Kansas City Wrestling Club
2008 Freestyle Season

Location : St. James Academy
24505 Prairie Star Pkwy
Lenexa, KS 66227

When : Practice starts Monday, March 10th for 8th grade and above. And April 2nd for 7th grade and below.

Times : Practices are held every Monday & Wednesday 5:30-7pm for the 8th grade and older group. The 7th grade and younger group will practice on Wednesdays from 7-8pm.

Clinics : KCWC will host a free training camp for all club members going to Southern Plains. KCWC will also be attending the Team Champions Team Camp in Baldwin during the summer, all KCWC members will recieve a team discount to the camp.

Club Fees : $150.00 per wrestler, plus $30 for a USA Wrestling Membershp card for the 8th grade and older group. The fee for the 7th grade and younger group is $75.

Coaches : Eric Akin, Dusty Spaulding, Travis Baker, Gonz Medina and others. Please contact Gonz Medina at gonzmedina@yahoo.com if you would like to help coach the program.

Apparel : All KCWC members will recieve 2 team t-shirts and a pair of shorts.

Questions/Concerns : Gonz Medina: gonzmedina@yahoo.com
Eric Akin: eakin@kc.rr.com
*** feel free to email me for a KCWC flier / application