
If you really support giving more opportunities for Kansas wrestlers why do your posts have such a negative and skeptical tone? My mom used to say "Beggars can't be choosers!" In todays world wrestlers are definitlely in the begging category! I applaud Dan Harris' efforts to swim up river and do the opposite of what all of the D1 schools are doing. Who cares if it costs more!? If you want something bad enough you will figure out how to get it whether you come from either side of the canyon. To say that those with lesser economic backgrounds are disadvantaged when it comes to getting a higher educational opportunity is sour grapes! Surely since you have been in this world you know what a family has to complete to get financial aid. Surely you know what a pell grant is and what is available to those "with need" versus those who supposedly have "no need". Wrestling, just like everything else in America, is an equal opportunity sport but sometimes you have to work to make your opportunities!

You should be thankful we have a new program hope that it works out. Who cares where the coach came from or how much it cost to go to school there. Until you start giving your money to Baker I don't think you have a leg to stand on with your critical and skeptical remarks.

Hats off to Dan Harris, Coach May, and Baker University.

Will Cokeley