Kansas Wrestling

Best heavyweight wrestler ever

Posted By: Anonymous

Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 01:49 PM

I was just wandering who everybody thought was the best big man to lace them up
Posted By: Overtime

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 01:56 PM

Several have to be on that list. Austin from Kinsley, Lankas from Atwood, Doyle from Norton, Nave from Coffeyville, the kid from Ark City whos name I never can remember that played for the Chargers. In my mind, all those guys rank up there and I would hate to have to pick between them all. All cut like rocks, no fat men in that group, all great athletes who were multiple sports stars and most went on to NCAA and/or Pro careers in football. Quite a group really for one state to have.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 02:05 PM

Jeff Boyle from Norton was the B-E-S-T, pound for pound wrestler that I have seen in my 30+ years of following high school wrestling.

As a junior wrestling 215 he was the epitiome of a high school big man--quick, aggressive, technically superior in his knowledge, incredibly strong, with an unbelievable work ethic. As a senior at 275 he did not show as much of the wrestling skills that he had as his strength was such that he simply dominated his opponents physically. I will NEVER forget when he picked up the HWT from Minneapolis in the '97 finals and put in a half and crotch and then put him to the mat. Cody Parks, the Minneapolis HWT was a pretty darn good high school wrestler in his own right who went on to have great success at Fort Hays State University.

Also, I think Andrew Ubben of Phillipsburg who was a three time 3-2-1A state HWT champion should be added to the list of "others after Boyle." Ubben is having great success as Fort Hays this year as a freshman.

I also predict that Michael Sprigg of Norton will be one that is being talked about in future years.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 02:10 PM

Boyle's match in the '97 finals lasted 27 seconds.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 02:11 PM

See if you had been a little older you would have seen Austin and Lankis they were the original Boyle's. lol
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 03:41 PM

Boyle hands down the best heavyweight. I dont think the old style of wrestlers could have matched up with Boyles awesome strenght and ability.
Posted By: Powerlion

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 03:48 PM

Actually the finals match for boyle and parks lasted 22 sec. just for your information
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 03:52 PM

Les Miller from Ark City. Steve Nave and Les Miller were impressive HWT wrestlers in the early 80's. Les went on to play pro football.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 03:53 PM

lol you dont think Danny Lankis and Lon Austin were strong huh. They started right beside each other for three years at K-State at linebacker and Austin anchored a national record 880 yard relay team and was one of fastest big men in the history of the state of Kansas. Those "old time" guys used the same moves they do now and strong didnt get invented when Boyle came along.
Posted By: FAN 67

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:07 PM

Westfahl, While I agree Danny and Lon were great athletes, they were not the size of Boyle. If you remember, Lon wrestled 185 his Sr. year. Danny weighed 200-210. Boyle had them by 40 lbs at least and was just as strong if not stronger.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:08 PM

Lon wrestled HWT his senior year and won the state over Lankis in the finals. He weighed about 225 or 230 and Pickering wrestled 185 for us.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:12 PM

If size and strength are the criteria then Nave would have benched press the lot of them although I do not think he was as good as the three we are talking about here but close.
Posted By: FAN 67

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:15 PM

Westfahl, What year did Lon graduate? I thought he wrestled HWT his Jr. year and 185 his Sr year. Hunphrey won Hwt in 1965. Lon won it in 64 at HWT
Posted By: MO

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:16 PM

I'd also include the Grieve brothers in the list. Larry was a 3-time state champ at HWT in the early 80's and his "little" brother was state champ at HWT his senior year and runner-up at 185 his junior year. Richard just grew a little slower than his brothers (Kenny was pretty good too), but in the end was an animal who may have been the best of the three.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:22 PM

I will look but I know lon beat humphrey a couple of times and never lost to him. Once was on a Granby roll with about five seconds left at our place. Lon only wrestled his Junior and Senior years and both were at heavy. I will look up when he graduated if i can find it. It will be the year he is listed as the state champion on the state sight whatever that is, because he won it as a senior. Lon was an interesting guy. They thought he had a heart problem because of his family history and he didnt actually get much mat time in practice because of it. He was such an amazing athlete though that when he finally got down to it, itdidnt take him very long to get realllly good at it lol.
Posted By: hasbeen

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:22 PM

Just an update on Ubben-
He is wrestling 285 at Fort Hays and is currently ranked 7th in the nation. Pretty good for a freshman.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:24 PM

I had forgotten about Humphrey and Hemmerling from Hutch but they were pretty darn good themselves. There have been some amazing heavy's in this state, really more good athletes there than people would think.
Posted By: FAN 67

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:33 PM

Westfahl, Danny graduated in 64 and I think Lon graduated in 65. I'm sure Lon wrestled 180 with the old 5lb's,185 at the Norton tournament his Sr. year. He wrestled Abbey from Norton in the finals. Speaking of Abbey, he should be considered as a good Kansas wrestler never to win a state title.(seperated shoulder- Jr & broken ankle- Sr)
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:37 PM

