1. The Caldwell celebration probably seemed over the top to those watching the video, or to those who haven't followed this young man's career. He was excited and frankly I would have been too if I had won a national championship. I think we have all seen celebrations that were far "worse" than a backflip that lasted all of 6 seconds. If you've never won an event as big as a national championship at the highest level of collegiate wrestling you couldn't possibly have any idea of how difficult that is. After all that hard work I think a couple of seconds of celebration out on the mat is earned. He wasn't taunting, baiting, etc etc.

2. I also think that there was a very serious overreaction to the "push" that Metcalf gave him. I have seen way worse things happen in the normal course of a match. The penalty was certainly warranted, but ejection.... really? I say you are joking on that one.