ignorant: being uninformed- the fact that you feel you have all the answers, but clearly don't

arrogance: fading, because you tried to retract your first statement

mouth: definitley out of line, not the first time you have tried to "disrupt" a tournament.

uninformed: jumping to conclusions about something,

agree: about competition (somewhat) it's everywhere you just have to go get it, no matter what time of year it is. we rarely go to local tournaments, because we are looking for competition. yet we have NEVER tried to HURT the tournament OR BELITTLE the competition, it's KIDS wrestling.

disagree: go get the biggest bracket, go get your tail whipped, leave the attitude at home. i don't have a plan, i just don't like smart mouthed people, and don't have a problem trying to shut their arrogant mouths, because that's my right.

final point: if you don't care to go to the tourney then don't, but don't bash those trying to put on a good tournament , simply because you don't approve. see you at subs/district/ and state, good luck.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"