No I think you are thinking of either Pickering or Kenny Kuhn. Lon won the state his senior year. he was in the same class as Kenny Gaines and those guys and they all went out together as state champs (Austin in wrestling and the bunch of them in Track)
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:38 PM

Danny and Lon were the same age and played all four years together at K-State. They were seniors there together as well and neither red shirted.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:38 PM

No, I did not get to seen Lankis and Austin wrestle but I was wrestling during that time. I think it is easy for us all to agree that folk style wrestling has changed dramatically since the '60's to now . My point is that it is difficult at best to compare styles. The '60s had little free-style influence and there was still an emphasis on control and mat wrestling and high school still had riding time. Shoot, in those days if you took someone down and let them up repeatedly you ran the risk of being penalized for unsportsmanlike contest! So to compare wrestlers of the 60's to those of the 90's/current is difficult; to me it is much like comparing an Indy car of the 60's to one today--they both go fast but . . . .

Boyle was well schooled and proficent in Greco & Free Style and you could see this in his folk style wrestling. The closer starting position was definitely to his advantage due to his incredibly strong grip--the farther starting position of the 60's probably meant that Lankis and Austin's matches lasted 10 - 20 seconds longer as it was harder for them to catch their opponents.

No, I did not get to see Lankis and Austin, but I caanot imagine either of them being better than Jeff Boyle--I have told people and I will make the same statement here, Jeff Boyle was a once in a generation athlete--Incredibly talented, off the chart work ethic, his strength was such that really is no good way to describe it, a good student and one of the nicest people (thank goodness) that I have ever had the privelege of knowing.

TRUE STORY: After a dual one night I helped the Norton team move a mat back to their wrestling room; I partnered with Boyle; when he grabbed my wrist to lock under the mat the circulation in my hand was immediately cut off; by the time we had got the mat to the wrestling room (two minutes at the most) my hand was numb and blue.
Posted By: FAN 67

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:40 PM

Westfahl, Get out the old yearbook or make a call to Kinsley. I'm sure you're wrong on this one. Lon wrestled 180 in 65 and hwt in 64.lol
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:46 PM

Who is this lol you must be someone I know?
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 04:47 PM

By the way I will work on it here I am on my free period so i will do some research. Are we betting cokes on this lol?
Posted By: FAN 67

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:08 PM

Westfahl, If you're right I will start a new topic about Westfahl having the best momory of any old guy I know. If I'm right, you start the topic. Danny is 1 yr older than Lon and Lon wrestled 180 his Sr. yr.
Posted By: Mike Sample

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:09 PM

Without a doubt, Jeff Boyle. My only complaint with him was that he didn't wrestle in college somewhere. Yea, maybe sometime I'll see him in a dark alley and give him a hard time about that --- NOT!! I did see him playing football on ESPN one night. The announcer said his teammates called him a "freak of nature." He really was unbelievable. Nice guy, too.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:15 PM

Fan67 you would be lying about me having that good memory and all lol. In this case Lon worked for my Dad on the farm and I knew him pretty good so I think I am right but hey it was a long time ago and I been wrong quite a lot in my life (don't tell anyone) ).
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:16 PM

And who are you stranger, your face is hidden but I know that wit?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:24 PM

it is still possible to see Boyle on ESPN--he is a strength and conditioning grad assistant at Marshall University , working with the baseball and football teams. In football he is also their "Get Back" coach--the one responsible for keeping players (and sometimes coaches) off the playing field and behind the sidelines.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:28 PM

I am going to list one that while he may not be the best ever was pretty darn good and for sure the funniest and that is my old buddy Wayne Woofter from Colby. He told me before he wrestled Tom Hazzle from Okie State that "that sucker is going to break my legs" and sure enough he did. Only one though. Wayne was darn good though and for sure had the finest sense of humor. Tip of the hat.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:30 PM

And Wayne's son Tucker is one heck of a nice kid--first year teacher and coach at Liberal.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:31 PM

Tucker was one heck of a good wrestler too and he didnt stink as much as his pappy. Course he got out of Colby early and moved to civilization lol.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:34 PM

yeah, Tucker must have taken after his mom! ;-)
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:38 PM

Well he looks like Wayne which is a handicap that he has overcome nicely I think. We all have our crosses to bear in life and Tuck overcame his well. Everyone should have it so tough lol. His Pop is a good one.
Posted By: FAN 67

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 05:59 PM

Westfahl, Yes old Buck Buck Woofter was a good one. Tuck was tough also but not the big chest of Buck Buck. My $'s are on Tuck, if Buck Buck is your age, he won't be able to get in his stance anymore.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 06:02 PM

