Originally Posted By: wrestler1086
Im not against evolution I just dont believe that it should be the only theory taught in schools. My generation has evolved in height compared to my grandparents generation. There are more 6 foot idividuals walking around the earth by ratio than ever before. They say we evolved from monkeys into humans, where is that middle link? There is not one. So how can they be for sure that we evolved from them? They can't! They cannot prove the big bang theory. How did all this matter just happen to gather and form this perfect atmosphere for life. And where did the first life come from. You can not tell me the mitocondria just happened by some freak accident to take form. Why cant they put a sentense in text books that says some theorist believe that some happenings are to complex to just happen and took a superior being to create. If kids do not believe in it they will just dismiss it. I just think teaching one theory and not the other is wrong when there are other theories out there to explain them.

Growing isn't evolution, it's nutrition.