The National Federation (NFHS) Rules of Wrestling is the official guide ... Only two (2) coaches per school will be allowed at mat side for coaching purposes

I am pretty sure it is a rule see above or below. From a coaching stand point it does make it difficult to get from mat to mat. 2 extra sets of parents trying to get to and from each mat. At least 2 if not 4 extra sets of kids waiting for a match, bout sheet runners have problems also. All and all most gyms for kids tournaments do not have enough seating to begin with to accommodate wrestlers, coaches and parents. The bigger the gym the better for these events.

PDF] Interscholastic Rules & Regulations 2008 – 2009File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
The National Federation (NFHS) Rules of Wrestling is the official guide ... Only two (2) coaches per school will be allowed at mat side for coaching purposes. ...... or a movement from Images, Estampes, or the Children's Corner Suite ... - Similar pages

Last edited by smokeycabin; 02/09/09 04:22 PM.