103 5a is very deep as you say Vince. I do believe the rankings are accurate. Kmiec has some losses but beat Seybold head to head. Seybold beat Pursel head to head, and Watters has beat Kmiec and Seybold (and also Windham 2x). There are several others like Tommy, Stahl, Dean, Thomas, Dryden, etc. that are very tough as well. The rest of the year will be fun. Watters has to be the clear favorite. He is bigger and quite honestly better at this point. I would say Kmiec has the ability to pin anyone, as does Seybold. Those three have that better/bigger combo going. With a 9 pound jump to 112 size plays a part in this weight class perhaps more than many others, except 285. The second weigh in Friday will also have some bearing in some outcomes at state. Not to take away anything from anybody because they are all extremely good wrestlers. Bo and several others have their strengths as well, but have to figure out a way to get past these 3 at this point I believe. Good luck to all of them. (just a little more luck to Bo however...Ha, Ha).

See you down the road

24/7 Mike Pursel