Wayne had many stances. He had one where he put his left foot up on the bar rail and one where he put his right foot up on the bar rail other than that, his stance is still the same as it always was. Tuck is way coooler lol.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 07:40 PM

Jeff Boyle, hands down.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 07:45 PM

Buck Buck is younger than me I was one of his role models.
Posted By: FAN 67

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 08:16 PM

Westfahl, Was your stance the same as Woofters? Left foot on the rail or right foot on the rail.
Did he ever have a grin on his face? By the way, Lon graduated in 65 and did not win state his Sr year. Humphrey won hwt and Lon didn't win 180. You need to put a new topic, fan67 has thebest memory.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 08:28 PM

WESTFAHL--Hemmerling of Hutch is the son of HWT Hemmerling that you added to your list of KS HWTS who were good.
Posted By: Mike Juby

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 08:38 PM

Both Hemmerlings wrestled for Hutch. Dwight Hemmerling, the HWT, is the father of Zach Hemmerling, who is the defending 6A State Champion at 215.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 08:56 PM

Well I called around to a few people and Lon Broke his arm his senior year so I guess I would grudgingly conceed. By the way I kept both feet on the floor because it gave me better balance and lasting power. Course Woof had both of those going for him in that way also. He was very accomplished in that arena. lol
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 08:58 PM

By the way he always had that silly grin on his face even when Hazzle broke his leg. Who are you?
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 09:30 PM

Ok here is the scoop on Lonnie Austin straight from the horses mouth (Dean Roedel) his coach and mine and a wonderful man. Lon was in fact State Champion in 64 as a junior. He never lost to Humphrey and beat him twice, and weight 214 pounds at the state tourney. His Junior year he cut down to 180 (you are correct sir he said puking in the trash basket) trying to win two state championships at two different classes. He won the district, went to the regional and contracted the measles. He tried to wrestle in the semi's and was ahead 9-2 in the second period when he passed out and Dean defaulted him out of the tourney. He had an enlarged heart and the doctors and Dean would not allow him to continue. I stand humble before you in my shame and resignation. NOW WHO ARE YOU LOL!
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/27/03 09:31 PM

I meant to type his senior year he cut down to 180 but in my defeated stupor I misstyped. sorry
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 02:54 AM

westfahl, just get out of the old school allready. You must be a brother or a good friend of one of these individuals you are talking about, or maybe it is you trying to get back to the good old days. Boyle is the best heavywight kansas has ever seen thats all there is to it!!
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 02:59 AM

You know it is funny, I just quit coaching two years ago after about 25 years and I guess the difference in you and me is I've seen a few more than you have. If you go up to the top I listed Boyle in the group that I picked, I am just not narrow minded enough to think that one or the other of them invented the weight. Just because you didn't see them don't mean they couldn't do it. It really wasn't that long ago when you figure the sport has been going for about 2000 years or so. I tend not to live in one era just because it is the one that I currently reside in. There's been a lot of good ones in this state and they qualify by what they did on the mat not by whether or not you personally saw them do it. Hey you didn't get a chance to see those guys, thats your loss. I did, and I know what I saw. I've seen a few of them in my time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, if mine doesn't agree with yours then ..... well you know what you can do with that don't you.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 03:01 AM

The other difference in me and you is that I am not afraid to put my name on what I think.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 03:11 AM

I watch Boyle for 3 yrs,,he looked like a literal superman wrestling boys. As a freshman noseguard at Wyoming he was so impressive, he was slowed by knee injuries throughout his football career. The Parks match his Sr year was so **** impressive. Kansas has seen a lot of good heavies--hard to list out, but imagine Boyle is the best this old coach has ever seen
Posted By: just_a_fan

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 03:13 AM

my name is jason marsh and i'm not afraid to say who i am and i don't reall care who you are i know who ksu67 is and i know he is one of the best heavy's i have ever seen period.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 03:18 AM

Ah there is another difference in us, I did care who you were. I am sorry if my opinion does not agree with yours. I didn't realize it had to. I was under the assumption that everyone was entitled to one. I still think that. You enjoy yourself here and feel free to be beligerant all you want its free here.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 03:20 AM

You K-Staters are a little edgy up there is it cold there or what?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 03:33 AM

I know this covers more than just one wrestler, but from '85-'86 Chanute had the heavyweight champion each year, and by 4 different guys! '85 was Dave Gossett, '86 was Sonny Manley (who won 185 in '85), '87 was Dan Smedra, and '88 was Todd Brandon. Out of the 4 I believe Manley to be the best. He went on to wrestle at Nebraska and was the '89 Big Eight conference champ, and placed 4th nationally that same year. Makes you think that Smedra, and Brandon could have both been state champs at least twice if not for wrestling behind Manley. But as far as the best heavyweight I would have throw Sonny Manley in the mix.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 03:40 AM

