Mr. Furches, please be honest with what happend this past Saturday, so that these nasty posts about TOHK can stop. Our team has had the upmost respect for you and your son over the past years, and I am totally shocked that you would post such remarks. I have attended the Church sessions at the State Tournaments, and I have personally had conversations with you--I can't believe that post came from the same person. Our team has always had the upmost respect for you and your son--imagine the letdown when he refused to shake hands with an opposing TOHK coach, (the one you have called into question). Please be honest and tell what really happened on Saturday--own up to the fact that YOU were openly bad mouthing TOHK and a supporter of TOHK overheard you and let you know that what you were doing was not right, and that is when the trouble began. Neither of the two coaches that you have called into question were part of the original incident. As a matter of fact, one of the coaches even tried to calm the supporter down and have him take a seat in the stands.

You stated that you have the upmost respect for Charles Knox, then why put out such a nasty post? You know how to reach Mr. Knox, call him--you don't have to go so public. Mr. Furches, you know as well as I do, when you point a finger, there is always a thumb pointing right back at you. There have been recent things done that I am sure we all could talk about that could cause embarrassment--but really what would be the point in that.

LaWanda DeShazer