With all the craziness going on in the nation this weekend/week I thought I would just add this thread to match Coach Malay's push for super regionals!

5A West Regional
7 top 10 teams (70%)
54/84 placers (64%)
18/28 finalists (64%)
10/14 champions (71%)

5A East Regional
3 top 10 teams (30%)
30/84 placers (36%)
10/28 finalists (36%)
4/14 champions (29%)

Rankings by Weight through bloodround or the TOP 8 on our spreadsheet (not placing order as that is not what Rankings are)
106 7/8 (4/6 for medals)
113 6/8 (4/6 for medals)
120 6/8 (6/6 for medals)
126 7/8 (5/6 for medals)
132 8/8 (5/6 for medals)
138 6/8 (4/6 for medals)
145 8/8 (5/6 for medals)
152 7/8 (6/6 for medals)
160 7/8 (5/6 for medals)
170 8/8 (6/6 for medals)
182 7/8 (6/6 for medals)
195 7/8 (6/6 for medals)
220 8/8 (6/6 for medals)
285 6/8 (5/6 for medals)

Total Top 8 Rankings: 98/112 (87.5%)
Total Medals: 73/84 (86.9%)

9/10 for Top 10 Teams.

Thanks to those that helped out with the rankings (you know who you are) and for any and all emails for catching errors or questioning things. This is by no means a pat on me and my crews back, just a thread of light (or at least something to look at) in all the craziness! Plus I teach Math so these things intrigue me!

Nathan Broeckelman
Head Wrestling Coach
Great Bend HS
KWCA Vice President
Ecclesiastes 10:10