Originally Posted By: cb
It appears that the prayer is possibly student led but not student organized as evident by the begining of this topic. Also, the prayer takes place in public schools on school purchased mats. As a taxpayer, in my opinion I find it difficult to take that there are people who are organizing religous activities on public school grounds funded by taxpayers money. Furhtermore, you do lose some of your rights when you enter a school. An example is that you cannot where certain clothing in school that may be too revealing or have certain words on it. All I asked is that maybe you should put yourself in someone else's shoes before organizing this. I have not seen anyone address this. Again, even if you are allowed to do this, is it right? Lets step on some people just to make sure our wants are met. I don't think this is right but like I said, obviously I am in the majority and this will take place on Friday. Just think about others who may not share the same views as you before conducting the prayer.

Or maybe you could put your self in the students that are leading the prayer. Think about their intentions. Not harmful to anyone at all. I challenge anyone who is at a regional this weekend to ask any of the students that did not participate in the prayer if they are offended in anyway.