Kansas Wrestling

Dual vs. Duel

Posted By: bdisney

Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 06:06 PM

I made fun of our high school coach this week because the schedule he handed out listed our "duels". I thought he was wrong as I had always read it as "duals" (like it says in the KSHSAA rulebook). However, here is what the dictionary says:

DUAL - Composed of two usually like or complementary parts; double: dual controls for pilot and copilot; a car with dual exhaust pipes. Having a double character or purpose: a belief in the dual nature of reality.

DUEL - A prearranged, formal combat between two persons, usually fought to settle a point of honor. A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas.

Thus, I was wrong (again). I don't know why I am posting this other than I thought it was interesting.
Posted By: Mike Juby

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 06:47 PM


I've never objected to those people who refer to "duel" competitions; however, I still believe that "dual" is the correct terminology, if for no other reason than it is the proper wording in the National Federation of State High School Associations rulesbook. I believe that the appropriate reference in the dictionary is with the use of dual for numerical purposes, where it represents two (as in two teams).

Regardless, there is no chance that anyone would misunderstand either usage where it pertains to wrestling.
Posted By: KCWrestlersMom

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 06:59 PM

This thoughtful contemplation of proper verbiage surely must put a big smile on Prant Garker's face, as it does mine. Thanks, Barry and Mike, for the intellectual point to ponder.
Posted By: Jim Gaither

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 07:13 PM

Guess I have to throw my two cents in on this one. I agree with Juby's analysis. The term dual refers to two teams competing as opposed to a tournament where multiple teams compete.
Posted By: rdmett

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 07:35 PM

Would two teams duel at a dual tournament where multiple teams compete!?!?!?!?!
Posted By: out_there

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 08:19 PM

Well then lets have Prant make the final conclusion of the words in question. Where are you Prant? Your wisdom is being sought after.
Posted By: Prant Garker

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 08:29 PM

I abide by the rules and always refer to them as "duals." In fact, I do believe I remember correcting someone on this matter in seasons past.

While one might consider two teams competing against each other a "duel," whenever I think of that word it conjures up images of moustachioed men slapping each other with white gloves and declaring they have been wronged. Thus, dual is the term for me.

However, if captains were to come out before a dual and slap each other were white gloves and declare that their team's honor had been besmirched by their foe, I would gladly change my opinion on the matter. KSHSAA--make this happen.
Posted By: Shane Koranda

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 08:48 PM

From an official's viewpoint, in looking at my Official's contracts:

The Greater Wichita Athletic League states duAls;
The AVCTL refer to them as duEls;
10 other HS contracts are split evenly between the two;
BUT...various MS contracts simply call them contests!

As far as I'm concerned as an official...call it what you will, as long as it pays the same!!
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/06/04 10:36 PM

I'll go with what every Juby says!
Posted By: out_there

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/07/04 10:10 AM

My vote goes with Prant… I believe it would be very exciting to see the team captains slap each other with their headgear and claim they will have their sisters prior to the dual/duel this would make the completive juices flow. Let the battle begin.
Posted By: I'm your huckleberry

Re: Dual vs. Duel - 12/08/04 12:10 AM

But if a dual ended in a tie (or a draw, pun intended) maybe we could have a duel to declare a winner. On the other hand a duel that ended in a tie could have two winners or two losers. It would depend on how good of marksmen the duelers were. Or would they be dualers because there are only two of them?
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