For those wishing to attend and participate on the 2010 Kansas Schoolboy Duals Team in Indy in June, please do the following:

1. Attend FS/GR practice in your area.
2. Attend the regional training worksites. I have been told Schoolboys are invited and welcome. Here is the link to the flyer-
Note the next one is this Sunday, May 2.
3. Register and attend KS State FS/GR next weekend (May 8) at Rose Hill High School. See the thread and calendar for registration info.
4. Attend all tournaments/clinics you can in the next month. See the Freestyle/Greco forum for info there.
5. Try to go to the Southern Plains camp and regional, May 31 an June 3, respectively. These are great practice sessions against tough competition.

With questions, please email me.

Tom Williams

Last edited by GT Williams; 04/30/10 05:52 PM. Reason: changes