Originally Posted By: highcrotch
I really wasn't trying to dog this tournament. I know that my very mater of fact way of saying things gets me into trouble sometimes but that's just who I am.

But I still stand behind the core of my comment that this time of year you have to go where the competition is.

I'm just saying go where the numbers are to get ready for state.

i'm very matter of fact too, and can promise tough competition at every age and weight.

highcrotch my grandaddy always said if you want to see how good you are get out of your own back yard.

sorry my friend but going where the numbers are and where the competition is can be two very different things. if you think that the only tough wrestlers in the state hang out in the two most populated areas, you are in for a rude awakening. we usually try to cover the state as much as we can to find that competition.

you might be a pretty smart person but your ignorant, uninformed thoughts and mouth seem to cloud any sign of intelligence. i wasn't trying to dog you, but i just am very matter of fact.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"