as a public school person i can say that i think having a seperate catholic or private school chmpionship is absolutly ridicoulous. if for no other reason the absolute best competition in the state needs to be on the mat. i am strongly opposed to dilluting the competition. look at all the great individual matches that wouldnt have happened if private schools weren't there. 160 final, 189 evans-mamie semifinal, wood-nowak heavyweight semi, wood-keller 103 semi, arnold-buehler 140 final, the list is much longer then this. take away these matches and our state tournaments are much weaker. plus its not like the public schools arent competing. its not like STA has won the last 10 team titles. plus some of the most dominant wrestlers in the state are from public schools(evans, caldwell, elliot, hansen, etc etc). i'm a huge supporter of public schools and personally i think there may be something to the allegations thats STA recruits, but who cares? sure they might have it a little easier, thats part of life. for kansas wrestling to reach its full potential we need to continue to keep the best product on the mat and having seperate state titles is certainly not that way to do that.