:22 PM


All I can do is ask. There's no charge in finding out if a facility can be used, if the USA Wrestling Insurance will cover such event, etc.

WE ARE SIMPLY IN THE RESEARCH PHASE and nothing more...course there is a need for such a thread to see if there would be enough response before moving forward. It's would be foolish to get a facility, mats, officials and only have 3-4 teams show.

Good idea to start this thread Bronco and we'll see what happens - NO GUARENTEES
Posted By: Nightengale

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 12:07 AM


Pending a date, I'm sure I can put together at least one team from the Gray Co. Area.

What about weight restrictions? I realize you're scrappy, but lets fact it, having little guys mixed in w/ the big made for little more than scoring opportunities.

Also, mandatory wig use by at least one team member? Think about it.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 12:12 AM

Weight? Stealing one from Gossett Schmeight.... You gotta have an average weight....2 big guys 1 little guy? I didn't mind and I don't think anyone did, I did some scoring and yes gave up soem points but it's hard not to give up some points in that style. You can't make up a team, you're already on a team, the Terrific/Terrible Three.....so you can get your buddies to make one up, but yes Mandatory Wig use by at least one member..... We will have a meeting decide on mandatory rules for sure
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 03:47 AM

A lot of rules would have to be refined to cut back on some of the "horse play". I think if we tweak the rules a bit more and make it pure wrestling then it would be great. We could still have the Entertainment Tag (like the Globtrotters showboating team) and make it a bit more fun at venues such as state.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 03:52 AM

Thats a great idea. The two original teams could travel through the country doing tag team wresting exhibitions. Maybe not the country, but at least the state. We could publicize it a lot, charge so much for admission and stuff, and put it all into the fund. Then in the process we would be promoting the tournament.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 03:53 AM

Count me in, I'd love to help
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Curtis Chenoweth:
Thats a great idea. The two original teams could travel through the country doing tag team wresting exhibitions. Maybe not the country, but at least the state. We could publicize it a lot, charge so much for admission and stuff, and put it all into the fund. Then in the process we would be promoting the tournament.
Do it during an intermission for tournaments throughout the state, especially kids/middle school to let them know wrestling can be fun too. Just cover gas money and give us money to split for food/lodging and I'm in!
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 04:18 AM

I'd love to help out....I'd be willing to travel a little to help w/ this, but this summer I will be gone with my job and can't help, but we've got 2 months of fun having.....
Posted By: mike fairleigh

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 11:52 AM

So far it sounds like a pretty good deal, Possibly if the USA guys would not go for it we could talk to some of the Oklahoma guys about how they set up an event, I always appreciated going there and not having to spend money besides what was actually charged for the event. I believe that they have events all summer, as well, not sure. I think that whomever is approached about having the event, needs to have their point of view respected. No one is owed the privilege of appearing at any sanctioned event, and I believe it would be proper to approach the sponsors or administrators of the events before too many plans are made. I am not trying to be pessimistic here, but it must be kept in mind that if USA wrestling is the vehicle of participation that we desire to use, we should not promote our desired program until we have permission to compete. ours is a different venue,And may be a bit difficult to establish at first, but insurance and liability issues are much easier to work out if the Sanction guys are on board with us, and not feeling as though we are trying to force feed ourselves upon them. I use the terms "our" and "we" because I have funded one of the participants since the first one, and have been very positively impressed with the change in attitude that my young man has acquired since participating in a cooperative effort with some of his (at times) more heated adversaries. That is a part of the tag team venue that I have not seen expressed, but it it the best one from my view, It gives the competitor a little different viewpoint of guys that are usually encountered in a more hostile environment, and it has enabled my son to look at his competitors in a bit more of a family view. This is a type of sport that could go or grow, but the interaction of competitors has been really a plus for my son and I. By the way, I was staying a few doors away from Gosset, Alex, and Denis, and suggest that their activity was not too bad.
Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 12:28 PM

I like to travel....just ask Denis and Alex .
Posted By: wrestler17105

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 01:38 PM

i'll be there in a heart beat and if anyone needs a place to stay i live about 10 miles from circle. so let me know.
Posted By: Shane Koranda

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Aaron Sweazy:
A lot of rules would have to be refined to cut back on some of the "horse play". I think if we tweak the rules a bit more and make it pure wrestling then it would be great. We could still have the Entertainment Tag (like the Globtrotters showboating team) and make it a bit more fun at venues such as state.
Keep in mind, if we'd do an actual tourney there would be no horseplay call such as the many ones I made Sat.

