Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer
Originally Posted By: Cokeley
I think we should be nothing but THANKFUL for Chief Renegade. He doesn't have a dog in the fight but his passion and dedication are second to none. He has nothing but accuracy in mind, no bias or favortism. We should all embrace this and refrain from posting criticism directed at him.
Your defense of Eric comes as no surprise as several years ago, I pointed out that Eric and Will should provide a disclaimer in their deification of one another since they were friends.

Eric attempts to come across as the know it all and expert on Kansas High School wrestling and I have several issues with his attitude. At one point, several years ago, when I was criticizing his rankings and questioned his knowledge of certain wrestlers, he stated he had seen all of the ranked wrestlers wrestle. That statement was false.

Should I remind you of the arguement, several years ago, between Eric and Joe Bach's father over Joe's weight?

Should I remind you of the statement Eric made about being from a certain part of Kansas when Eric is from Oklahoma.

When Eric states factually he knows the weight a wrestler will be participating at this year, when the wrestler has yet to step on the scale at his high school for hydration testing, the statements are simply his guesswork.

When Eric declares a competitors rankings topic to be dead, it comes across as sour grapes, at best.

Eric is certainly entitled to his opinion as I am mine.

Richard your attack, however not uncharacteristic, is not warranted. Eric does not lie as you have accused him of doing. That is an outright attack and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Why do I need to post a disclaimer? That seems a little over the top. I am not endorsing that we pay Eric or elect him to a high ranking office. Should we post a poll? If the majority like to see rankings and debate then the critics will go silent? My point is that rankings, in general, not Eric Johnson specifically, are good for the sport.

I like Eric because he plays well with others so he doesn't have to play with himself.

I met the Chief through wrestling but I am proud to admit that I consider him a friend. I do so because I can trust what he says to be the truth which and he does not choose to "crucify" other faithful supporters and followers of the sport. He would NEVER stab me or anyone in the back which is way more than I can say about many of the other posters.

Eric Johnson has never called himself an expert. He spends countless hours compiling information and assembling it for our entertainment. NO OTHER SUPPORTER, in our state, can even come close to comparing their study of the sport's competitors.

Joe Bach's Dad was NOT being honest about Joe's weight just as many other fathers, coaches, or others choose to bend the truth on this very forum.

Where are your rankings Richard???

I declare your attack hostile and countersupportive to wrestling. Shame on you.

Will Cokeley