Those Chanute kids were tough I forgot about them. I will tell you another couple of good ones were at Harmon in Frank McClenton and David Curtis. Frank won two state championships and pinned all but one wrestler in those two years of state tourneys in the first period. They were both really good. Frank was the last of the big boys at 335.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 12:56 PM

Tony Lewis is one of the best heavyweight wrestlers in the state of kansas. All of the heavyweights outweigh him by at least 30lbs.
Posted By: mikechurch

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 02/28/03 11:36 PM

I do believe that Boyle was probably one of the greatest athletes and big men in the game. But I believe one great heavyweight has been left off of this list. Jerry Corner, from Wichita West and then Nebraska-Omaha was definately a quality HWT. One thing he has on Boyle is he went on to wrestle in college and earn all-american honors for UNO. Two very quality HWT's though I might add.

God Bless

Michael R. Church
Posted By: CoachDeYoe

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/01/03 06:13 AM

i had the opportunity to be an assistant coach for the 1996 cadet national team, most likely as a practice dummy for boyle and alex haines from colby. i would agree with everything that has been said about jeff; unbelivable speed, strength, and all around good human being. i think it is important that there are a few other big men recognized as kieth blaske from onaga who went on to have a very successful career at fort hays state and jerry corner from wichita west who wrestled for nebraska-omaha. jeremiah beltran from olathe south, who wrestled for ohio (and i'm not sure what happened to him this season?) was also another terrific big man.

there are times when i am watching the heavyweight matches that i just shake my head and wonder what ever happened to big men who shot, or who would be really quick and technically solid. the leaning and stalling that occurs in heavyweight matches is disturbing at best. i am sad that adam vanegas had his injury this weekend because he reminded me a lot of the heavyweights of the past. he has the throwback skills of the heavyweights of about 10 years ago, with the speed and talent to do some pretty special things. he'll do very well as a college football player.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/26/03 01:23 PM

Being a follower of heavyweights I can put a few names on there. I always heard about J.D Armstrong from Liberal as being a stud.Ulysses had some great heavyweights like Ernest Gallegos, Ron Walker, Wes Walker, Tony Lewis. Without a doubt, Jeff Boyle from Norton and also Derek Brai and Lance Lewis from Scott City. Jerry Corner is another great heavy chevy I can think of.
Posted By: Coach Luedke

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/26/03 02:41 PM

Jeff Boyle has my vote. He is a stud all the way. Hard nosed. Tony Lewis for 2003 though. Heck I would vote Boyle or Lewis for President!
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/26/03 04:10 PM

J.D. was a 167 pounder and yes he was a stud. Strongest person I have ever met, but not a HWT.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/26/03 05:52 PM

Yeah, I wasn't sure about his weight. I've seen him before and hes a big guy. I thought maybe he wrestled heavyweight.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/26/03 05:54 PM

Hey Westfahl

Do you remember the night in the GC Invite that JD wrestled a GC Kid named Flurry Kemper? JD was THE senior of Kansas and Flurry was a sophomore (a VERY strong sophomore--but a sophomore nevertheless). Us JH wrestlers in attendance had alreday written Flurry off as pin meat for JD. Well this was in the days before Tech Falls and JD did everything to Flurry but could not pin him. Pretty soon the whole gym was watching the match and pulling for Flurry to stay off his back--which he did. When the match was over, JD raised Flurry's hand after the ref had raised his. A class move that I will remember forever.
Posted By: Powerlion

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/26/03 09:48 PM

I would agree with that fact that boyle is the best heavyweight, but the best heavy weight to never win state would have to be Parks from mpls. He lost to boyle in the state finals his senior year. He would have won state and 4-5-and 6 A. Parks is under-rated just because he never won the title, but he is at least in the top 10 in KS
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/27/03 12:49 AM

Actually, A.J. Polansky from Manhattan was the 6a champ in 1997 and runner up in 1998, and he beat Parks rather easily.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/27/03 03:18 AM

Boyle's record his senior year was 28-0 with 28 pins, i think 28 takedowns and went a total of 29 periods.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/27/03 03:24 AM

I have actually been run over by J.D. and I am glad to say he is a good friend of mine. J.D. if you are reading this I didn't say anything bad about you lol. I did not remember that match but do remember Flurry well. J.D. was named appropriately when he got Armstrong. I never saw an athlete that strong in my life and I have seen a few of them in my time. He was a 500 pound bencher in college and fortunately never held ill will on anyone that I know of; a very good guy and one of the great athletes in Kansas history.
Posted By: Westfahl

Re: Best heavyweight wrestler ever - 03/27/03 03:32 AM

lol I just got a call from an old teammate that told me to wake up because he thought I was wrestling a kid from Ulysses on the other mat when J.D. did that to Kemper. I don't remember that but it could be, if so, I was too busy to watch him lol.
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