Shoot to win,
AGAIN, you are mistaken!
He wasn't being held back from attacking the ref. We were just wanting him to take the AWESOME victory and walk away.
He stood there and said "no, I'm not letting this offical talk to me in front of our kids like that. I want the head official to take action".
We all know that once you leave that mat that there is a snowballs chance that anything we ever be done.
The other point that I didn't know was that when he turned his back to the ref and he reached to shake the Monday Boys hand the ref grabbed the coach by the arm to spin him around to finish the "conversation"!
He MAYBE should of kept his cool a little better but after beating one of the best in the country, a ref shaking something in your face, using profanity towards you (in front of the kids) and then physically grabbing you to turn you around to continue to call you an idiot and threaten you with an ejection, I'm surprised we didn't have to restrain him from attacking the ref! LOL!
ALSO, there was an off duty sheriff officer working at that table...
She said that he could request to press charges againest the ref for assult.

Some of these refs now a days just want to whip out an ejection warning whenever they are questioned. He guys, you aint perfect and you are going to make mistakes! Its OK! if you don't see it (and everyone else did lol) you can't call it and its ok to stick to your guns.
But don't be afraid to admit when you goofed! That way the better wrestler will be more likely to come out on top!

Last edited by BLT; 03/08/09 02:45 PM.