LaWanda, I did not bad mouth any one from TOHK and will stand behind that. I was with Jeff Harrington prior to, during and after the match, neither did Jeff say anything negative. Anyone who says they heard me or Jeff doing so is a liar or heard someone other than the two of us. In fact I didn't hear anyone badmouth a TOHK wrestler all day, and in fact have never heard anyone bad mouth a TOHK wrestler. For the one saying I did let him come out and openly state that while using their name. I will stand on that again. As to contacting Coach Knox, I have done so. Regarding shaking of hands, when respect is given, respect is returned.

You may also want to check your pm's as I have tried to address this further in that pm, including a willingness to sit down with any of the TOHK family, coaches, and the individual who stated I made any negative comment. If calmness had prevailed on Saturday, and someone was willing to talk to me about the comments I supposidly made this would have never been an issue. There was not that willingness though, even after I tried to find out what was going on. I do appreciate that you state that neither coach was around when the comment was supposidly made, at that point though, there was a responsibility to ask me about that comment as opposed to assuming I made one.

Last edited by Mike Furches; 03/19/07 05:18 PM.