It (swayz name) carved in the mens room but also on a bench outside of the restaurant accentuated with red lipstick. Last evening here in Ruidoso, after leaving biker bar in one piece ( my group had to dance for our dinner to Thriller to make it past some guy named Butch) we were taking in the pine nightfall when Gage sighted a large hair covered creature just outside of our cabin lights. All ten boys and myself ventured out a bit and attempted to get photographic evidence of the beast--it was either a black bear or waunita, but did not respond to the Swayz bait--we heard loud moaning but were too frightened to go any further

tonite, off to the fireworks in capitan NM, home of smokey the bear, rodeo, bbq and fun for all, definitely will be on the waunita look out

Last edited by klint deere; 07/04/07 09:56 PM.