In this instance Tiger makes some good points. What's wrong with expecting someone to gain control over a situation before it spirals out of control? Too many times it appears officials and tournament directors are called to questionable coaching behaviors or fan actions/reactions for one club in particular, only to see the directors and officials take no apparent action. Also, good reference to Purler wrestlers and coaches who wrestle aggressive and hard, but never seem to be questioned for poor sportsmanship or questionable coaching or fan reaction. At least not at any tournamnet I have seen them at. I did witness the events today and I am sorry to say I was not shocked to find out no one was ejected because something likes this happens every few weeks. In this instance Mr Furches has a right to be upset, it would be hard not to take what happened personally. I'll leave that at that, but I think it's time for all clubs to get control over the coaches wearing thier club shirt and remind all fans, they belong in the bleachers and there is a difference between rooting for your wrestler and degrading the other wrestler.
