Kansas Wrestling

bad movies

Posted By: chewbacca

bad movies - 04/06/04 12:41 PM

I saw the topic about everyone's favorite movies, so I thought it would interesting to hear about some of the worst movies people have actually seen. I'll start it off with mine.

1. Hobgoblins - made famous on Mystery Science Theatre 3000, about a group of gremlin-lookalikes that make people's fantasties appear to come true so that they may kill them. Very laughable.

2. MVP (Most Valueable Primate) - this movie was mentioned in another topic, about a monkey that while being sent to a wildlife refuge, he jumps off the train in Canada, and SURPRISE! he can play hockey.

3. Cool as Ice - Vanilla Ice acting......enough said.

4. The Giant Spider Invasion - A very cheesy-looking meteor lands in Wisconsin (pun was totally intended), soon livestock and people start to show up missing and two "scientists" are sent to figure it out. The spider ends up looking like a dune buggy with large pipe cleaners attached to it for legs.

5. Plan 9 from Outer Space - What some would call the worst movie ever made. Cardboard scenery was often bumped into and knocked over by extras and one of the main actors (Bela Lugosi) died after only shooting about 5 minutes of the movie. No problem, throw some scrub in there and have him cover up his face with a cape for the rest of the movie. Brilliant!

6. Leprechaun in the Hood - One of the chapters in the famous Leprechaun horror movie series, where the leprechaun finds himself looking for his gold again, only this time its in Compton. Look for Ice-T and Coolio, who appear in this stinkbomb.

7. Super Mario Bros. - OK, i loved the game as much as the next guy, but whats the deal with the goombas dancing to harmonica music and toad turning from a mushroom into a goomba?
Posted By: Isenberg133

Re: bad movies - 04/06/04 03:54 PM

I thought John leguizamo did good in that movie.
Posted By: Isenberg133

Re: bad movies - 04/06/04 03:57 PM

but ya the goombas were kinda stupid
Posted By: rocknraider

Re: bad movies - 04/06/04 07:56 PM

Worst movie ever: Bloodsport II, "The Dark Kumite".
Posted By: Brett Shoffner

Re: bad movies - 04/06/04 09:21 PM

Originally posted by rocknraider:
Worst movie ever: Bloodsport II, "The Dark Kumite".
Wait, there was a Bloodsport II?

Posted By: i suck

Re: bad movies - 04/06/04 09:34 PM

best horrible movie ever: The Master of the Flying Guillotine
Posted By: D. Petrosky

Re: bad movies - 04/06/04 10:55 PM

Malibu's Most Wanted

Most horrible movie I have ever seen.
Posted By: Dingbat

Re: bad movies - 04/06/04 11:22 PM

Posted By: Dante Alighieri

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 12:43 AM

If we are going to be honest on this forum, we must readily admit that we have probably never even heard of the worst movies of all time. All the films you are speaking of are _Citizen Kane_ compared some low budget, independent movies. Here are some indie Horror films that were painful to sit through. (The reason I have seen these is because I am a sick individual that enjoys movies like this-they can be funny if looked at with the correct frame of mind...this was a long parenthetical.)

1) CrakerJack'd(sp?)- about four "Homies" that refuse to let a "Cracker" into their "Crizib" for a party that was "Off the Heezee." He comes back and kills them. Some of it was funny, but mostly disgusting innuendo. (Really disgusting.)
2) Driller Killer- this was pathetic. I could have shot something better than this and put together a better soundtrack. As one might guess from the title, a crazy man kills people with a drill. The box said that it was a bit like _Taxi Driver_. After seeing the movie and re-reading that statement I feel like vomiting.
3) The Invisible Maniac- now this was a winner. One of the best of the worst. It was about a science teacher that can become invisible with his special "serum." He then proceeds to watch the high school girls shower and kill the boys. Side Note: if you need some soft core porn but don't want people to know it's porn, rent this.
4) Bloodfeast 2- the crowned jewel of these films. Funny, Bloody and plenty of "used to climb the rope in gym class-esque" moments. If you can get a hold of a copy, do it. You won't regret it...ever.
Posted By: Isenberg133

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 12:55 AM

Another really bad movie, Evil Dead
Posted By: Isenberg133

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 12:57 AM

oh and i heard that that movie that Rob Zombie made was pretty stupid
Posted By: Isenberg133

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 12:59 AM

what about wrestling movies? Vision quest is on all the time and is pretty gay.
Posted By: Chase

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 01:02 AM

yea the rob zombie movie, House of a 1000 corpses was kinda stupid/weird. It reminded me of the movie Natural Born Killers. Both hard to follow
Posted By: Ryan Jilka

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 02:31 AM

Vision Quest gay??? Wash your mouth out. Without that flick, I wouldn't have learned that a fat coach should wear an izod under my junk-huggin singlet to practice. My team loves how I dress. All thanks to the Quest!
Posted By: Dingbat

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 02:33 AM

vision quest bites bananas
Posted By: BKP#2

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 02:33 AM

I read somewhere that that coach went on to become a fashion designer for Armani. Also, you can't talk bad about a movie that has a guy named Gooch in a pivotal role and it isn't a porno.
Posted By: JhrisCennings

Re: bad movies - 04/07/04 02:34 AM

I thought it was Cooch?? Anyways, Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights is a stupid movie. It doesn't really have anything to do with Jewish people at all.
Posted By: rocknraider

Re: bad movies - 04/08/04 04:42 AM

Yea, it actually is Cooch and by the way he has a sweet mohawk and moped in the movie too.

In regards to the Bloodsport II comment. Yes there was one and it was sooo bad. The main character was sent to a prison and had to learn from this cheesy new master who wasnt as nearly as tight as Mr. Tanaka. Crappy martial arts in it too.
Posted By: Dingbat

Re: bad movies - 04/08/04 11:27 PM

you would know
Posted By: ABartels

Re: bad movies - 04/09/04 12:54 AM

WHAT, WHAT, WHAT Vison Quest is the greatest movie of all time. This movie makes cutting weight look fun. Of coarse we all know that cutting weight SUCKS but in the movie it looks cool.
Posted By: rocknraider

Re: bad movies - 04/09/04 05:57 AM

Weight cutting sucks, naaaah, uve gotta be kidding me. The starving, the massive dehydration, and endless workouts til you dropped like it was hot...now them were good days.
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