"Why should I pay taxes to support a school that teaches evolution that I believe is anti-religion. Big bang theory is not science it is a theory. It cannot be proven just like creationism cannot be proven. It takes just as much faith to believe in the big bang theory as does creationism. I believe humans have "adapted" to meet our enviroment. This is evident with the heights our our grandparents compared to our heights. But to support one therory and not the other is in your words asinine. "

Evolution isn't inherently anti-religion, that comment doesn't make sense. Evolution does not directly attack any particular religion or debark a holy testament. You should pay taxes for evolution because evolution is real, it happened/is happening. We evolved from subspecies, there is nothing you can do about it.

You have no evidence that god is real (I am not claiming the he/she doesn't exist, just trying to prove a point). There is infinitely more CONCLUSIVE evidence of evolution than there is of a deity because there is no evidence of a deity, there is only faith.

Why does someone support evolution? Because it make sense, it is backed by the smartest people on this planet, and there is undeniable evidence. Whether you like it or not, it will continue to be taught and as the years pass, it will be a secular idea (even though it already is accepted widely). I support it because I don't support bologna, kthx.