
Metcalf was down by four not including one point riding time which would make a 5 point lead when he pushed Caldwell two seconds after the match was over and 10 feet out of the ring.
Should have of been an ejection out of the whold tournament.

This was a blatant show of unsportsmanship from Metcalf. Metcalf got his but kicked and he couldn't take it. I lost a lot of respect for Metcalf.

I was there in the stands I noticed every national champ celebrated after their match and sometimes quite excessively. This is the biggest upset in years at the NCAAs and the biggest win of Caldwell's life. I have now problem with this celebration. Don't tell me this isn't the first time we've seen a flip in the finals.

Here's the real point, if the ref had big enough balls he should have ejected Metcalf out of the tournament. I've seen refs throw out guys for a lot less than Metcalf did. Of course that would of cost Metcalf all-american and Iowa National championship so you would have never seen that.

Did everybody notice Iowa was penalized a team point for this.
The significance of this was it brought Ohio State within range of the championship if Pucillio Pinned or Majored Herbert. Of course that was a big longshot, but how big would of that point been if that happened.

"If pro is the opposite on con, then the opposite of progress is congress"