I think all of you need to take a step back and think how you would fill if every time your kid steps on the mat they get booed for no reason except that they know how to win. i am an old time wrestling fan, and supporter i have been in this sport all of my life and have been around all most all the older coaches and i will tell you if that was my kid the finger would be the last thing i would do. so as far as tohk i say first off hi everyone and let them be coach knox and them will take care of any iner probs they might have just like any other club out there but if the fans would learn how to have respect for the kids of tohk things might just calm down. and as far as drinking at the hotels after the kids are in bed we are adults if we want to unwind what is it to you. it is not in front of your kids if so take them and put them in bed and stay away from the adults who are drinking thank you
