Originally Posted By: BLT
We are leaving good KS kids at home every weekend because they are too big.

If we are, that is because they refuse to wrestle up in age, which makes me have no sympathy for their plight.

Originally Posted By: BLT
I’m not glorifying Oklahoma at all!

You are everytime you insist there is something lacking in Kansas and put the Oklahoma series up as proof. The fact is, none of us really know just how effective that series is. Is it a money maker for all the clubs? Did it, or is it still, killing other tournaments not associated with it? I don't know and really don't care because that is Oklahoma and this is Kansas. The grass is always greener!

Originally Posted By: BLT
All you do is shoot down ideas!

Well, the bad ones anyway.

Originally Posted By: BLT
You have a lot of wrestling knowledge but until you post your name and stop being negatives ALL THE TIME... You have no credibility!

So, if I go along with you on this series I will suddenly be less negative? Let me think about that and get back to you.

Originally Posted By: BLT
All you are saying here is that the series idea will work and it will drive all the best competition to its tournaments every week.

YES! I have been saying from the start that A series will take kids away from other tournaments. The problem is never how many kids this "all star" tournament or that takes away, it's the one's that should be wrestling elsewhere that go along with the flow because they heard some fool on a message board say "it's totally about the competition".
I come from the school that it's more about the numbers and participation and having fun. I believe the cream will always rise to the top regardless.

Originally Posted By: BLT
Clubs do 2 or 3 of these in OK each year. Maybe they can skip one and support KS wrestling.

Now THAT'S what I've been talking about, and for a long time! I say those kids who REALLY need the competition, to go do Tulsa Nationals and USJOC and forget the rest! When you start supporting what's already here, then you get back to me about making Kansas wrestling better.
By the way, I've thought about being less negative and I just can't do it. Your idea about a series still sucks. But that still does not mean your next one can't be a homerun.

Maybe all those OK kids will start coming here instead! [/quote]
No, no they won't. Not in any numbers, as others have told you already.