Originally Posted By: wrestlingspectat
One other thing I must mention. All officials who are working the Kansas State tournament were selected by the clubs themselves. It wasn't like the board members of USAWKS got together and pulled names out of a hat.

Each club is allowed to vote for the officials they wanted to see at the state tournament. So if you have issues then you only have yourselves to blame. I guess I would suggest that if you aren't happy with the officials you see out there, perhaps you should get yourself move involved with the people running your wrestling club, and more specifically the one from your club who sends the names in.

Oh Really?
Well then I would like someone to explain what happened in district 2 this year with the ref selections!
There are letters being sent to the executive committee on this exact issue.
I hate to sound all Bush/Gore but I demand a recount!
Lets see if names were not pulled out of a hat! Heck, there wasnt even a hat!