Originally Posted By: Husker Fan
Originally Posted By: dwelsh
Bogle is a very good writer. He quotes lots of other big brain dudes from the ancient days to now. It is quite obvious that he is very well-read himself.

Please let me know your thoughts after you have read his book (he has written several).

Dean Welsh

I will let you know what I thought of the book once I read it.


I have finished reading the book Enough. True Meaures of Money, Business, and Life by John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group.

I thought it was an extraordinary book for our times. I highly recommend this book. Better than my recommendaion, David F, Swensen, Chief Investment Officer, Yale University on the book cover says this about it, "Rarely do so few pages provoke so much thought. Read this book."

Bogle an extremely successful business person talks about how we can have more than enough in the financial and material things in life but how we can never have enough of professionalism, ethics both business and personal, development of character, values and principles. He challenges us to as a society, organizations and individuals to work professionally to achieve goals that add more in value to society than our own wealth. He challenges business leaders and workers alike not to just extract wealth from our society but to add value to it. He takes to task business leaders including those in his own mutual fund industry who are more worried about building massive wealth for themselves in the short run rather than long term value for the their business and the people their corporations serve.

For example here is one statement he makes in the book,

On a far graner scale than just one human life, these standards of mind, of heart and of character resonate---as ever, idealistically--in how I hope the leaders of our productive businesses and our financial managers will again seek to manage the trillions of dollars of capital entrusted to their stewardship, putting the will and the work of our business and financial enterprises in the service of others.

I found this to be an inspirational book and I plan to read it several times. Thank you for the recommendation.

Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
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