All wrestling would be "serious" and the calls would be accordingly. I made silly/dumb/horseplay calls simply for entertainment purposes...right thing to do? Who knows.

I have got the rules basically established and there would be a Foundation meeting between the Commish, me and the original founders to est. specific rules...
Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 05:11 PM

You forgot to include that the official rules meeting shall include none other than the great "Computerized Shoes."
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 07:50 PM

and Bronco Wrestler..... who is now a permnant replacement on the Outstanding OldSchoolers as placed there by Chenoweth himself.... I'll be there as long as I can
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 10:48 PM

Don't tell everybody that computerized shoes will be there. You don't want too scare people off.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 10:49 PM

Yes we can advertise the fact that the Outstanding OldSchoolers will be though
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/28/05 10:53 PM

Very true.
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 12:41 AM

We will have to come up with some sort of pay in to enter the tournament and if you win you get your money back or some money back or a shirt or something. It pretty much is an old timers deal with most of these guys being seniors.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 12:43 AM

Yea.... we don't need anything for winning, just the satisfaction of knowing I did with my teammates
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 01:01 AM

And the really cool trophy.
Posted By: D. Fairleigh

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 01:16 AM

Ya, the traveling trophy is a must. But come on guys who needs money for this? its fun enough just to do it. and im sorry Courtney but your already on a team! the threatening three! The current tag team champions!
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 01:24 AM

Obviously you haven't been reading everything on different threads. The commish revoked the title of your team and declared that there was no winner. So my team and I are still the champions.
Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 02:45 AM

I believe your mistaken about this so called and made up "revoked title" You need to re-read and understand that he simply state there were a few errors. There were plenty of errors inyour first weak win. And....although you are one of the most sore losers I can think of you will still not re-obtain the trophy by any means as it is currently sitting the Team Lightning" wrestling room on our new trophy shelf.
Posted By: Nightengale

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 04:30 PM

Inever said anything about switching teams. I am proud to be a member of the Threatening Three. I said I could put together another team from out here, nothing about being on it.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 09:33 PM

I'd switch teams if I were you Nightengale, then you might have a chance to beat us fair and square. Or if you just replace Gossett. I really think he's bringing your team down. I only remember seeing him in the entire match for about 1 minute. We wrestled a 10 minute match.
Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 09:42 PM

Actually I scored 6 points worth of reversals, 3 easy back points on Alex and 1 escape which would be 1/3 of our teams points. Thank you very much. We had a solid Team effort...your teams points came mainly from Mr. Koranda feeling sorry for you and playing catch up to evade the daunting 5 point losing gap with a minute left.

You on the other hand Curtis, scored a mere 9 points including 2 takedowns, 1 escapes and 2 reversals meaning you are perhaps bringing your own team down. And although you obviously have a terrible memory I did wrestle for over 3 minutes. Case closed.

I'm sure Courtney is a much more worthy teammate than anyone included in the UNscoring Oldschoolers.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 10:02 PM

I think you are forgetting about all of the back points I had. If you recall I put Farleigh on his back with a pretty nice fireman's. And the official failed to give me my backpoints in overtime, which is why it was still tied. Look at the tape, it'll prove I'm right.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 10:03 PM

And don't forget the leadership I provide my team with. I can motivate people very well. Thats why Alex wrestled so well for a smaller guy.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 10:19 PM

Yea i wrestled my butt off, and i scored numerous reversal points, got reversed my fair share, got turned once for back points, but not pinned, also helped chenoweth score some backpoints and should have been a fall but we were cheated and you know it, it was fall without a doubt, and yes without Chenoweth I woulda been like a chicken with my head cut off, he set me straight
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/29/05 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Computerized Shoes:
3 easy back points on Alex
Nothing's scored easy on me, you got lucky and caught me
Posted By: Nightengale

Re: Tag Team Tournament - 03/30/05 02:33 AM

Gossett, could we get a breakdown of points for everyone. There's no doubt in my mind I spent the most time on the mat. And let me know when some of those copies will be made available, cost, etc.
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