If we were all stoics, it would be a pretty darn boring world. Again, its a NATIONAL TITLE! A young man's DREAM! And, you expect him to act like a robot or something?

Heck, its not much different than that FL QB this year during the end of the BCS game doing his GATOR CHOMP to an OU player. And, they had spent all night talking about what a GREAT, CHRISTIAN kid Tebow is . . . I'm sure he is. But facts are - he was an EXCITED, FULL-CHARGED and passionate young man who did a kind of silly thing and got penalized for it. But, THAT'S OK. I like the humble ones (Payton in ftbl, Sanderson in wrestling) and I like the showboaters. But thats just me. I respect your right to be 'hating' on the boaters! ;-)

I applaud for BOTH of them and looking forward to seeing them wrestle again next year.

D. Dean Welsh, Junction City
***Dean plays well with others!!! ;-)