Rough, what is your name? I feel that you have become angry. I love this country and this sport. KNOW THAT. I did not provide this information to start a race war or problems b/t you and I. I felt this information is important. Because it provides context to some of the arguments and struggles african americans face. I believe that the Willie Lynch Letter is true. You have the right to you own opinion. The letter helps give context to struggles some of the struggles. I became motivated when I read this letter. Hopefully, it will motivate someone else. (Not to hate, but understand. Not to give excuses, but to persevere)

I have my share of ups and downs, but I try to be a productive member of society, go to church, raise my children and pay taxes. What may surprise you, I even went to college. Have you heard of the Willie Lynch Letter before? Was it taught in schools? No. Did it make you mad after reading it? Well I was very angry, but I know what trap was laid. So, it's my responsibility to let everyone else know about it. So, they don't become trapped by circumstances.

So, do you disagree that a significant number of black families are in trouble, single females parents, many weak Men who are locked up and uneducated?

The government has a role to play. But, the people who affected the most are the HAVE NOTS apposes to blacks only.

Why do you believe that the Willie Lynch Letter is ridiculous?! Because your teacher never taught you about it? If that's ridiculous. What do you think about JIM CROW?

I'm not on welfare, I work, I help out in my community when possible and I take care of my children. So, who is using an excuse? I encourage everyone to educate themselves.

[/quote][b]This is ridiculous! Also illustrative! To quote a character in a popular movie several years ago, "Free your mind"! Fwiw, [b]The character was a black man (NOT that it matters btw)

Obviously it must matter, or you would not have posted it.

This is pure Marxist ideology! Oh yeah, thaaaat's it! We're just not taxed enough! You keep raising taxes on producers in this country, you will end up making things worse for the people you profess to care so much about![quote]

Rough, I can't raise taxes on anyone. The problem I have with taxes is that the #1 priority is not education. Producers in this country are Americans? Right? Then how do you justify sending job overseas? How do you justify seeing children on the street hungry? IN the riches country in the world.

True equality will be the day that every school district will qualify for the teaching, building, text books, lunch menu regardless of the community. (Ghetto or Suburbs) Is that "pure Marxist ideology"?! Or do you think the poor should try harder? If so? Where is your compassion?

By the way....I consider myself a conservative democrat. I believe the government should be a temporary crutch/help, not a home.

What is your agenda in your responses?

By the way, definitions change. Keep searching for the other meaning of "redshirt".

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.....Be thankful and humble.