I did speak with Senior Swayz yesterday while he was on his way to the great RS via Abilene way. I have heard he is contemplating a trip down south towards the great Sooner State this weekend, but is not certain of that. It is possible that he is currently contemplating the commentary for the great five 0 0 0.

The mention of the Stuckeys reminds me of the great Waunita and her confusion of the religious association with Stuckeys. It seems as if back in its hey day Stuckeys were located all across the nation. She was telling me about coming upon them on the interstate and seeing signs designating their stores. “Stuckeys 5 miles ahead, Praise God” one would read, then a couple of miles down the road, “You’ve never tasted anything so heavenly as Stuckeys Pecan Rolls, 2 Miles Ahead.” Then there would be another, “On the 8th day God created Stuckeys at the next exit.” Waunita would be convinced that there was something to the religious symbolism but wasn’t for certain until she had passed the last exit. Just a few hundred feet past the last Stuckeys exit was the last sign that caused her great confusion, it read, “You just passed Stuckeys, go to H.e. double hockey sticks.”